
  • 网络administrative leader
  1. 提升现代行政领导者的激励力

    Promoting of Encouragement Strength of The Modern Administrative Leader

  2. 所以,无论是中国还是外国都非常重视行政领导者公共形象塑造。

    Therefore , whether China or foreign countries attach great importance to public image building of administrative leader .

  3. 非正式组织对行政领导者的影响

    Discussing the Influence of Informal Organization 's Existence on Administrative Leaders

  4. 试论行政领导者的服务素质

    On the Administrative Leaders ' Service Quality

  5. 第三部分,行政领导者责任追究制度的现实困境。

    The third part , the existing system of accountability for the major problems exist .

  6. 论行政领导者的非权力影响力&澳大利亚高级公务员领导能力框架剖析

    Research on the Administrative Leaders ' Non-power Influence & Dissecting the Australian Senior Executive Services Leadership Framework

  7. 新时期行政领导者的素质与影响力关系探究

    The Research about the Relationship between the Administrative Leaders ' Quality and their Influence during the New Period

  8. 公共行政领导者是个内容广泛的概念,其中包括多种角色类型;

    The leader of pubic administration is a concept with extensive content , including many kinds of role type .

  9. 行政领导者发展其非权力影响力是领导者增强影响力,提高行政水平的重要内容。

    For administrative leaders , it pays to develop their non-power influence , which is a good way of improving their administrative level .

  10. 行政领导者是组织的核心,行政领导者语用是组织活动顺利运行的重要工具。

    Administrative leaders are the core of the organization , administrative leaders ' pragmatic is an important tool to help the organization running smoothly .

  11. 话语贯穿行政领导者行政活动的全过程,行政领导者的大多数管理活动都要借助话语来完成。

    Discourse persists throughout the whole administrative activities of the administrative leader , most management activities should be completed with the aid of discourse .

  12. 公共行政领导者是行政机关主要职能的承担者,在整个行政过程中发挥重大作用。

    Administrative leaders are the undertakers of main functions of administrative organizations , and they play an important role in the whole process of administration .

  13. 但是,目前我国行政领导者的话语形象还存在的一些问题,影响到了行政领导者领导力的实现及公共关系的建立。

    However , there are still have many problems in the administrative leaders ' discourse image , thus affect the realization of leading capacity and public relations .

  14. 因此,要提高行政领导者的创新能力必须在具体的方法与途径上坚持从实际出发,激发行政领导者的创新意识,树立马克思主义的世界观,掌握辩证的思维方法;

    Therefore , to improve the innovative ability of administrative leaders , it is required to inspire administrative innovative consciousness , to establish Marxist world view , realize the significance of dialectical thinking ways .

  15. 行政领导者要创造良好的组织气候、提升自己权威的被接受度,就必须提高自身的洞察能力、充分发挥非正式沟通与非职位影响力的作用。

    Aministrative leaders have to improve their ability of seeing into something and make good use of informal communication and non-position influence in order to create a better organizational atmosphere and strengthen their authority .

  16. 二是以一个基层行政领导者的切身体验找出了乡镇财政管理实际工作中存在的问题,对问题成因的剖析具有一定的深刻性和自己的见解;

    The second , it puts forward the problems in the practice of the village and township finance management , according to the experience from a grass-roots administrative leader , and analyzes the course of the problem at length and pertinently ;

  17. 话语是行政领导者与公众交流信息和感情的重要工具,通过话语交流达到相互理解和支持的目的,建立起良好的公共关系,从而有效地实现行政目标。

    Discourse is an important tool to exchange the information and feelings between administrative leaders and the public , it can get mutual understanding and support by discourse communication and then establish a good public relations , thus effectively achieve administrative goal .

  18. 从公共管理者的角度看,一是税收的执法不严格,不能体现税收的刚性;二是地方利益的驱使,使得行政领导者滥用税法的优惠及减免。

    From the perspective of public management , tax law enforcement is not strictly , which cannot reflect the rigidity of the tax , Second is the urge of interests , which make the tax administrative leader abuse preferential rights and reduction .

  19. 在第六部分,笔者分别采撷了来自教育行政组织领导者、理论研究者、实践工作者以及自身四个方面的对话材料,对领导有效性问题进行了一种多角度的争鸣、透析和反思。

    In Chapter Six , the author presents the connotation about leadership and the efficiency of leadership from many perspectives after discussing with theorists , administrators and practical workers .

  20. 第五部分笔者从教育行政部门领导者、学校领导和教职工、受训者、竞争者等多个视角来分析、透视学校困境的真正成因。

    Part Five : the analysis and perspective of the real causes of the dilemma in the eyes of education administrators , the leaders of the teacher training schools , trainees and competitors .

  21. 自2003年非典以来,我国掀起了一股问责潮,越来越多的行政官员(笔者认为更为恰当的称呼应是行政领导者或行政首长)被追究责任。

    Since 2003 " SARS ", China set off an " accountability " tide , more and more administration officials ( I think a more appropriate title should be " a leader in administration " or " Chief Executives ") be held accountable .