
  • 网络Sedimentary dynamics;sediment dynamics
  1. 沉积物粒径趋势与海洋沉积动力学

    The use of grain size trends in marine sediment dynamics

  2. 胶州湾及邻近海区沉积动力学

    Sediment Dynamics of Jiaozhou Bay and Adjoining Areas

  3. α-Al2O3与Co-Ni合金电化学共沉积动力学模型

    A Kinetic Model for the Electrolytic Codeposition of α - AI_2O_3 Particles with Co-Ni Alloy

  4. 建立潮汐汊道P-A关系的沉积动力学方法

    A dynamic sedimentological approach to P-A relationships in tidal inlets

  5. 黄河三角洲细粒物质搬运和沉积动力学研究

    Transport and deposition of the fine-grained sediments in the Yellow River Delta

  6. 潮滩沉积动力学研究概况

    Progress of studies on sedimentary dynamics of tidal mud flat the outer Beach

  7. 硫化物在铂电极上电化学氧化的硫沉积动力学

    Deposition dynamics of sulfur in the electrochemical oxidation of sulfide on Pt electrode

  8. 沉积动力学数据测量系统

    Geochemical stream sediment survey sediment dynamics data acquisition system

  9. 热梯度化学气相沉积动力学过程的探讨

    Densification mechanism of preform with thermal gradient CVI

  10. 长江口沉积物粒度参数的统计规律及其沉积动力学解释

    Statistic Features for Grain-size Parameters of the Yangtze River Estuary and Their Hydrodynamic Explanation

  11. 抚顺盆地沉积动力学特征及其聚煤意义

    Characteristics of Sedimentary Dynamics of Fushun Coal-Bearing Basin and Its Significance to Coal Accumulation

  12. 基准面旋回结构与叠加样式的沉积动力学分析

    Sedimentary Dynamic Analysis of Sequence Structure and Stacking Pattern of Base - Level Cycle

  13. 铂薄膜化学气相沉积动力学规律探讨

    Dynamics of Chemical Vapor Deposition of Platinum Film

  14. 沉积动力学方程对银快离子玻璃中银沉积的研究

    A study on silver deposition in silver fast ion glass by kinetics equation of deposition

  15. 南黄海辐射状沙脊成因的沉积动力学研究

    Sediment dynamics study on the origin of the radial sand ridges in the Southern Yellow Sea

  16. 陕西秦岭泥盆纪盆地群构造沉积动力学研究

    TECTO sediment dynamics of the Devonian basin group in the Qinling orogenic belt of Shaanxi Province

  17. 断陷盆地陡坡带扇三角洲模拟及沉积动力学分析

    The simulation and sedimentary dynamic analysis of fan delta in the steep slope of fault basin

  18. 淤泥质海岸挖槽回淤预测的沉积动力学途径&以杭州湾试挖槽为例

    Sedimentary Dynamic Approach to Predict Sedimentation in Channels at Mud Coast Example of Experimental Channels in Hangzhou Bay

  19. 鸭绿江河口及近岸海域沉积物中重矿物组成、分布及其沉积动力学意义

    Heavy mineral distributions and their implications for sediment dynamics in the Yalu Estuary and its adjacent sea area

  20. 单向碳/碳复合材料的化学气相渗透特征热梯度化学气相沉积动力学过程的探讨

    Study on Densification Mechanism of Unidirectional Carbon Carbon Composites by Chemical Vapor Infiltration DENSIFICATION MECHANISM OF PREFORM WITH THERMAL GRADIENT CVI

  21. 20世纪后半叶发展起来的悬沙输运数学模型已经成为海洋沉积动力学的一个有力的研究工具。

    The development of mathematical modeling for suspended sediment transport in the late 20th century has provided a powerful tool for marine sediment dynamics .

  22. 本文从层序地层学和沉积动力学角度,对西昌复合盆地进行了初步的研究。

    This paper , in terms of sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary dynamics , deals with sequence filling succession and sedimentary dynamic evolution of Xichang Compound Basin .

  23. 讨论了短期基准面旋回层序的各种结构类型和沉积动力学过程与地层响应的关系。

    In this paper , various types of structure and the relationship between sedimentary dynamic process and strata response of the short cycle sequences is discussed .

  24. 潮间带盐沼植物的沉积动力学效应研究鸭绿江河口及近岸海域沉积物中重矿物组成、分布及其沉积动力学意义

    Effect of Intertidal Salt Marsh Vegetation on Sediment Dynamics Heavy mineral distributions and their implications for sediment dynamics in the Yalu Estuary and its adjacent sea area

  25. 海洋沉积动力学正在打破传统,走向海洋工程学、物理海洋学和地质学的联合,共同建立一门综合性的、统一的沉积动力学。

    Significant progress in the establishment of a unified marine sediment dynamics has been made through the joint effort by physical oceanographers , coastal engineers and marine geologists .

  26. 总结了国内外河口泥沙通量研究的现状,内容涉及到水文泥沙统计模型、沉积动力学与数学模型。

    The paper summarizes the present status of study on delta sediment flux both at home and abroad , involving hydro-sediment statistical model , deposition dynamics and mathematical model .

  27. 运用地层过程-响应沉积动力学原理和以基准面旋回为参照面的高分辨率层序地层学理论及方法,进行了层序界面类型和划分标志研究。

    The author takes the stratigraphic and sedimentary process-response dynamic principles as a theoretical basis , and applies the theory and technology of the high-resolution sequence stratigraphy on base-level cycle .

  28. 在不同的古地理背景中,受物质来源及沉积动力学背景的控制,故发育具有不同相序组构的不同类型的米级旋回层序。

    They are marked by particular features of facies-successions resulted from different sediment source and sedimentary dynamics in different paleogeographic background , which become the fundmental rule on the division of meter-scale cyclic sequences .

  29. 高分辨率层序地层学是以基准面旋回变化和可容纳空间变化原理为基础,揭示基准面旋回层序与沉积动力学和地层响应过程的关系。

    High resolution sequence stratigraphy is to research the relationship between base level cycle sedimentary strata sequence and basin deposition kinetics based upon the theory of the changing of base level cycle and accommodation .

  30. 重点评述了美国研究沙质海岸汊道口门及其口内外浅滩沉积动力学与现代地貌过程方面的进展。

    The review made here is focused on the research progress in the United States in sediment dynamics of mouth shoals and present geomorphic processes as well as the tidal-inlet mouths on the sandy shores .