
  • 网络center of subsidence
  1. 盆地沉积中心由东向西迁移,沉降中心却一直由西向东迁移。

    The depocenter had been moved from east to west , while the center of subsidence had been migrated from west to east as time gone .

  2. 结果表明在天津地区增加了约1000nm/s~2,天津是沉降中心,每年平均沉降约7&8cm。

    The results show that the gravity has increased by about 1000 nm / s2 in the area round , where the ground has subsided at a rate of 7-8 cm / year with Tianjin as the center of subsidence and gravity increase .

  3. 中下三叠统沉积沉降中心位于临清-东濮-太康和两淮地区,沉积中心的中下三叠统厚度达2000~2600m。

    The sedimentary-subsidence center is located in Linqing-Dongpu-Taikang and Huainan-Huaibei areas , where the Middle-Lower Triassic is as thick as2000 ~ 2600m .

  4. 中新世&第四纪前陆盆地的沉降中心向北迁移至叶城-喀什一线,快速的沉降作用堆积了5000~6000m的粗碎屑沉积物。

    The subsidence center of the Miocene-Quaternary foreland basin has migrated northward to Yecheng-Kashi where 5000 ~ 6000m of coarse clastic sediments have been accumulated as a result of rapid subsidence .

  5. 沉积边界和沉降中心不断向北和北东方向迁移。

    The sedimentary boundaries and deposition centers moved northward or northeastward .

  6. 1958&1966年沉降中心初步形成阶段;

    The land subsidence centers were come being in 1958 & 1966 ;

  7. 在南北两个沉降中心,新近纪以来沉积厚达2000余米的地层;

    The stratum thickness is about 2000m in the two bigger subsidence centers .

  8. 在大范围的下降背景上,又分布着许多大大小小的沉降中心。

    On the background of a large-scale subsidence , there are many subsidence centers with different size .

  9. 蚌湖洼陷是潜江凹陷潜江组的沉积、沉降中心,其两侧砂体的成因与分布是一个有争议的问题。

    The Banghu Sub-Sag is the depositional and subsidence center of the Qianjiang Formation in Qianjiang Sag .

  10. 准噶尔盆地南缘地区沉降中心总的趋势是由东向西迁移。

    The sedimentation center moved from the east to the west in the southern margin of Junggar basin .

  11. 第四纪最大沉降中心、湖积台地及第四纪褶皱分布呈对角对称。

    The distribution of the most-subsided areas , lacustrine terrace and Quanternary fold is characterised by the diagonal symmetry .

  12. 沉降中心控制了扇三角洲前缘的纵向叠置和发育。

    The vertical overlap and development of fan delta front were controlled by subsidence center of the fault depression .

  13. 通过高精度层序地层学的研究,认为东濮凹陷是一个多物源、近物源、具有多个沉积沉降中心的内陆盐湖盆地。

    Sequence stratigraphy study shows that Dongpu Sag is an inland salt lake basin with many nearby provenances and sedimentation centers .

  14. 中央构造带形成于三叠纪晚期至侏罗纪早期,表现为伸展构造特征,生长断层上盘地层厚度明显大于下盘,并于断层上盘所在的台北凹陷形成沉降中心。

    Fault on the Illegality The thickness of strata in hanging wall of growth fault is larger than that of footwall .

  15. 中侏罗世发育3个沉降中心,分别位于盆地南缘、西缘和东北缘,且以南缘沉降最深,东北缘次之,西缘最弱。

    Three subsidence centers were developed in the southern , northeastern and western margins of Junggar Basin respectively in the middle Jurassic epoch .

  16. 早二叠世沉积古地理格局基本继承了晚石炭世面貌,但沉降中心明显北移。

    The sedimentation paleogeographic feature in early Permian inherits the feature in late carboniferous basically , but the depocenter moves to north obviously .

  17. 沉降中心的不断迁移与沉降中心和沉积中心的偏移现象普遍。

    However , during the whole process , the migration of depression center and the excursion between depression center and deposition center are common .

  18. 研究指出柴达木盆地西部地区中、新生代经历了多期构造运动,与各期构造运动同时发育相互匹配的沉积和沉降中心。

    The study also indicates that there are multi-stage tectonic movements and synchronous corresponding depocenters and subsiding centers during Mesozoic and Cenozoic in western Qaidam basin .

  19. 陆相断陷湖盆多沉降中心、多物源和充填演化的多旋回性,形成了多套生油层系和多种油气储集相带组合,并在空间上形成了多个含油气系统。

    There are more than one sedimentation centers , material sources and infilling-evolution cycles in the depression lake basin , resulting in multiple combinations of source rocks .

  20. 由于受区域构造环境控制,凹陷沉积沉降中心不断北移,表明松辽盆地南缘燕辽造山带在白垩纪不断隆升、向北扩展;

    As the sedimentation continued , the centre of sediment and depression moved northwards , reflecting that Yan liao orogen was continuously uplifted and separated during late Cretaceous .

  21. 侏罗纪盆地的北部边界位于三叠纪盆地之北,沉降中心则位于现今南天山山前及山下;

    The Jurassic basin also had a subsiding center under the southern Tianshan Mountains today , and a north boundary to the north of that of the Triassic basin .

  22. 进一步分析,这些沉降中心的形成明显受到了周缘山系逆冲推覆作用的构造负载和盆地基底构造的制约,使盆地形成了隆坳相间的古地貌格局。

    The formation of these quick subsidence centers were obviously controlled by the tectonic load derived from the adjacent orogenic thrusting and preexisting tectonic blocks in the basin basement .

  23. 进一步研究认为,断裂构造是控制盆地内沉积特征变化的主要因素,区域构造背景是盆地沉积、沉降中心迁移的诱因。

    In the further study , also shows tectonic controls the basin evolutionary and regional tectonic is the main factor causing the subsidence center and depocenter of the westward movement .

  24. 相互连通的次级盆地进一步演化为大型次级盆地,形成盆地体系内的沉积和沉降中心,并在平面上呈条带状。

    The linked subbasins gradually evolved into relatively large subbasins , serving as main de-positional and subsidence centers of the basin system and exhibiting a ribbon-like shape in map view .

  25. 塔里木盆地西南拗陷晚第三纪为北缓南陡的箕状坳陷,沉积体北薄南厚,沉降中心与沉积中心发生明显的错位。

    Neogene system sedimentary facies in Southwest Depression of Tarim Basin is a " dustpan " shape depression with steep slope in the south and gentle slope in the north .

  26. 以现有的资料为基础,统计了各沉降中心内第四系与新生界的比值(Q/Kz)。

    Statistics of the ratios of the Quarternary System within each subsiding center and Cenozoic group ( Q / Kz ) are made on the basis of the data now available .

  27. 研究区的构造活动不仅控制了沉积盆地类型和沉降中心的迁移,而且控制了烃源岩的分布、油气运移和聚集,还影响了圈闭的形成和油气分布。

    Tectonic activities controlled basin type , subside central rifting , source rock distribution , oil and gas migration and accumulation as well . Furthermore , it controlled trap formation and petroleum distribution .

  28. 单个层序内沉降中心向北迁移以及多个层序沉降中心总体向北迁移的特征,即是层序受控于幕式挤压挠曲作用的具体体现。

    The feature that settlement center within a single sequence and multiple sequence is migrated northward is the concrete manifestation . That is , sequence is controlled by the episodic and bending process . 4 .

  29. 三叠纪盆地的北部边界位于现今盆地北部边界以北6~21km的位置,而沉降中心则位于现今南天山山前及山下的中西段;

    The Triassic basin had a north boundary to the north of that in present , with a distance about 6 to 21 km , and a subsiding center under the southern Tianshan Mountains today .

  30. 研究表明盆地中发育的一些北西向正断层是盆地中不同沉降中心沉降时的次生断层,而很难用走滑体系来解释。

    The study shows that a series of northwest faults in the basin were the derived structures of the different subsidence of different parts of the basin , which can not be interpreted by strike-slip system .