
  • 网络Lin-tsang;Lincang City
  1. 临沧飞机场跑道轴线方位角GPS测量

    The GPS Surveying of the Azimuth of the Runway Axis of Lincang Airport

  2. 根据临沧飞机场的作业实例,对GPS方位角测量的方法及精度作了分析和讨论。

    The thesis discussed and analysed surveying method and its precision of GPS azimuth with the field example of Lincang Airport .

  3. 基于临沧科技局站点内容管理系统,根据MVC模式的概念,笔者提出RAD模型,用以解决站点内容管理系统的核心问题:网页的内容定制与管理。

    Based on the website management system used in Lin Cang Bureau of Science and Technology , aRAD model is designed in line with the MVC mode to solve the main problem of web-page contents in the website management system .

  4. 临沧复式花岗岩基的基本特征及形成构造环境的研究

    Basic characteristics and formation structural environment of Lincang composite granite batholith

  5. 临沧地区少数民族山地文化的多元特点

    On the Multi-characteristics of the Minority Highland Culture in Lincang Prefecture

  6. 临沧的优势资源开发及其环境对策

    Development of Superiority Resources in Lincang Prefecture and Its Environmental Protection Countermeasure

  7. 临沧锗矿床成因初探

    The genesis of Lincang germanium deposit ── a preliminary investigation

  8. 临沧永泉高岭土矿床地质特征及成因

    Geological Features and Genesis of the Yongquan Kaolin Ore Deposit in Lincang

  9. 临沧褐煤富集氧化焙烧转化成含锗褐煤灰的研究

    Research of Lignite Enrichment Oxidized Roasting into the Ge-bearing Lignite Ash in Lincang

  10. 云南临沧花岗岩的冲断叠瓦构造与推覆构造

    Thrust - imbricate structure and nappe of Lincang granite

  11. 临沧师专数学教育的发展历程及趋势

    Maths Teaching Development Trend of Lincang Teachers ' College

  12. 临沧花岗岩基中段花岗闪长岩类研究

    A study on the granodiorite in the middle part of Lincang granite batholith

  13. 临沧地区医院13年围产期孕产妇死亡率分析

    13 Years ' Analysis on Maternal Mortality in perinatal Period from Lincang District Hospital

  14. 对煤中锗矿化若干问题的思考&以临沧锗矿为例

    Some considerations on germanium mineralization in coal ── as exemplified by Lincang germanium deposit

  15. 临沧烟叶按照物理特性通过聚类分析分为4大类。

    Tobacco leaf in Lincang area can be divided into 4 categories by physical properties .

  16. 临沧锗矿床地质特征

    The geological characteristics of Lincang Ge deposit

  17. 临沧锗矿床的微量元素地球化学

    Trace element geochemistry of Lincang germanium deposit

  18. 临沧褐煤经历了泥炭化阶段、早期成岩阶段和热液改造阶段。

    Lincang lignite underwent three thermal processes : peatification , early diagenesis and hydrothermal transformation .

  19. 临沧锗矿含碳硅质灰岩的成因及其与锗成矿的关系

    Genesis of carboniferous siliceous limestone in the Lincang germanium deposit and its relation with germanium mineralization

  20. 云南临沧佤族地区胆石病2870例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of 2 870 cases with cholelithiasis in Wa nationality area of Lincang town , Yunnan province

  21. 临沧城区地方性斑疹伤寒的调查研究地方性斑疹伤寒早期诊断相关问题的探讨

    Investigation of Endemic Typhus in Lincang District Study on the problems relative to early diagnosis of murine typhus

  22. 结合具体项目&临沧师范高等专科学校教务管理系统,对系统进行了详细的分析与建模。

    Combined with concrete projects-lincang teachers college educational management system , the system makes a detailed analysis and simulation .

  23. 截止到目前,滇西南保山、怒江、德宏、临沧四地州唯一的一家国际青年旅舍。

    Until now , it is the only international youth hostel in Baoshan , Nujiang , Dehong and Lincang .

  24. 临沧超大型锗矿床的沉积环境、成岩过程和热液作用与锗的富集

    Sedimentation , diagenesis , hydrothermal process and mineralization of germanium in the Lincang superlarge germanium deposit in Yunnan Province , China

  25. 临沧花岗岩侵入体是一个多期次侵入活动所形成的复式岩基,其主要岩石类型为黑云母二长花岗岩。

    Lincang granite intrusive body is a composite batholith formed by polyphasic intrusion , whose main rock type is the biotite adamellite .

  26. 结合锆石定年结果及岩体产出的区域地质背景,我们认为临沧花岗岩形成于缅泰马陆块与思茅地块大陆碰撞造山过程的后碰撞阶段,应形成于晚三叠世。

    Therefore we consider that Lincang granite was formed in post-collisional stage between the Burma-Thai-Malaysia and Simao block in the late Triassic .

  27. 保山和临沧两地生产的烟叶致香物质含量最多,香气量足,香气质最好,协调性较理想。

    The tobacco leaves produced in Baoshan and Lincang attained better effect including more aroma constituents , sufficient aroma quantity , the best aroma quality and ideal harmonization .

  28. 三叠世末期,临沧、保山地体拼合到扬子板块的西侧,湘桂板块可能插入南华板块;

    In the end of Early Triassic , the Lincang-Baoshan terrane amalgamated to the western Yangtze plate , the Xianggui plate probably inserted into the South China plate .

  29. 总体来看,沧源县、双江县、耿马县、云县的物理特性较好,这些区域主要位于临沧中部和东部;凤庆县、永德县相对较差,主要位于临沧北部和西部区域。

    Cangyuan County , Shuangjiang country , Gengma country and Yun County are of better Physical characteristics , these areas are mainly located in central and eastern of Lincang .

  30. 临沧东南部地区香气物质总量普遍较低,东部及北部地区普遍较高,中部和西部地区处于中间水平。

    Total amount of aroma substances in southeast of Lincang is low , generally higher in eastern and northern , central and western regions is at an intermediate level .