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  • 网络duliu river
  1. 从贵州流下来的都柳江,给广西人带来了侗文化,成为了广西唯一的一个侗族自治县。

    Duliu River flowing down from Guizhou brings the culture of the Dong ethnic minority group to the Guangxi people and is the only autonomous county of Dong people in Guangxi .

  2. 都柳江低热河谷区夏橙果实的生长发育规律

    The growth and development of Valencia sweet orange in Duh'u river valley

  3. 为了摸清都柳江低热河谷区夏橙果实的生长发育规律,通过生育期定期采样,研究了伏今夏橙果实的鲜重、水分、干物质的增长变化规律。

    The changes of fresh weight , dry matter weight and water in single fruit of Valencia sweet orange during the growth and development were studied .

  4. 根据贵州柑橘品种结构的调整和优化的需要,对夏田脐橙在贵州都柳江河谷的栽培适应性、熟期和果实品质进行了试验鉴定。

    The experiment was conducted to identify the cultivation adaptability , ripening stage and fruit quality of Summerfield navel Orange for adjustment and optimization of citrus variety construction in Guizhou .