
  1. 其次,对于沉降观测点及观测的周期,通常要按照设计图纸的要求布设观测点,观测的周期一般以一个结构层为一个观测周期;

    Secondly , the location of survey should be based on the design drawing and choosing the first structure layer as a survey period ;

  2. 其次,介绍了试验工点情况以及试验内容,包括场地情况、沉降观测点的布置和工后沉降观测结果;

    Second , the paper introduces the test locale and test content , including : the fact of soil at locale , disposal of deformation observation dot and observation data ;

  3. 对沪宁高速公路(江苏段)所有软土路基设置700个沉降观测点,分别在填筑期、预压稳定期、路面施工期、运用期进行观测;

    There are 700 settlement observation points on the soft soil roadbed of Shanghai Nanjing Expressway ( Jiangsu Section ), used for observing the settlement of the roadbed during embankment fill period , precompression treatment period , road paving period and operation .

  4. 基于Matlab的拟稳平差法在沉降观测基准点检验中的应用

    The Application of Quasi-stable Adjustment Based on Matlab Software to the Benchmark Stability Inspection in Subsidence Observation

  5. 宝钢高程监测系统及沉降观测基准点探讨

    Research on Datum Point in Height Monitoring System and Sedimentation Observation on Baoshan Steel Works

  6. 该文详细介绍沉降观测基准点、沉降观测点布设过程及观测方法,介绍使用的观测仪器、计算软件及观测精度;

    In this paper , datum marks of settlement observation , layout of observation points , observation methods , observation instruments , calculation software and observation precision are introduced .

  7. 浅谈建筑物沉降观测的几点经验

    Brief Discussion on Some Experiences about Building Subsidence Observation

  8. 某高层建筑沉降观测的几点体会

    Discussion on the Subside Observation of one High-rise Building

  9. 为正确分析和解决高等级公路软土地基对路堤的沉降影响,布设沉降观测点十分重要。

    Positioning of settlement observation points is very important for correctly analyzing and solving settlement influence on embankment resulted from weak subgrade of high-grade highway .

  10. 本文探讨了沉降观测中的几个问题,阐述了从水准点、沉降观测点的埋设,观测方法、精度指标的确定等。

    The problems such as burying of bench marks and settlement observation points , observation method , determining of precision criteria etc.

  11. 沉降监测方法是通过布设基准点和沉降观测点,采用周期观测来获取建筑物沉降数据,采用沉降分析理论实现沉降监测。

    Subsidence monitoring method is to obtain data through laying benchmarking and subsidence observation settlement using observation cycle and use subsidence theoretical analysis to realize the monitoring of subsidence .