
  • 网络Silent Mother
  1. 他从心里发出了这声呼唤,此后,是片刻的沉默。苔丝的母亲终于低声地回答道:“她在桑德伯恩。”

    There was a pause after this cry from the heart.Finally Tess 's mother replied in a low voice , 'She is at Sandbourne . "

  2. 张爱玲以自己早期那梦魇一样的对父亲与母亲的情绪记忆为原型,为我们带来了被去势的父亲和沉默/疯狂的母亲形象。

    Like a nightmare , the images of her father and mother remain fresh in Zhang Ailing 's memory . She portrays the castrated fathers and the silent mothers .