
  1. 起初,神创造沙加神话!

    In the beginning God created the Shaka myth .

  2. 她也曾在沙加缅度中华中文学校执教过六年。

    She also taught Chinese at Sacramento 's Confucius Chinese School for6 years .

  3. 可是一个沙加缅度市的十四岁男生竟然有此能耐?

    But a 14-year-old boy from Sacramento ?

  4. 但我们还有一些会员来自密西沙加,以及远至伦敦的地方。

    But we also have some from Mississauga and a few from as far away as London .

  5. 经朋友介绍,我在密西沙加市找到了第一份打工。

    A friend helped me find my first job as a general labour in City of Mississauga .

  6. 针对风积沙加固河套地区的特殊不良路基地基的应用技术研究,阐述了将风积沙用于路基不良地基的加固处理技术。

    This article describes the application technology for consolidating the special poor subgrade in the Hetao Area with wind-blown sand .

  7. 毕业于广州医学院,在医院工作数年后在沙加缅度建立新家庭。

    Cici graduated from Guangzhou Medical College , she had worked in a hospital for years before she moved to California .

  8. 提议已提交给了阿布达比、林、拜、朗、色列、威特、巴嫩、曼、塔、特阿拉伯及沙加。

    Proposals have also been submitted to Abu Dhabi , Bahrain , Dubai , Iran , Israel , Kuwait , Lebanon , Oman , Qatar , Saudi Arabia and Sharjah .

  9. 至少大家都逐渐认识到:随着气候变暖和人口增加,现存的基础设施(包括大量从北部的沙加缅度三角洲、东部的科罗拉多河铺设到西南地区的输水管道)将难以满足用水需求。

    But there is at least now a growing consensus that the existing infrastructure , consisting of vast aqueducts that carry water from the Sacramento Delta in the north and the Colorado River in the east , will not suffice as the climate gets warmer and the population increases .