
shā huáng
  • tsar;czar
沙皇 [shā huáng]
  • [tsar] 俄国和保加利亚旧时帝王的称号

沙皇[shā huáng]
  1. 沙皇曾是活着的圣像,具有深远的历史和宗教意义。

    A tsar was a living icon , invested with deep historical and religious significance .

  2. 他远渡英国到摄政王乔治四世的现代大厨房中做菜,又跨越大陆为俄国沙皇亚历山大一世准备大型宴会。

    He voyaged to England to cook in the modern Great Kitchen of the prince regent , George Ⅳ , and crossed continents to prepare grand banquets for the tables of Tsar Alexander Ⅰ of Russia .

  3. 他们1918年处死了俄国沙皇皇族。

    They executed Russia 's imperial family in 1918 .

  4. 他通过弑君登上了沙皇宝座。

    He had become czar through regicide .

  5. 1918年,这个前沙皇统治的省份中占了多数的罗马尼亚人投票赞成与罗马尼亚合并。

    In 1918 the Romanian majority in this former tsarist province voted for union with Romania .

  6. 沙皇政府在1905年12月查封了这家报馆。

    The tsarist government closed down the newspaper in December 1905 .

  7. 他因密谋暗杀沙皇在1887年被判处极刑

    He was executed in 1887for plotting to assassinate the tsar .

  8. 沙皇维护了自己的私人特权

    The tsar protected his personal prerogatives .

  9. 伊姆霍尔兹说,“今天我收到一份世界语译本的《爱丽丝漫游镜中世界》(ThroughtheLookingGlass),它是在叶卡特琳堡印刷的,沙皇就是在那里遇刺。”

    Mr. Imholtz said , " Today came in the mail an Esperanto translation of ' Through the Looking Glass , " printed in Ekaterinburg where the Czar was killed . " DRAWN , ELABORATELY

  10. 此举由美国财政部薪酬沙皇KennethFeinberg提议。

    This move was suggested by the US Treasury 's pay tsar Kenneth Feinberg .

  11. 奥巴马(Obama)政府的薪酬沙皇表示,他将在美国国际集团(AIG)的高管薪酬问题上采取强硬立场。今年早些时候,这家国家控股的保险集团因奖金支付问题引起众怒。

    The Obama administration 's pay tsar has indicated he will take a tough stance on executive pay at AIG , the state - controlled insurance group that sparked outrage over its bonus payments earlier this year .

  12. 此外,被称为薪酬沙皇的肯尼斯费恩伯格(KennethFeinberg)将对股票奖金的结构进行微观管理,并取消他认为过分的福利。

    Kenneth Feinberg , the pay tsar , will also micromanage the structure of stock bonuses and eliminate perks that he regards as excessive .

  13. 《爱与科技舞曲的沙皇:短篇小说集》(TheTsarOfLoveAndTechno:Stories),安东尼马拉(AnthonyMarra)著,(Hogarth出版社,25美元)。彼此关联的短篇小说发生在一个俄国工业城市,叙事天衣无缝,不时闪现黑色幽默。

    THE TSAR OF LOVE AND TECHNO : Stories . By Anthony Marra . ( Hogarth , $ 25 . ) Interconnected stories set in a Russian industrial city are seamlessly narrated , with flashes of dark humor .

  14. 穷途末路的沙皇政府中的大臣们,以及尼古拉斯二世(NicholasII)本人都被刻画得栩栩如生,德皇威廉二世(KaiserWilhelmII)和贝尼托·墨索里尼这些边缘人物也很生动;

    Ministers of the doomed czarist order , and Nicholas II himself , come to life here , as do peripheral figures like Kaiser Wilhelm II and Benito Mussolini , and , of course , the main figures : Lenin , Felix Dzerzhinsky ,

  15. 更不用说列宁(Lenin)、菲利克斯·捷尔任斯基(FelixDzerzhinsky)、托洛茨基(Trotsky)这些主角,还有那些年轻的布尔什维克热心分子们,他们在沙皇俄国与战争的废墟中跋涉,缔造出一个革命的国家,但最终却落入斯大林之手。

    Trotsky and the other young Bolshevik zealots who somehow navigated through the rubble of czarism and war to create a revolutionary state , only to hand it in the end to Stalin .

  16. 美国财政部薪酬沙皇芬博格(KennethFeinberg)称,从11月份开始,高管的薪资将被削减高达90%,他们的平均薪资总额将降低一半。

    Kenneth Feinberg , the Treasury official leading the pay review , says the executives ' salaries will be cut by as much as 90 percent , and their average total will drop by about half , starting in November .

  17. 19世纪早期吉尔吉斯共和国的南部领土在浩罕可汗(Kokand)的控制下,但是这部分区域在1876年被沙皇俄国占领并成为附属地。

    In the early19th century , the southern territory of the Kyrgyz Republic came under the control of the Khanate of Kokand , but the territory was occupied and annexed by the Russian Empire in1876 .

  18. 他为沙皇夺取了黑龙江下游,然后是Sikhote-Alin山脉以东及海岸线。剥夺了中国在日本海的出海口。

    He secured the Amur basin for the tsar and then the eastern side of the Sikhote-Alin mountains and the coastline beyond , denying China access to the Sea of Japan ( East Sea ) .

  19. 沙皇俄国对我国170万平方公里土地的宰割和侵吞

    How Tsarist Russia Annexed 1.7 Million Square Kilometers of Our Territory

  20. 他讲述了俄国沙皇政府的种种阴谋诡计。

    He told about the intrigues of the Tsar 's government .

  21. 叙事主要集中在沙皇俄国解体时期。

    The narrative focuses largely on the disintegration of czarist Russia .

  22. 他代表的正是沙皇理想的圣彼得堡。

    So , he represented something that the Czar family wanted St.

  23. 在鲍罗季诺,法军打败了沙皇军队。

    At Borodino the French overwhelmed the Czar 's troops .

  24. 沙皇陛下有自己解决反对者的方法。

    The Tsar has his way of dealing with opponents .

  25. 他认为,未来的“财政沙皇”有三项主要任务。

    He sees a future finance Tsar as having three main tasks .

  26. 清朝政府和沙皇俄国签订的条约有助于解决边境争端。

    Treaties with the Russian tsars helped to settle the border conflicts .

  27. 与会者向沙皇发出了挑战。

    The assembly threw down the gauntlet to the tsar .

  28. 一只为沙皇女儿制作的杏仁皮的鞋子。

    A shoe made of apricot leather for the daughter of a czar .

  29. 末代沙皇的女儿

    A daughter of the last Tsar of Russia .

  30. 你这个小屁孩,因为有一匹这样的马,沙皇曾将奖章授给了我。

    With a horse like that , the Czar gave me a medal .