
  • 网络yekaterinburg;ekaterinburg
  1. 为创建多极世界而结成新同盟的努力肯定还会继续,但在叶卡捷琳堡召开、对俄罗斯最重要的会议是上海合作组织(sco)峰会,而非金砖四国峰会。

    Building new alliances for a multipolar world will certainly continue , but the meeting in Yekaterinburg that matters most to Moscow is the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation , rather than the BRIC summit .

  2. 美国官员希望以观察员身份出席叶卡捷琳堡峰会。

    US officials wanted to attend Yekaterinburg as observers .

  3. 叶卡捷琳堡的旅行社RuTravel称,他们将为中国游客提供定制短途旅行。

    Travel agency RuTravel in Yekaterinburg said they will offer short trips tailored to Chinese visitors .

  4. 在2013年四月的竞选活动中,这只名为Bublik的小动物宣布将竞选叶卡捷琳堡的议会席位。

    Bublik the kitten was announced to run for a council seat in Yekaterinburg in the April 2013 elections .

  5. 2008年5月,俄罗斯在叶卡捷琳堡举办了金砖四国外长的首次正式峰会。

    In May 2008 , Russia hosted the first formal Bric summit , a meeting of Bric foreign ministers in Yekaterinburg .

  6. 中国驻俄罗斯叶卡捷琳堡总领馆商务领事徐卫萍表示,中资林业企业为当地经济发展作出了突出贡献。

    Xu Weiping , the commercial counselor of China 's consulate in Yekaterinburg , says China 's forestry industry has a lot the local economy .

  7. 在2009年6月上海合作组织叶卡捷琳堡峰会上,各成员国元首再次显示了在应对本地区安全与稳定所面临挑战方面的团结一致。

    The heads of the member states of SCO unite as one when they respond the challenge of safety and stability at SCO Member States Summit , in June , 2009 .

  8. 上海合作组织成员国各国元首在叶卡捷琳堡峰会上指出,应采取有效措施,减少国际金融危机影响,推动本组织所在地区更加紧密的经贸和投资合作。

    At the summit , the heads has pointed out that SCO should take effective actions , decrease the influence of world financial crisis , and intensify the economic , trading , and investment cooperation .

  9. 本周二,在俄罗斯叶卡捷琳堡召开了首届金砖四国峰会,这几乎可以说是首个由一家投资银行分析师及销售团队创造的多边国家集团。

    The Bric summit , which convenes for the first time today in Yekaterinburg , Russia , is almost certainly the first multilateral nation bloc to be created by an investment bank 's research analysts and their sales team .

  10. 包括加里宁格勒,喀山,莫斯科,诺夫哥罗德,顿河河畔罗斯托夫,圣彼得堡,萨马拉,萨兰斯克,索契,伏尔加格勒和叶卡捷琳堡在内的诸多俄罗斯城市,将会举办2018年世界杯。该届世界杯将从2018年6月14号开始,持续到7月15号结束。

    Russian cities of Kaliningrad , Kazan , Moscow , Nizhny Novgorod , Rostov-on-Don , Saint Petersburg , Samara , Saransk , Sochi , Volgograd and Yekaterinburg will host FIFA World Cup 2018 to last from June 14 through July 15 , 2018 .

  11. 在俄罗斯国防部长谢尔盖伊万诺夫的护卫下,普京接着登上了“彼得大帝”号巡洋舰,观看位于科拉半岛附近的俄罗斯叶卡捷琳堡核潜艇发射导弹,导弹冲出水面,消失在灰色的天空中。

    Then , putin , flanked by Defense Minister Sergei ivanov , stood on board of the Pyotr Veliky cruiser to watch the sineva missile blast out of the water and vanish into the gray sky after being launched by the submerged nuclear submarine Yekaterinburg near the Kola peninsula .