
yè bǐng
  • petiole;leafstalk;stipe;petious;thecaphore
叶柄 [yè bǐng]
  • [leafstalk;petiole] 一种支持叶片的柄,常圆柱状,有时扁平,甚至具翘

叶柄[yè bǐng]
  1. 雏生素C、灰分和叶柄中可溶性固形物等营养成分含量均高于对照,而粗纤雏含量低;

    Contents of vitamine C , ash and petiole soluble solid substances were higher than those of the check , while the level of crude cellulose was lower than that of the check .

  2. 生物量分配无明显变化,但是高CO。下菱幼苗的根重比和叶重比有升高的趋势,茎重比和叶柄重比则有降低的趋势。

    Elevated CO2 had little effect on biomass allocation with root weight ratio and leaf weight ratio tended to increase but stem weight ratio and petiole weight ratio decrease .

  3. 深紫红色,台阁型。瓣基黑紫,花朵直上,花蕾圆尖。叶中长尖,深绿色。叶柄硬,斜生。株型直立

    Mulberry , multi_petalled ; upright flowers with black_purple base , flat round buds , medium_sized narrow leaves in dark green , stiff , slanting leaf stalks .

  4. 叶柄中P、K含量随施肥量的增加而升高。

    Leaf P. K content was increased with the successively appling of soil - potassium .

  5. c.最佳丛生芽诱导外植体为经过30天左右预培养的甜菜叶柄。

    The most appropriate explant for shoots inducing was petioles pre-cultured by 30 days .

  6. 平均来看,叶片中N,P,K含量的变异明显高于叶柄。大豆子叶节离体再生体系优化研究

    Compared with petioles the variation of N , P , and K in leaves were greater . Regeneration System of Soybean Cotyledonary Nodes

  7. 通过改变培养基pH值和琼脂糖浓度,获得了由大白菜子叶-子叶柄诱导胚状体和不定芽的培养基配方。其分化生长培养基的配方分别为:MS培养基+3%蔗糖+4.5mg。

    Through changing pH value and agarose concentration of culture medium , we developed a method for embryo and adventitious bud induction .

  8. 在6BA和NAA配合使用的MS培养基上,叶柄和叶片外植体有高的成芽率,具有强的器官再生能力。

    M. Xu . On the MS medium with 6-BA and NAA , the leaves and petioles gave the high regeneration rate .

  9. 结果与结论:随着高温胁迫时间的延长,半夏叶片和叶柄中MDA含量显著增加,而块茎中MDA含量增加却不显著。

    Result and Conclusion : By stress time increasing , the content of MDA in lamina and petiole increased obviously , but it increased invisibly in tuber .

  10. 同样地,在转基因烟草叶片、叶柄以及茎的表皮毛中也可以检测到很强的GUS活性。

    Similarly , strong GUS activities were detected in trichomes of leaves , petioles and stems of transgenic tobacco plants .

  11. 棉花叶片可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白质、叶柄硝态N含量均随施N量增加而增加,随生育进程先升后降,开花期最高。

    The leaf content of soluble sugar , soluble protein and petiole content of nitrate N correlated positively to N rate , and rose first and then dropped as the development with the highest in flowering .

  12. 该病害的典型症状为叶斑、叶片黄化、茎秆矮化、茎秆变色、根颈和根腐烂。E.astragali在叶柄和茎秆中的分离率显著(P<0.05)大于叶片和根部。

    Typical symptoms are leaf lesions , leaf yellowing , shoot stunting , stem discoloration , crown rot and root rot. Frequencies of E. astragali in petioles and stems were significantly ( P0.05 ) higher than in leaf blades and roots .

  13. 在子叶、叶柄、胚轴以及胚根四者当中,下胚轴对2,4-D的反应状况最好。

    Among cotyledon , petiole of cotyledon , hypocotyl , and radicle , hypocotyl has the most responsive explants to2,4 - D.

  14. 短期外源赤霉素(10μmol和50μmolGA3)处理离体茎和叶柄可诱导木质素合成。

    Short-term treatment of exogenous gibberellin ( 10 μ mol and 50 μ mol GA3 ) could induce lignin deposition in excised stems and petioles .

  15. 赤霉酸(GA3)处理菜豆叶柄和棉苗子叶柄外植体,离区的纤维素酶活力增加,而吲哚乙酸(IAA)则抑制离区纤维索酶的活力。

    The paper studied effects of GA_3 and IAA on cellulase activity in abscission zone from petiole of primary leaves of bean , cotyledon petioles and boll petioles of cotton .

  16. 采用20~50mg/kg的生根粉-6处理2h,可促进福建观音莲座扦插叶柄的生长发育,缩短繁育周期、提高繁殖系数。

    Treatment with 20 ~ 50mg / kg by 2 hours could promote growth and development of cutting petiole , shorten cultivation period and increase cultivation index .

  17. 叶柄切成20cm长,分别贮藏在20℃,6℃和2℃条件下。

    Leaf stalks were cut into 20 cm length , and stored at 20 ℃, 6 ℃ and 2 ℃ .

  18. 这与GA3促进菜豆叶柄和棉苗子叶柄外植体的脱落、IAA延迟脱落的效应成正相关。

    The experiment results indicated that cellulase activity in abscission zone from petiole of bean and cotyledon petiole of cotton was increased after treatment of GA_3 , but it was inhibited by IAA .

  19. 魔芋叶柄薄壁细胞在脱分化形成愈伤组织过程中,其内源激素(IAA、GA3、ABA和JA)含量发生了明显的变化。

    During the course of petiole parenchyma cells to form callus , the contents of endogenous hormones ( IAA , GA3 , ABA and JA ) changed obviously .

  20. 结果表明,已抽薹叶片和叶柄中IAA含量明显高于未抽薹材料,说明高浓度IAA可能促进植物开花。

    The results demonstrated that the content of IAA in leaves and petioles of bolting was apparently higher than unbolting plants which indicated the positive of high concentration IAA in blossom .

  21. 结果表明,叶片及叶柄中N,K含量在葡萄年生长季内的变化呈下降趋势,其中叶片N含量在初花期至盛花后第6周下降最为明显;

    The result showed that the contents of N and K in leaves and petioles decreased with the growth of grape , and the decreasing rate of N in leaves was more significant from early blooming to the sixth week after the full blooming period ;

  22. 单一激素种类对银杏叶片、叶柄和幼茎愈伤组织的诱导中以NAA的效果最佳,2,4-D次之,6-BA最差。

    Among 3 single plant growth regulators ( NAA , 6 BA , 2,4 D ), NAA was the most effective for callus induction from leaves , petioles and young stems .

  23. 用幼叶及叶柄切段接种在附加不同浓度的BA及NAA的MS培养基上。以诱导芽与根的形成,经6&9周可再生出大量完整植株,年增殖率很高。

    Young leaf and petiole segment explants were inoculated on the MS solid medium supplemented with various concentration of 6-benzyladenine and NAA to induced shoots and roots formation , after 6-9 weeks , a lot of complex plantlets were regenerated .

  24. 用近红外光谱法对5个大白菜品种从外向内分别测定每片叶片的叶柄及软叶的还原糖,Vc,NDF,CP,DW5种有机成分。

    Organic components including reduced sugars , vitamine C , neutral detergent fibre , crude protein , dry weight of 5 Chinese cabbage varieties were determined in leaf samples by means of near infrared spectrometry ( NIRS ) .

  25. 试验还探讨了肉质根留叶柄(3cm)和茎基全切、河沙基质和混合基质对软化栽培效果的影响。

    Effects of fleshy root with 3 cm-long leafstalks or without leaves , and sand medium or mixed medium on blanching culture without soil are also studied .

  26. 结果表明,不同叶片中,除软叶的Vc外,其余叶柄、软叶各有机成分都是由外向内逐渐增加,虽个别叶柄与软叶的含量有高有低,但上升的趋势是一致的;

    Results showed a gradual increase from outer to inner leaves of organic components in soft leaves and petioles , with the exception of Vc content in soft leaves . The different contents of components in soft leaves and petioles all tended to increase .

  27. 以葡萄砧木99R试管苗叶片、叶柄和茎段为外植体诱导不定芽再生。

    Adventitious buds were induced from leaves , petioles and stems of grape rootstock 99R .

  28. 结果表明,这三个基因在幼叶和叶柄中具有较高的表达水平并受茉莉酸甲酯(MeJA)和干旱胁迫诱导。

    Expression analysis demonstrated that these genes showed higher expression level in young leaves and petiole as well could be induced by methyl jasmonic acid ( MeJA ) .

  29. 以未展叶叶柄为外植体,从接种到丛芽分化共49d,较已有报道提前11~31d。

    The time from explant to bud differentiation were 49d , which was 11-31d earlier than time previously reported .

  30. 电子显微镜观察发现,在病株嫩枝和叶柄韧皮部筛管细胞超薄切片中,存在着大量的类菌原体(MLO)。

    A lot of mycoplasma-like organisms ( MLO ) were observed within the ultrathin sections of sieve cells in the infected tender shoots or phloem tissues with electron microscopy .