
  • 网络Plant cell wall
  1. 对延宕至今的TDNA穿壁问题作了推测:植物细胞壁表面可能存有TDNA的天然穿壁孔道。

    This article also gives a presumption to T-DNA 's transport : The plant cell wall 's porin may be T-DNA 's natural channel .

  2. Expansins(EXP)是一类植物细胞壁蛋白,它能诱导分离细胞壁的延伸生长及依赖pH调节的细胞扩展生长。

    Expansins are plant cell wall proteins that have the capacity to induce extension in isolated cell walls and are thought to mediate pH-dependent cell expansion .

  3. GT基因对植物细胞壁的合成非常重要,并且具有其他多种生物学功能。

    GTs are critical to the biosynthesis of plant cell walls , among other diverse functions .

  4. 在这一过程中,植物细胞壁组成成分发生改变,表达各种病原相关蛋白(PR蛋白),并合成多种植物抗毒素。

    Changes in cell wall composition , production of pathogenesis-related ( PR ) proteins , and synthesis of phytoalexins are associated with resistance .

  5. 植物细胞壁扩展蛋白(Expansins)研究进展

    Studying Progress of Plant Cell Wall Proteins Expansins

  6. Expansin是一种体外诱导分离的植物细胞壁伸展的蛋白,在修饰细胞壁基础上使细胞膨胀。

    Expansins are extracellular proteins that induce extension in isolated plant cell walls and expand on the basis of cell walls modification in vitro .

  7. 本文介绍了一种简单可行的,用以观察和鉴定一种植物细胞壁蛋白质&富含羟脯氨酸糖蛋白(HRGP)的方法。

    This paper describes a method for observing and identifying the cell wall protein & hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein ( HRGP ) which has been characterized as an extensin .

  8. 另外,通过对农杆菌在植物细胞壁上的吸附、vir基因的表达及gus基因的瞬时表达的研究,初步探讨了该法对截型苜蓿遗传转化的可行性。

    According to the studies on distribution of A. tumefaciens on plant cell walls , the expression of vir gene , and the transient expression of gus gene , the feasibility of this method for transforming to barrel medic was tested .

  9. 植物细胞壁中含有丰富的半纤维素(hemicellose)资源,是仅次于纤维素的可再生自然资源。

    Plant cell wall contains a wealth of hemicellulose ( hemicellose ) resources which is only second to cellulose as renewable natural resources .

  10. 植物细胞壁酶的分子结构与生理功能

    Molecular Structure and Physiological Function of Enzymes in Plant Cell Wall

  11. 角化作用(角质化):角质陆续侵渗植物细胞壁的过程。

    Cutinization The impregnation of a plant cell wall with cutin .

  12. 硼在植物细胞壁上营养机理的研究进展

    Advances on the study of B-nutritional mechanisms in plant cell wall

  13. 一种自动化的植物细胞壁伸展性能测定仪及其应用

    An Automated Apparatus for Measuring Plant Cell Wall Extensibility and Its Applications

  14. 一种植物细胞壁松驰蛋白:膨胀素

    A Kind of Plant Cell Wall Expansion Protein-Expansin EXPANDED GRAPHITE

  15. 植物细胞壁的物理参数对其力学响应的影响

    Effects of Physical Parameters of Cell Wall on Mechanical Response of Plant Cell

  16. 植物细胞壁性状的基因定位与克隆研究进展

    Advances of Studies on Gene Localization and Cloning for Plant Cell Wall Traits

  17. 植物细胞壁中木素的不均一性

    Inhomogeneity of Lignin in the Cell Wall of Plant

  18. 植物细胞壁主要由纤维素、半纤维素及木质素等物质组成。

    Plant cell walls contain three major polymers : cellulose , hemicellulose and lignin .

  19. 植物细胞壁酶水解过程的数学模拟

    Simulation on Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Plant Cell Walls

  20. 瘤胃细菌、原虫和真菌降解植物细胞壁的相对贡献及其互作

    Degradation and fermentation characteristics of ruminal bacteria , protozoa , and fungi and their interactions

  21. 离子束轰击对植物细胞壁结构的损伤效应

    Ion bombardment effects on plant cell wall

  22. 植物细胞壁中富含甘氨酸的蛋白质

    The Glycine-rich Proteins from Plant Cell Wall

  23. 木质素是一类芳香族聚合物,是构成植物细胞壁的主要成分之一。

    Lignin is aromatic polymers that are present mainly in secondarily thickened plant cell walls .

  24. 植物细胞壁的研究进展

    The study progress on the cell wall

  25. 新发现的植物细胞壁蛋白

    New Proteins in Plant Cell Wall

  26. 多种胁迫对植物细胞壁的影响主要表现在对细胞壁结构完整性的影响。

    The influence of the multiple stresses is mostly on the integrity of the cell wall .

  27. 用结晶学的观点研究纤维植物细胞壁的结构及形成机理

    The Strcture and Formation Mechanism of Cell Walls in Fiber Plants from Crystallography Point of View

  28. 但由于植物细胞壁结构的复杂性,利用植物秸秆生产纤维乙醇的成本高。

    The complexity of plant cell wall structures leads to a high cost of cellulosic ethanol production .

  29. 果胶:一类存在于某些植物细胞壁与组织内的水溶性碳水化合物。

    Pectin : Any of a class of carbohydrates found in certain plant cell walls and tissues .

  30. 木质纤维素是植物细胞壁中的主要成分,其中包含纤维素、半纤维素和果胶质。

    Lignocellulose is the main component of plant cell walls , which contains cellulose , hemicellulose and pectin .