
  • 网络protist;protozoa;Protista;protistan
  1. DAPI荧光染色技术已广泛应用于浮游细菌及原生生物的定量研究,但对底栖生物的定量效能尚缺必要的研究。

    The method of epifluorescence microscopy with DAPI staining has been widely used in the quantitative research of planktonic bacteria and protists , but scarcely applied in benthic study .

  2. 生物体可分别归类为植物、动物及原生生物。

    Living creatures are classified into plants , animals and protists .

  3. 钙依赖蛋白激酶(CDPKs)是一类仅在植物和部分原生生物中存在的丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶。

    Calcium dependent protein kinases ( CDPKs ) are a kind of serine / threonine protein kinases that are only present in plants and some protests .

  4. 五种生物分类之一;无核原生物界、原生生物界、植物界、真菌界、动物界。

    One of five biological categories : monera or Protista or Plantae or fungi or animalia .

  5. 植物与原生生物没有明显的界限,为此生物学家们对它们有不同的划分。

    There is no clear boundary between protists and plants , and authors differ in which organisms they consider in which kingdom .

  6. 研究人过去一直认为,只有原核生物和原生生物这样的单细胞生物才能够在深海的缺氧环境中生存。

    Researchers had thought that only single-celled organisms such as prokaryotes and protozoa could live in the oxygen-deprived environments of the deepest ocean .

  7. 中心粒存在于动物细胞和许多真菌及原生生物的细胞核外,但在大多数高等植物中缺失。

    The centriole lies outside the nucleus of animal cells and many fungal and protoctist cells , but is absent in cells of most higher plants .

  8. 六个广泛的取向:植物、动物、真菌、原生生物、细菌、古菌。

    Six different broad approaches : the plants , the animals , the fungi , the protists , the little things & the bacteria and the Archaea bacteria .

  9. 在所有的植物和许多原生生物中,减数分裂形成单倍体的细胞,这些细胞不经过受精就分裂生长,这就是孢子。

    In all plants , and in many protists , meiosis results in the formation of haploid cells that can divide vegetatively without undergoing fertilization , referred to as spores .

  10. 低品位原生黄铜矿生物浸出技术的应用实践

    The Practice of Low Grade Primary Chalcopyrite Bacteria Leaching Technology

  11. 植被原生演替是生物驱动因素与环境阻力相互作用的结果,二者的消长决定原生演替进行的模式。

    Primary succession is the result of interaction between BDF ( biological driving forces ) and ER ( environmental resistances ), and the way in that the primary succession proceeds depends on the growth and decline in BDF and ER .