
yuán shēnɡ huán jìnɡ
  • Native environment;primitive environment
  1. 荒地区,原生环境保护区中区环境卫生办事处

    Wilderness zone Central Environmental Health District Office

  2. 原生环境对古村落居住建筑形态及构造的影响

    On the influences of primary environment on form and construction of residential building in ancient villages

  3. 由自然地理特点引起的原生环境问题以及自然环境的破坏与原生环境问题相结合所造成的生态环境恶化问题是我国环境问题的特殊性。

    The environmental issues caused by geographic features and destruction of the original natural environment is a special problem in China .

  4. 生态保育方面突出保护华东植物濒危物种、生物多样性,恢复原生环境;

    The Botanical Garden puts emphasis on the protection of endangered species of East China plants and biodiversity and the restoration of habitat .

  5. 总体来说,原生环境区和生态恢复治理区植物种群各性状特征相对较优,而生态环境严重破坏的水土流失地区相对较劣。

    As a whole , the characters of plants in Primary environmental region and Ecological restoration region were better , while worse in Soil and water loss region .

  6. 在非遗原生环境改变的条件下,提出以数字化技术手段重构非遗信息,以适应现代信息环境,促进非遗的信息化生存与发展。

    On the background of NMH 's diminishing original living environment , digital technology needs to find an efficient way to rebuild NMH and maintain its vitality in modern information environment .

  7. 结果表明,无芽孢型细菌、有芽孢型细菌和细菌总数量为:原生环境区>生态恢复治理区>水土流失区;

    The results showed that : the number of non - or spore - forming bacteria , fungi and actinomyces in primary environmental region and ecology restoration region was more than that in eroded soil .

  8. 从原生环境和次生环境关系的角度提出环境中硒的区域分异在环境研究和评价中的意义。

    From the view point of the relation between the primary and secondary environment , it is proposed that regional distribution of selenium in the environment is of significance in both environment study and evaluation .

  9. 走在别墅四围环形相通的木栈道上,仿佛置身于原生环境下的大熊猫王国,零距离感受来自远古“活化石”的神奇魅力。

    Walking on the round wooden path around the house , you will feel like being in the native environment of giant pandas Kingdom , feeling the ancient " living fossil " of the magical charm closely .

  10. 第二章论述了民族文化的当代资本化与民族主题公园景观设计的联系,以及介绍了本论文工程背景与相关民族的文化及原生环境背景;

    The second chapter discusses the connection between the capitalization of ethnic culture and ethnic culture theme park landscape design , as well as the background of the project and the related ethnic culture and primordial environment .

  11. 结合近期实施的安徽师范大学新校区建设,阐述进行高校校园生态规划的思想,提出在原生环境保护性等原则的指导下进行校园生态规划布局,对我国高校生态建设作出有益的探索。

    Combined with construction of new area of Anhui training university in current , ecological planning idea is illustrated , and puts forward ecological planning should be guided by primary environment protection , which is effective search to ecological construction .

  12. 您将了解如何在服务器上配置一个iOS原生API环境,以使用客户端请求并与HTTP适配器通信。

    You learn how to configure an iOS native API environment on the server to consume the client requests and communicate with an HTTP adapter .

  13. 原生地质环境影响地铁建设,地铁建设会产生新的地质环境问题。

    Discussion on the influence of subway construction to real estate circle ;

  14. 它的变化特征虽然可以忠实地记录原生沉积环境的变迁,但不能简单套用远洋沉积物中所总结出的模式。

    Although the characteristic of oxygen isotope can not be illustrated by an extant model designed for pelagic sediment , it can reflect the change of original environment faithfully .

  15. 高速公路路域生态恢复主要起到保护、改善和恢复原生生态环境的作用,而目前路域生态恢复工程中诸多环节制约着这一目标的实现。

    The main purpose of freeway territory ecology restoration is to protect , improve and restore the original eco-environment , but in current freeway territory ecology restoration project , many factors restrict the realization of this target .

  16. 才最适合原生地的环境状况;

    Are best for the environment of the areas they originally come from .

  17. 新疆是我国原生地球化学环境灾害较严重的省区之一。

    Xinjiang is one provinces of more serious primary geochemical environmental disaster in our country .

  18. 地氟病是宁夏广泛分布的一种地方病,与宁夏特殊的原生地球化学环境有密切关系。

    The endemic fluorosis is a kind of endemia widely distributed in Ningxia , and this is strongly related to the special natural geochemical environment of Ningxia .

  19. 对四川省夹江县主要地质地貌资源进行了叙述,分析了这些资源对旅游开发的重要意义,提出了开发的构想和保护原生地质地貌环境的建议。

    This paper deals with principal geological and geomorphic landscape resources and their importance to tourism in Jiajiang , Sichuan and offers some ideas of development and some suggestions on the protection of the primary geological and geomorphic environment .

  20. 通过对水化学和岩石化学分析资料的数据理处,结合本区地质环境的物理化学条件,认为本流域的环境水文地球化学特征主要是受原生地球化学环境支配的。

    By processing the analysed data of water-chemistry and rock-chemistry , combined with the physical and chemical conditions of geological environment in this area , we find the environmental hydrogeochemical characteristic in the West Lake Valley is mainly controlled by natural geochemical environment .

  21. 测定农药在环境中转化产物的生态毒理和环境归宿,有助于完整准确地评价农药化合物带来的原生和次生的环境风险。

    Assessing the ecotoxicology and environmental fate of pesticide transformation products is necessary to accurately evaluate environmental risk of pesticides .

  22. 人类的可持续发展战略要求在满足人类生活需求的同时,充分利用现有资源,减少原生资源开采和环境污染。

    Human sustainable development strategy requires making the best of existence resource , reducing the original resource exploitation and environmental pollution under the situation of satisfying people 's living demand .

  23. 指出广西野生稻自然资源濒危现状严重主要是由于原生地消失、原生地环境质量恶化、外来物种入侵、过度放牧与频繁刈割等原因造成。

    The serious situation was caused by loss of in-situ sites , deterioration of ecological environment , invasion of foreign species , overgrazing and frequent cutting , etc.