
yè lǜ sù
  • chlorophyll;phyll-, phyllo-
叶绿素 [yè lǜ sù]
  • (1) [chlorophyll]

  • (2) 植物的绿色物质,光合作用所必需,通常存在于分离体中,并且仅仅在有光线和活细胞有铁时才能存在,提取时得到叶绿素a和叶绿素b的混合物,还有不同量的其它色素(如胡萝卜素和叶黄素)

  • (3) 几种脂溶性色素的任何一种,构成这类绿色物质

叶绿素[yè lǜ sù]
  1. 这一病害使叶绿素遭到不同程度的破坏。

    The disease causes varying degrees of destruction of the chlorophyll .

  2. 叶绿素和血红素之间的主要的差别为在卟啉环中心存在一个镁原子。

    The chief differences between chlorophyll and heme are the presence of a magnesium atom in the center of the porphyrin ring .

  3. 细菌光合作用的色素是细菌叶绿素。

    The photosynthetic pigment in bacteria is bacteriochlorophyll .

  4. 如今的植物之所以是绿色的,是因为它们利用绿色的叶绿素来产生能量。

    Plants today are green because they use green chlorophyllto produce energy .

  5. 用化学计量法-分光光度法测定活体叶片中叶绿素a、b的含量

    Determination of Chlorophyll a , b in Living Leaves by Chemometrics-Spectrophotometry

  6. 同步荧光分析法同时测定叶绿素a和叶绿素b

    Simultaneous Determination of Chlorophyll a and Chlorophyll b by Synchronous Fluorimetry

  7. 分析叶绿素a及b的比值,果穗叶层最低。

    As for chlorophyll a / chlorophyll b , ear leaf was lowest ;

  8. 叶绿素a、b和类胡萝卜素含量随着叶龄的增加而增加,但前10天增长快,以后缓慢,而且叶绿素a增长更快。

    The content of chlorophyll a , b and carotenoid increased with the age up .

  9. 叶绿素b比a对水分胁迫反应敏感。

    The response of chlorophyll B to water stress was more sensitive than that of chlorophyll A.

  10. 叶绿素寡聚体的光化学性质及其水悬浮液在光下的pH变化

    Photochemistry of chlorophyll oligomer and the pH change in its suspension under light

  11. 蚕沙叶绿素的降解及二氢卟吩e6醚衍生物的合成

    Degradation of Silkworm Excrement Crude Chlorophyll and Synthesis of Chlorin e_6 Ether Derivatives

  12. 叶绿素b含量低的水稻突变体的光合功能衰退及其与活性氧的关系

    Decline of Photosynthetic Function and Its Relation with Active Oxygen in a Rice Mutant with Low Chlorophyll b Content

  13. H2O2处理对水稻不同耐冷品种幼苗叶绿素荧光参数的影响

    Effect of H_2O_2 on Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters in Rice Seedlings Differing in Cold Tolerance

  14. 干旱胁迫下硫对玉米叶绿素及MDA含量的影响

    Effects of sulfur nutrition on chlorophyll and MDA of maize under drought stress

  15. 南海北部秋季营养盐、溶解氧、pH值和叶绿素a分布特征及相互关系

    Distribution of Macro-nutrients , Dissolved Oxygen , pH and Chl a and Their Relationships in Northern South China Sea

  16. 用TM图象估算海表面叶绿素浓度的神经网络模型

    A neural network model for estimating sea surface chlorophyll from thematic mapper imagery

  17. 估计生化参数如叶绿素a,叶绿素b,类胡罗卜素,并观测了受有效微生物群影响的生节情况。

    The nodulation status influenced by EM was also observed along with the estimation of chemical parameters like chlorophyll a , chlorophyll b and carotenoid .

  18. 转色前用ABA处理后加速果皮叶绿素的降解,但抑制果皮类胡萝卜素的积累;

    ABA treatment accelerated chlorophyll degradation and inhibited carotenoid accumulation ;

  19. 不同铅浓度污染下晚松叶绿素a、叶绿素b、类胡萝卜素含量间差异极显著,Pb浓度比污染胁迫时间对叶绿素含量的影响更大;

    The chlorophyll a content , chlorophyll b content and carotenoid content of Pinus rigida leaves differed extremely in different Pb treatments .

  20. 水分胁迫条件下CO2加富对枇杷叶绿素荧光及抗氧化酶的影响

    Effects of CO_2 enrichment on chlorophyll fluorescence and antioxidative enzymes in loquat ( Eriobotrya japonica Lindl . ) under the condition of water-stress

  21. 利用PROSPECT模型和实测的玉米叶片光谱数据,得出了叶肉结构参数N,从而模拟了在不同的叶绿素和水分含量下玉米叶片的光学特性;

    In this study using PROSPECT Model and in situ optical measurement of corn leaf , mesophyll structure parameter N of different growth phase as calculated .

  22. 甘薯可溶性蛋白、叶绿素及ATP含量变化与品种抗旱性关系的研究

    Relationship Among Soluble Protein , Chlorophyll and ATP in Sweet potato Under Water Stress with Drought Resistance

  23. 增强的紫外光B(UV-B)辐射明显降低柚树苗叶片叶绿素,可溶性蛋白含量,增加可溶性糖含量。

    Enhanced UV-B radiation significantly decreased the contents of chlorophyll , soluble protein of pomelo seedlings , increased soluble sugar content .

  24. 通过营养液水培试验,研究了不同浓度Cd对烤烟生物量、叶绿素含量、抗氧化酶系统的影响。

    Effects of cadmium with different concentrations on the growth and activated oxygen-scavenging system of flue-cured tobacco were studied with water culture experiment .

  25. 灌浆期颖果叶绿素含量、光合速率、呼吸速率、CAT和SOD活性及颖壳叶绿素含量呈逐渐减小的变化趋势;

    The chlorophyll content , photosynthetic rate , and activities of CAT and SOD in caryopses decrease gradually during the rice grain filling .

  26. PP(333)、GA3对麝香百合切花品质及叶绿素含量的影响初探

    A Study on the Influence of PP_ ( 333 ) and GA_3 on the Quality and Chlorophyll Content of Lilium longiflorum Thunb

  27. 叶绿素a、b的含量与遮荫梯度正相关,而叶绿素a/b则与遮荫梯度负相关(P<0.01)。

    Chlorophyll content of population Emei and Ya'an has positive correlation ( P < 0.01 ), while chlorophyll a / b has negative correlation ( PO . 01 ) with shade degree .

  28. 基于MODIS模拟的辽东湾叶绿素a的遥感反演模型

    Remotely sensed retrieval model of chlorophyll a in Liaodong Gulf based on MODIS band simulation

  29. 外施Spd可促进叶绿素含量、光合速率及气孔导度增加。

    Exogenous spermidine enhanced the content of chlorophyll , Pn , Gs .

  30. 水稻剑叶叶绿素含量相关性状的QTL分析

    Analysis of QTL Underlying the Traits Relative to the Chlorophyll Contents of the Flag Leaf in Rice