- sandbox

By default , an application running under Java Web Start runs within a restricted sandbox .
A Sandbox System in Linux Kernel
Our domain consists of just one Lotus Domino server ( the sandbox ) .
Signed Flex applications would be interesting to break out of the Flash sandbox .
Choose the first option ," Set up the first server or a stand-alone server ," because you want the sandbox environment to be stand-alone .
Ajax has a sandbox security model .
The Java language was designed from day one to allow the execution of untrusted , potentially malicious code in a secure sandbox .
Register for and login to the enterprise modernization sandbox , a remote , virtual desktop , with all of the IBM Enterprise Modernization tools installed .
On the Additional Services screen , click Finish because you don 't need to change anything in the subsequent screens to set up the sandbox .
The tool modeled software projects using " sandboxes " and " trees " so that avatars can gather around to see and discuss code in a3D environment .
Its APIs , tools , and subprojects let you load resources and execute scripts in a sandboxed environment .
For local Java applications , on the other hand , the security manager that would have provided a similar sandboxed environment was rarely ( if ever ) installed .
It also ensures that scripts are safe to execute and provides a sandbox to control access and modification of the DOM .
Since SWT needs to operate outside the default sandbox to load a system library , all JAR files deployed with Java Web Start must be digitally signed .
This article guides you in setting up a Sametime server sandbox environment for development purposes .
I always recommend that AIX administrators create a sandbox Linux partition on their System p server so that they can get a head start when the business wants to put something on the platform .
In addition to loading sandboxed resources , DojoX Secure provides functionality that you can use to build sandboxed UI artifacts .
As with the applet sandbox , this guarantees that a malicious application cannot do any harm .
Additionally , while it is possible to extend Ant 's build process by defining custom tasks , doing so typically confines application behavior to a limited sandbox .
Safari was defeated by Liang Chen , one of a pair Chinese Keen Team hackers , using a heap-overflow-and-sandbox-bypass combination that took three months to perfect .
This code lets you write UI artifacts for use within any DojoX Secure sandbox and count on secure loading and execution .
An administrator can use the Lotus Domino Administrator application to add Lotus Sametime users ; however , this can be tedious in a sandbox environment .
By restricting DOM manipulation to child elements and nodes of the sandboxed element , you can securely manipulate the browser 's DOM within the sandbox .
Remember : Since Ajax code is sandboxed and can only connect to the same domain , you really shouldn 't need a domain name in your URL .
This paper discusses CORBA firewall specification and Java sandbox security , presents a design using multi-proxy technology to implement CORBA-based distributed object web and to construct a multi-tier B / S system .
The EJB proxy approach described in this article is best used when you need a lightweight , low-cost solution for sandbox , test , or proof-of-concept situations .
Thus it greatly improves the system 's security level . Deploying this sandbox system needs no modification to existing operating system kernel and applications , because it is implemented as a Linux kernel module .
Because DojoX Secure sandboxed scripts have access to the sandboxed element , you can perform DOM element creation and manipulation directly on the sandboxed element .
You can also load JavaScript files and execute them within the sandbox using the loadJS function call
To use it with the eXist XML Database , you need to have the database installed ; otherwise , use the Zorba XQuery processor , which is available through an online sandbox .