
  • Upwind;weather
  1. 这房子坐落在工厂的上风处,闻不到工厂的气味。

    The house was upwind of the factory and its smells .

  2. 从上风处进入现场。

    Enter from the windward of the scene .

  3. 不幸的是,你周围很可能还有邻居。如果位于你上风处的那个家伙的地堡没你的那么结实,那么你的地堡就将面临时速1700千米的撞击。

    Unfortunately , you probably have neighbors , and if the neighbor upwind of you has a less-well-anchored bunker , your bunker will have to withstand a thousand-mile-per-hour impact by their bunker .

  4. 腐蚀性蒸气或有毒气体的火灾时,扑救人员应穿戴防毒面具和相应的防护用品,站在上风处施救。

    When putting out a fire disaster that gives out erosive steam or poisonous gas , the firefighters should wear gas masks and other related protective articles and should operate from the windward side .

  5. 比如说,对纽约市进行人工降雨可能意味着在该市上风不过几英里处进行一次撒播作业。

    For example , the artificial modification of rain at New York City may suggest a seeding activity just a few miles upwind of the metropolis .