
shàng xiào
  • colonel;captain;group captain
上校 [shàng xiào]
  • [colonel] 军衔之一种,低于大校,高于中校

上校[shàng xiào]
  1. 上校指挥士兵列队行进,接受女王的检阅。

    The colonel paraded his men before the Queen .

  2. 克拉伦斯又板起面孔,模仿起上校来。

    Clarence screws up his face and imitates the Colonel again .

  3. 这位上校低头轻声做感恩祈祷。

    The Colonel bowed his head and whispered a prayer of thanksgiving

  4. 哈珀上校发现了一定会勃然大怒。

    When Colonel Harper found out , he would go ape .

  5. 这个地方以前由一位前陆军上校经管。

    This particular place was run by an ex-Army colonel .

  6. 理查德·纳尔逊上校直到今年才从地方教育董事会离职。

    Colonel Richard Nelson served on the school board until this year .

  7. 上校冲向厄尔,朝他挥着枪。

    The colonel rushed up to Earle , shaking his gun at him

  8. 他不在时她跟上校一起喝了茶。

    While he was gone she had tea with the Colonel

  9. 利比亚领导人卡扎菲上校反复呼吁释放人质。

    The Libyan leader Colonel Gadaffi repeated his call for the release of hostages

  10. 上校倚仗权势让他的中士划船划了一路。

    The Captain pulled rank and made his sergeant row the entire way .

  11. 上校坐在一张廉价的木桌后面。

    The colonel was sitting behind a cheap wooden desk

  12. 上校拿起电话,拨通了上司的号码。

    The Colonel lifted the phone and dialed his superior

  13. 这位大人凝视的目光离开火苗,与上校的目光相遇。

    The Monsignor turned his gaze from the flames to meet the Colonel 's

  14. 哈迪上校希望看到每辆坦克都配有电脑化辅助装置。

    Colonel Hardy would like to see every tank with a computerized aid .

  15. 这位上校得以在军队监狱里策动了一场哗变。

    The colonel was able to orchestrate a rebellion from inside an army jail .

  16. 政府授予他上校军衔。

    The government accorded him the rank of Colonel

  17. 战争期间上校在婆罗洲服役并被授予一般服役奖章。

    The colonel saw active service in Borneo and was awarded the General Service Medal .

  18. 看上去上校不想在那件事上挑起争端。

    It seemed the Colonel had no desire to make an issue of the affair .

  19. 上校命令道:“尽快给我找两台性能好的发动机来。”

    The colonel ordered , ' I want two good engines down here asap . '

  20. 上校微弱的声音几不可闻。

    The Co-lonel 's voice was barely audible

  21. 他的上校在打他妻子的主意。

    His colonel had designs on his wife

  22. 图尔金拍拍他的肩膀。“不好意思打断您一下,上校。”

    Turkin tapped him on the shoulder . ' Sorry to interrupt , Colonel . '

  23. 上校命令道:“立定!”

    The colonel ordered ' Halt ! '

  24. 上校的声音听上去万分得意。

    The captain 's voice was triumphant

  25. “我还是参谋上校。”——“不会吧?”

    ' I 'm still staff colonel . ' — ' Is that a fact ? '

  26. 皮尤上校为控方律师作证时说这些罪行是在6年的时间里犯下的。

    Colonel Pugh , for the prosecution , said that the offences occurred over a six-year period .

  27. 我给上校打电话请他推荐我去填补苏黎世的那个职位空缺。

    I rang the Colonel and asked him to put my name forward for the vacancy in Zurich .

  28. 1948年我在考文垂第一次上校外课,虽然当时我在伯明翰工作。

    I took my first extra-mural course in 1948 in Coventry , even though I was working in Birmingham

  29. 他最终获得了上校军衔。

    He finally gained the rank of colonel .

  30. 上校休假时,我指挥这个团。

    I 'm in command of the regiment while the colonel 's on leave .