
mào xiǎn jiā
  • adventurer
冒险家 [mào xiǎn jiā]
  • [adventurer;buccaneer] 指政治上或商业上肆无忌惮的冒险者

  • 铁路冒险家

  • 经济冒险家

  1. 他一点也不象冒险家,也丝毫没有赳赳武夫的样子。

    There was about him nothing of the adventurer , nor any suggestion of the field of battle .

  2. 这个说法广泛流行主要是因为热门单机游戏《上古卷轴5:天际》中那句被卫兵们反复说的一句话:“我以前和你一样也是个冒险家,直到我的膝盖中了一箭。”

    The term was popularized in today 's culture by Skyrim with the famous phrase " I used to be an adventurer like you , but then I took an arrow to the knee . " iterated by guards that pop up in the game .

  3. 他从来都不害怕失败:他是个冒险家,随时准备到别处从头再来。

    He had never been afraid of failure : he was a gambler , ready to go off somewhere else and start all over again .

  4. 许多人去荷兰游历,有些人去瑞士和德国,极少数的冒险家去西班牙、希腊或土耳其。

    Many traveled to the Netherlands , some to Switzerland and Germany , and a very few adventurers to Spain , Greece , or Turkey .

  5. 还有少数地产公司也在另类投资市场(alternativeinvestmentmarket)上市,但往往只有冒险家才会关注。

    A small number of property companies are also listed on the alternative investment market ( AIM ) but only risk-takers tend to seek them out .

  6. 衣服样式遵循贝达弗耐用的服装传统,这种式样曾经被T·E·劳伦斯和切·格瓦拉这样的冒险家使用过。

    Styling goes back to Belstaff 's durable clothing traditions which have been used by adventurers such as T.E. Lawrence and Che Guevara .

  7. 2007年9月冒险家史蒂夫•福赛特(SteveFossett)在加利福尼亚州约塞米蒂国家公园(YosemiteNationalPark)附近驾驶一架单引擎螺旋桨飞机失踪,一年多以后人们才找到了飞机残骸。

    Millionaire adventurer Steve Fossett disappeared in September 2007 while flying a single-engine propeller plane near Yosemite National Park in California . It took more than a year to find the wreckage .

  8. SaimaMohsin和一些极限冒险家一起,他们打算在没人曾滑过雪的地方滑雪。

    Saima Mohsin caught up with some extreme adventurers who are planning to ski where no one has ever skied before .

  9. 虽然这个设想在阔绰的冒险家看来十分离奇,甚至充满危险,但高端旅行社Virtuoso正努力把这个设想变成现实,以满足一小部分高端客户的需求。

    Although the concept may sound completely outlandish , even dangerous , for the affluent adventurer , luxury travel network virtuoso is working to bring the concept back down to earth for a few well-heeled customers .

  10. 拉森:看来我们的女冒险家办成了呢。

    Larson : Looks like our girl 's pulled it off .

  11. 魔术冒险家大卫。布雷尼正表演他最新的惊人绝技。

    David Blaine is in the midst of his latest stunt .

  12. 他的梦想是当一名冒险家。

    He 's dream is going to be a famous adventurous .

  13. 你可能并不认为自己是一个冒险家。

    You might not think of yourself as a risk-taker .

  14. 她的冒险家丈夫反对她在驯化方面做的努力。

    Her Explorer husband resisted all her attempts at domestication .

  15. 那些真正改变世界的人都是最大的冒险家。

    People who truly change the world are the biggest risk takers .

  16. 寿司不再是美食冒险家的专利了。

    Sushi is no longer the sole preserve of the adventurous diner .

  17. 美国冒险家开始热气球环球之旅

    US Adventurer Begins Travel around Globe in Hot Air Balloon

  18. 对勇敢的人来说,它一直是冒险家的乐园。

    It has always been a world of adventure for brave people .

  19. 一个粗暴卤莽,无所不为,愚昧无知的冒险家被选中了。

    Some bold , unprincipled , ignorant adventurer was found .

  20. 很荣幸向大家介绍加勒比海最著名的冒险家。

    We are proud to present the caribbean 's most famous adventurer .

  21. 每年有更多的冒险家从西班牙向西航行。

    Every year more adventurers sailed west from Spain .

  22. 自以为是跟夸张的态度,你可以是个冒险家或是个赌徒。

    Dogmatic and exaggerating , you could be an adventurer or a gambler .

  23. 涉及有心计的歹徒或者冒险家,特别指一种小说样式。

    Involving clever rogues or adventurers especially as in a type of fiction .

  24. 能活到中年的冒险家为数很少。

    Few of the adventurers lived beyond middle age .

  25. 许多动人的奇遇使冒险家的一生别具风味。

    Many exciting adventures flavour an explorer 's life .

  26. 你知道你妈妈总说我是个冒险家。

    You know how your mother always says that I 'm the adventurer .

  27. 我们需要的是一个冒险家式的人。

    We need someone who 's a risk taker .

  28. 长期以来,保守人士一直称赞默多克先生为同道中人和商业冒险家。

    Conservatives have long celebrated Mr Murdoch as a kindred spirit and business buccaneer .

  29. 每个冒险家都梦想着探索新大陆。

    Every adventurer dreams of exploring new continents .

  30. 但她应该嫁给一个冒险家。

    But she had to have the adventurer .