
mào xiǎn
  • adventure;risk;venture;risk-taking;chance;take a risk;hazard;gamble;take chances;be risking neck;put head above the parapet
冒险 [mào xiǎn]
  • [adventure;hazard;risk;venture] 在投机、赌博或其他靠运气的这一类事情中冒失败或输掉的风险

  • 拿一生的积蓄来冒险

  • 冒险登陆

冒险[mào xiǎn]
  1. 不过,有些事让她们重新考虑,冒险。

    However , something made them reconsider and take a risk .

  2. 你必须冒险,也必须付出。

    You must take a risk and you must pay something .

  3. 他冒险把自己所有的钱都押在了一场纸牌游戏上。

    He risked all his money on a game of cards .

  4. 我躲了起来,不能冒险出去。

    I stayed hidden ; I couldn 't chance coming out .

  5. 这种天气出航就是瞎冒险。

    It would be foolhardy to sail in weather like this .

  6. 这件事决心难下,但我们决定冒险一试。

    It was a difficult decision but we decided to risk it .

  7. 我们受到忠告,在这种条件下不要冒险出行。

    We 've been advised not to risk travelling in these conditions .

  8. 在这种天气冒险出去,真是不要命了。

    It would be suicidal to risk going out in this weather .

  9. 他冒险跳进水里。

    He took his chances and jumped into the water .

  10. 你在这里过马路简直是冒险玩命。

    You take your life in your hands just crossing the road here .

  11. 你没有权利拿别人的生命去冒险。

    You have no right to take risks with other people 's lives .

  12. 我们不想冒险失去他们的生意。

    We don 't want to run the risk of losing their business .

  13. 度假胜地有许多活动是供不太敢于冒险的人玩的。

    There are plenty of activities at the resort for the less daring .

  14. 她知道是在冒险,但她认为冒这个险值得。

    She knew she was taking a gamble but decided it was worth it .

  15. 她不明白怎么会有人竟拿人们的生命那样去冒险。

    She could not comprehend how someone would risk people 's lives in that way .

  16. 你愿意冒险把你的疑团公开吗?

    Are you prepared to go out on a limb and make your suspicions public ?

  17. 他们一开始就把资金投到这家公司,结果这一冒险获得了成功。

    They invested money in the company right at the start and the gamble paid off .

  18. 梅尔喜欢冒险活动。

    Mel enjoys living dangerously .

  19. 我们处于左右为难的窘境,不知是要违法还是要拿生命冒险。

    We were in the invidious position of having to choose whether to break the law or risk lives .

  20. 他们不愿意临时凑合或冒险。

    They show no disposition to improvise or to take risks .

  21. 别那么玩命,冒险时要谨慎些。

    Tone down your kamikaze tendencies and take more prudent risks .

  22. 这是一次冒险的行动,但也许能赢得更多的时间。

    It was a risky operation , but might buy more time

  23. 他一直想到热带地区过冒险的生活。

    He had always wanted an adventurous life in the tropics .

  24. 由于害怕狙击手,人们不敢冒险外出。

    People are afraid to venture out for fear of sniper attacks

  25. 这是我们的一些成员制订的一个冒险计划。

    It was a wildcat plan by some of our members .

  26. 他们的文化背景赋予了他们一种冒险精神。

    Their cultural backgrounds gave them a spirit of adventure .

  27. 我不会让他冒险骑那辆摩托车。

    I won 't have him risking his neck on that motorcycle .

  28. 他冒险涉足商界后几乎没有取得什么成功。

    He enjoyed little success when he ventured into business .

  29. 这次旅行是他们人生中最刺激的冒险经历。

    This voyage was the most exciting adventure of their lives

  30. 很少有公司愿意冒险开发新产品。

    Few firms will be willing to gamble on new products