
shànɡ sù qī xiàn
  • time limit of appeal
  1. 他的讼案不会再次开庭审理,(假定上诉期限已过),虽然若可推迟一个月便可获得不同的审理结果。

    His case cannot be heard again ( assuming it is too late for an appeal ), though had it been delayed for a month it would have been decided differently .

  2. 审理行政上诉案件的期限为两个月;

    The time limit is two months for hearing administrative cases of the second instance .

  3. 审理对民事判决的上诉案件,审理期限为三个月;

    The time limit is three months for hearing civil cases of the second instance .

  4. 宣告判决时,必须告知当事人上诉权利、上诉期限和上诉的法院。

    When a judgment is pronounced , the litigant must be informed of his right to appeal , of the time limitation , and of the competent appellant court .