
  • 网络sculpture;Sand sculpture
  1. 沙雕&生活中的新艺术

    Sand Sculpture , A New Form of Art

  2. 沙雕融雕塑、绘画、建筑、体育、户外娱乐为一体,是一门新兴的综合性艺术。

    Sand sculpture , a new and comprehensive art is in perfect harmony with drawing , construction , and outdoor recreational activities .

  3. 作为《纽约时报》东京分社社长,我是来报道砂之美术馆(SandMuseum)的。每年,来自全球各地的艺术家聚集到这里,用可塑性特别强的沙子创作大型沙雕。

    As the Tokyo bureau chief for The New York Times , I had come to report on the Sand Museum , where artists from around the world assemble every year to build massive sculptures from the distinctively moldable sand .

  4. 现代的儿童的故事也用沙雕来呈现。

    Modern children 's stories are also depicted in sand .

  5. 他创作了一些沙雕是关于美国总统奥巴马的。

    He has produced several sand sculptures of US President Barack Obama .

  6. 这些沙雕讲述着青海湖的由来。

    This sculpture tells the story of the origins of Qinghai Lake .

  7. 用体验式营销模式推进沙雕节产业化进程

    Carrying Forward the Industrialization of Sand-sculpture Festival in " Experiential Marketing " Mode

  8. 所有的这些沙雕都向人们展示了精湛的技艺和对于细节的深切关注。

    All of these sculptures exemplify sublime skill and sharp attention to detail .

  9. 这23座沙雕将在10月前对所有游客开放。

    The 23 sand sculptures will be available for all to see until October .

  10. 本次沙雕展的主题为昆虫,将展至2011年4月。

    The insect-themed exhibition will be open to the public until April , 2011 .

  11. 白天的沙雕,少了灯光的笼罩难免显得单调。

    The day of ShaDiao , little light cover of hard to avoid appear drab .

  12. 它的目标是用巨大的沙雕展示最受人们喜爱的迪斯尼人物。

    Its goal is to represent the most beloved Disney characters in huge sand sculptures .

  13. 我们在位于中国西北部的青海湖看到一些不可思议的沙雕。

    Some incredible sand sculptures can be seen by the Qinghai Lake in Northwest China .

  14. 我们刚刚做好的沙雕被大浪冲走了一半。

    A large wave swept away half of the sand figure that we just had finished .

  15. 堆一个沙雕城堡。

    Make a sand castle .

  16. 如果你到埃拉克莱米诺瓦的海边,临近威尼斯,记住在那里建沙雕是被禁止的。

    If you go to the sea in Eraclea , near Venice , remember that building sandcastles is forbidden .

  17. 聚散沙为艺术,化平凡为神奇&第十四届青岛国际沙滩节沙雕艺术展展现古代文明

    Ancient civilization displayed on the exhibition of sand sculpture art during the 14th Qingdao International Festival of sand beach culture

  18. 你永远不会无聊,因为总有不同的新沙雕可以看。

    You can never get bored of sand sculptures because there are always new and different ones to look at !

  19. 沙雕高37英尺10寸(约11.25米)建好后,在周三被吉尼斯世界记录确认为世界最高的沙雕。

    The37-foot , ten-inch sculpture was certified as the world 's tallest by Guinness World Records on Wednesday after it was built .

  20. 看了这么多精美的沙雕,要是能自己亲手做一做就更好了。

    After seeing so many beautiful sand sculptures , it would be great if we could create one with our own hands .

  21. 她第一次在2003年建造了29英尺高的沙雕并打破了世界记录,然后在2007年建成了31英尺,6寸高的沙雕再次刷新记录。

    He first built the world 's tallest sandcastle in2003 with a29-foot structure , then broke that in2007 with a31-foot , six-inch structure .

  22. 该套件包括建立一个稳定和美丽的城堡工具,模具及如何从一个指令沙雕艺术家。

    The kit contains tools , molds and an instruction from a sand sculpture artist on how to create a stable and beautiful castle .

  23. 不仅如此,沙雕艺术还给予我们许多有益的启示:如何与自然和谐相处,注重环境保护;

    What 's more , sand sculpture gives us a great deal of enlightenment : How to get along harmoniously with nature , paying attention to environmental protection ;

  24. 这幕为圣诞节而创作的沙雕基督诞生场景位于意大利北部海滨城市里米尼,当地人坚信它是整个欧洲最大的砂雕作品。

    A nativity scene made from sand in the northern Italian seaside town of Rimini for Christmas is believed locally to be the biggest sand sculpture in Europe .

  25. 以其受大众欢迎的、每年举办一次的沙雕节而闻名的舟山岛是中国东部浙江省的一个辖区,今年它把这个地区的挑战带到一个新的层次。

    Known for its popular annual Sand Sculpture Festival , Zhoushan Island , a prefecture in Eastern China 's Zhejiang Province , is taking the region to a new level of challenge this year .

  26. 福隆海水浴场的游客直呼很幸运,看到沙雕制作过程,也惊叹沙雕师的巧手工艺。

    Visitors to Fulong Beach said they were very lucky to see the process that goes into the creation of a sand sculpture , and they were amazed at how skillful the sculptors are .