
  • 网络Communication Management;Project Communications Management
  1. 基于UML的沟通管理系统中关键技术的研究与实现

    Research and Implement of Pivotal Technology of Communication Management System Based UML

  2. 论沟通管理在B2B电子商务项目中的应用

    Application of Communication Management in B2B E-Commerce Project

  3. 采用UML语言对系统进行需求分析、设计,并建立了沟通管理的静态与动态模型。

    Through requirement analysis and design using UML language , the paper establishes static and dynamic model .

  4. 研究适合该公司发展的管理措施及改进建议,加强时间和沟通管理,以及研发流程等问题,并阐述Tool在实际中的应用。

    Study the problems of the management measure and improvement object which are fit for the enterprise , strengthen the management of time and communication , optimize the making process and explain the practical application of TOOL .

  5. 应建立适应RD部门与市场营销部门界面管理的文化模式和管理机制,并加强信息沟通管理。

    This paper suggests building up a cultural mode and management system that adapts to interface management between RD department and marketing department .

  6. 其次,阐述了本项目所涉及的项目管理的基础知识,对项目组织管理,施工进度计划与控制管理和沟通管理如何在SCADA系统项目的实施过程中的应用进行了探讨。

    Applications of project organization and management , construction plan , control management and communication management are described in the implementation process of SCADA system .

  7. 在此基础上介绍了PTB项目概况以及项目不同阶段沟通管理存在的问题。

    On this basis , introduced PTB profiles and project communication management problems at different stages .

  8. 本论文对BC研究所预研项目开展沟通管理研究,不但有利于改善企业内部工作环境,而且有利于实现企业整体化战略以及整合企业资源。

    Communication management can not only improve internal work environment , but can facilitate realization of overall strategy of an enterprise and integration of enterprise resources .

  9. 由这种方法产生的一个工件是软件发布日历,这个日历可被归类为PMI沟通管理激活器。

    One of the artifacts that result from this approach is the Software Release Calendar ; the calendar can be categorized as a PMI Communication Management enabler .

  10. HPCMS致力于在项目管理领域建立一套有效的管理方法,能够适应和面对挑战,其中面向电信行业的软件项目沟通管理体系是其中一项重点。

    HP CMS is devoted to a series of effective management methods which can be challenged in project management area , in chich communication management system of software project is an important item .

  11. 同时本文还对华北石化公司MES项目的实施情况进行研究,包括MES系统的实施策略、项目进度管理、项目组织、沟通管理以及质量管理等。

    At the same time , this paper studied the implementation of MES projects , including the MES system , implementation strategy , project management , project organization , communication , management and quality management .

  12. 将沟通管理模型运用到CRM项目实施中,通过对项目最重要干系人&销售人员的沟通管理,提高他们对系统的接受度,从而保障了系统数据的可靠性,规避了项目最大的风险。

    At the same communication management on sales staff , the most important stakeholders will help to increase their acceptance of the system , therefore protect the reliability of system data . ( 3 ) Change control is the most important control process in CRM implementation .

  13. EPC模式下化工项目信息沟通管理中,对项目管理中信息沟通平台的构建研究和管道材料的集成管理,仅处在理论构想阶段,如何运用信息技术等进行实际构建和运用,还需要进一步进行研究。

    The research and consideration on information communication platform building-up and integrated pipe material management for chemical projects under EPC mode are theoretical ideas only . How to use information technologies to build up and apply this platform to actual practice needs further research .

  14. 第六章回顾了本项目的沟通管理中的一些经验或启示。

    Chapter VI reviewed the experiences or revelations of project communication management .

  15. 危机的平息并不意味着危机沟通管理的结束,事后沟通至关重要。

    The crisis communication of recovery plays an important role in crisis management .

  16. 因此在沟通管理方面,要加大力度。

    Therefore we will reinforce the administration of communication .

  17. 中国移动业务监控项目沟通管理研究

    Research of Communication Management in China Mobile BAM Project

  18. 沟通管理:新经济条件下管理变革的基本趋势

    Communicative Management : Innovation Trend of Management Under the Situation of New Economy

  19. 这四个领域是范围管理、质量管理、沟通管理和风险管理。

    The four areas are Scope , Quality , Communication and Risk Management .

  20. 项目沟通管理关系着项目的成败。

    Problem of communication management in project management ;

  21. 论沟通管理在高校青年教师发展中的应用

    On the Applications of Communication Management in the Development of Young Teachers in Colleges

  22. 浅谈信息不对称下工程项目沟通管理

    Construction Project Communication Management Under Asymmetric Information

  23. 城市轨道交通建设项目接口的沟通管理动议经口头表决而通过。

    Communication Management of Interfaces in Rail Transit Project The motion was carried by acclamation .

  24. 沟通管理与医疗纠纷防范

    Communication Management and Medical Dispute Precaution

  25. 论跨文化背景下的沟通管理

    By Trans-Culture background under communication management

  26. 不完善的沟通管理计划。

    C.A poor communication management plan .

  27. 设计出了软件项目沟通管理的体系架构;

    The paper gives out the project of above problems and the software communication management architecture .

  28. 项目经理的任用对项目管理、特别是项目沟通管理尤为关键。

    Appointment of project managers is especially critical for project management , project communication management in particular .

  29. 深入研究了投标项目的过程管理,包括投标项目的组织设计,沟通管理等。

    Thorough research process management of the tender project , including the organization design and communication management .

  30. 项目的信息与沟通管理阐明了为了实现上述各项管理目标的过程控制而进行的协调。

    Furthermore , in order to fulfill object above , information management demonstrate the harmony with process control .