
  • 网络oil purification
  1. LPM移动式高效工业润滑油净化装置研究

    A Study On LPM Movable High Efficiency Industrial Lube Oil Purification Unit

  2. 介绍了LPM移动式高效工业润滑油净化装置的工作原理。

    The working principle of LPM movable high efficiency industrial lube oil purification unit is explained .

  3. 进口300MW汽轮机组油净化装置的选择

    The Selection of Oil Purifier for Imported 300 MW Steam Turbine Set

  4. 从透平增压器上拆下空气净化器油管。LPM移动式高效工业润滑油净化装置研究

    Remove air cleaner hoses from turbocharger . A Study On LPM Movable High Efficiency Industrial Lube Oil Purification Unit

  5. WH-5型除油净化空气压缩机在加压过滤机系统的应用

    Application of WH-5 Type Deoil Purification Air Compressor for Hyperbaric Filter System

  6. 针对变压器油净化处理过程中多次产生乙炔(C2H2),分析原因并提出相应的防范措施。

    This paper analysis reason of bring gas of C2H2 on the purifying process of transformer oil time and time , then brings some methods to treatment .

  7. 文章介绍了已严重劣化的C-46管道冲洗油净化后的利用,46抗磨液压油经过在线净化处理后延长使用期的处理工艺及技术。

    The depuration technology for reuse of seriously degraded C 46 # conduit rinse oil and for prolonging the service life of 46 # anti abrasion hydraulic oil after on line treatment is presented .

  8. 电站系统油净化设备的合理配置与应用

    Equipment and Application of Oil Purification Machine in Power Plant System

  9. 煎炸油净化助滤剂在油炸鸡块生产中的应用

    Application of filter aid to purify frying oil in fried chicken production

  10. 汽轮机组在线油净化装置的一种改造方法

    A Renovation Method for Turbine - unit On - line Oil Purifier

  11. 浮游植物对海水溶油净化作用的初步研究

    A primary study on the purification of oil-polluted sea water with phytoplankton

  12. 一种变压器油净化的自动变功率加热方式

    An Automatic Variable Power Heating Method to Purify Transformer Oil

  13. 用木屑和工业润滑油净化含铬工业污水从废液中提取金

    Treatment of Chrome Wastewater with Recovery of Gold from Effluent

  14. 滑油净化加油车的设计与应用

    The Designing and Application of Lubricant Cleansing Fuel-servicing Truck

  15. 油净化装置是保证油品质的重要设备。

    The oil purifier is an important device to ensure the oil quality .

  16. 硫酸铬钾结晶水合物用作气相色谱固定相的研究用木屑和工业润滑油净化含铬工业污水

    Study on Using Potassium Chrome Alum Crystalline hydrates as Stationary Phase in Gas Chromatography

  17. 电力用油存在的问题、净化及最新油净化技术

    Problems , Purifying Existing in Oil Used for Electric Power and Up-to-date Purifying Technique

  18. 油净化系统的设计计算

    Design and calculation of oil - purifying system

  19. 直流脉冲放电对脏污变压器的油净化处理

    Study on the Purifying Process of Polluted Transformer Oil with Combination of Direct Current and Pulse Power Supply

  20. 只有把矿物油净化分离成各种产品之后,它才会对人有用。

    Not until mineral oil is cleaned and separated into different products can it be of use to man .

  21. 碟式分离机在燃油、滑油净化系统中的应用混捏烟气的净化

    Application of Disc Centrifuge in Fuel Oil and Lube Oil Purification System THE TREATMENT OF THE SMOKE PRODUCTED DURING KNEADING

  22. 介绍了一种新型润滑油净化装置的研制方案,阐述了该装置的组成、工作原理以及研制中遇到的主要问题及其解决方法。

    A new oil cleaning equipment was designed , its constitutes and working principle were introduced , relative major problems in the design process and its solutions were given .

  23. 介绍了目前电站系统常用的油净化设备,分析了不同类型电站用油污染劣化的原因,以及各类油净化设备在电站系统的不同应用,提出了电站净油设备的装备原则和合理的配置方法。

    Universal oil purification machines in power plant system are introduced . Different oil contamination and applications is analyzes , and equipment principle and methods of kinds of oil purification machines in power plant system are put forward .

  24. 综述了煎炸油净化助滤剂脱除煎炸油中的游离脂肪酸、色素、极性化合物等杂质的吸附处理性能,以及其在油炸鸡块生产中的应用。

    The adsorption capability of the filter aid to remove free fatty acid , pigment , polar compound and other impure materials in frying oil , and its application in fried chicken production were summed up in the paper .

  25. 分析了变压器油净化时的油液裂解现象,研究了变压器油真空净化过程中产生气体的影响因素即变压油流动带电放电、气泡相油液的相变能量转换和净油机故障等。

    According to analysis of transformer oil cleavage in vacuum purifying by 8 sets vacuum oil purification machines , this paper studies factors of gases release in this process : transformer oil flowing electrification , energy radiation of bubble phase conversion and malfunction of oil purification machine .

  26. 选用新型过滤材料改性聚丙烯GXPP,以折叠型平行气流布置方式的过滤器结构进行了油烟雾净化实验,找出了过滤器的最佳结构参数,并进行了过滤器的净化能力及耐久性能试验。

    The experiment was performed by using GXPP # as filter material , and the filter was plicate structure in which the gas flow was parallel to the filter face . Through the experiment , the best structure parameter was found , efficiency and endurance test was carried through .

  27. 不锈钢膜对煎炸油的净化性能及超滤动力学研究

    Purifying Frying Oil Performance and Ultrafiltration Dynamics of Stainless Steel Membrane

  28. 一种飞机用多功能油液净化机的设计

    The Design of a Multi-function Oil Purifying Device for Airplanes

  29. 浅析轧机油雾净化回收系统的设计

    The Design of Purifying and Recovering System of Exhausting Fume for Rolling Mill

  30. 废乳化油的净化与再生新工艺

    New Technology of Waste Emulsified Oil Purification and Regeneration