
  • 网络oleoresin
  1. 用松树的油性树脂制成的半透明的易碎物质,尤其用于清漆和墨水及装弦的弓上。

    Translucent brittle substance produced from pine oleoresin ; used especially in varnishes and inks and on the bows of stringed instruments .

  2. UV聚合新型功能吸油性树脂研究

    Investigation of a New Type of Functional Oil-absorbable Resin by UV Polymerization

  3. 高吸油性树脂PASE的合成与性能评价

    Synthesis and study of high oil absorption resin pase

  4. 以苯乙烯和丙烯酸酯为单体,DEGDA为交联剂,采用微乳聚合法和热引发技术合成了高吸油性树脂。

    The high oil-absorption resin were synthesised by means of microemulsions polymerization and heat initiation , and the copolymer were consisted of styrene , acrylates and DEGDA as crosslinking agent .

  5. 高吸油性树脂的合成、性能与应用

    The Synthesis , Properties and Application of High Oil Absorption Resin

  6. 最后,对高吸油性树脂进行再生回收研究。

    Finally , the way to recycle high oil-absorption resins was studied .

  7. 速吸油型高吸油性树脂的研究

    Study of High Oil Absorption Resin with Fast Absorbing-Oil

  8. 高吸油性树脂的合成和应用

    The Synthesis and Application of High Oil adsorbing Resin

  9. 多孔性高吸油性树脂的合成及性能

    Study of highly oil - absorbing porous resin

  10. 微乳聚合制备高吸油性树脂

    Synthesis Of High Oil-absorption Risen By Microemulsions Polymerization

  11. 用于处理含油废水的吸油罐的研制高吸油性树脂

    Development of oil absorption container for treating oily wastewater High Oil - absorption Resins

  12. 高吸油性树脂的合成陕北石油秩序

    The Synthesis of the Oil - absorbing Resin

  13. 大孔型腐植酸树脂合成的研究多孔性高吸油性树脂的合成及性能

    Synthesis of macro - porous humic acid resin study of highly oil-absorbing porous resin

  14. 丙烯酸2-乙基己酯与醋酸乙烯酯共聚合成高吸油性树脂的研究

    Study of high oil absorption resin of copolymer of vinyl acetate and ( 2-ethylhexyl ) acrylate

  15. 高吸油性树脂

    High oil - absorbing resin

  16. 用不饱和氨基甲酸酯、丙烯酸异辛酯和交联剂,以悬浮聚合的方法制备高吸油性树脂。

    Useing unsaturated urethane , 2-ethylhexyl acrylate , crosslinking agent , high oil-absorbent resin was prepared by suspension polymerization .

  17. 以丙烯酸2-乙基己酯和丙烯酸羟乙酯为单体进行共聚合,聚合体系中并不加入交联剂,采用悬浮聚合的方法制得自交联型高吸油性树脂,测定了树脂的吸油性能。

    The high oil-absorptive resin of copolymer of hydroxyethyl acrylate and ( 2-ethylhexyl ) acrylate was prepared by suspension polymerization .

  18. 考察了聚合温度、体、联剂和溶剂萃取树脂对高吸油性树脂吸油性能的影响。溶剂萃取油[抽出油]

    The effect of polymeric temperature , monomers , crosslinking agents and solvent-extraction on absorbency of high oil-absorbent resin were investigated .

  19. 研究了共聚单体的配比、交联剂用量、引发剂用量诸因素对高吸油性树脂性能的影响。

    The effects of amount of initiator , crosslinking agent used and monomer composition on the oil absorption capacity of copolymer were studied .

  20. 实验结果表明:新合成的树脂是一种吸油速度快、吸油容量大、热稳定性好的高吸油性树脂。

    The experimental results show that the synthesized resin is a high oil-absorbent resin with fast oil-absorbent velocity , high oil-absorbability , good thermal stability .

  21. 以自制的甲基丙烯酯十六酸和双烯交联剂为单体,采用悬浮聚合方法合成了聚甲基丙烯酸十六酯高吸油性树脂。

    High oil absorption resin has been prepared from the monomers of self-made n-hexadecyl methacrylate and diene as crosslink agent by suspension polymerization in this paper .

  22. 以甲基丙烯酸酯为单体,二乙烯苯为交联剂,过氧化二苯甲酰为引发剂,采用悬浮聚合法合成了高吸油性树脂。

    High oil absorption resins of poly ( n-alkyl methacrylates ) were synthesized by suspension polymerization using divinyl benzene as cross-linking agent , benzoyl peroxide as initiator .

  23. 高吸油性树脂是一种不同于传统吸油材料的新型吸油材料,它具有吸油种类多、吸油量大、不吸水、受压不漏油等优点,具有广阔的发展前景。

    High oil-absorbing resin , being different from traditional oil-absorbing materials , is a new kind of self-swelling oil-absorbing material with many strong points and brilliant prospects .

  24. 我们以γ-射线引发甲基丙烯酸十二酯乳液聚合制备高吸油性树脂并以称重法研究了其吸油、保油性能。

    SOAR was prepared through the emulsion polymerization of lauryl methacrylate initiated by γ - ray . Oil absorption and keeping performances of the polymer was studied through weights .

  25. 研究了单体配比、引发剂用量、交联剂用量、溶剂种类及反应温度等因素时吸油性树脂性能的影响。

    The effects of the amount of initiator , crosslinker used , monomer composition , kinds of solvents , and re-action temperature on the oil absorption capacities of copolymers were studied .

  26. 高吸油性树脂的结构特点是:高分子之间形成一种三维的交联网状结构,材料内部具有一定微孔结构。

    The structure of the high oil adsorbing resin is characterized by a three dimension crosslinked network structure among the high molecula , and there is a porous structure inside the resin .

  27. 高吸油性树脂是与一般吸油材料不同的自溶胀型新型吸油材料,它能够吸收从矿物油到天然油脂等各种油。

    High oil absorption resin , being different from ordinary oil absorbent materials , is a new self-swelling oil absorption material . It could absorb a great variety of oils from mineral oil to natural fats and oils .

  28. 本文叙述了高吸油性树脂的合成和应用方面的最新发展,介绍了六种现有的合成方法,简要说明其结构特点以及吸油特性。

    The recent development of the synthesis and application of high oil adsorbing resin , six avaiable processes for the resin and the characteristics of the structure and oil adsorbing property of the resin are described in this paper .

  29. 最后展望了高吸油性树脂的发展方向,指出其在理论研究、新技术开发、应用领域拓展这三个方面需要重点关注。

    At last , the development trend is introduced , and three aspects of the high oil-absorbing resin which need to be paid more attention are indicated , such as theoretical research , development of new technology and expansion of application .

  30. 传统的魔术扣生产是用油性PU树脂定型,现在用水性压力克树脂取代,不但是更环保、安全,而且相对PU树脂而言有更佳的性价比。

    Traditional magic button is used for oily PU resin molding , now replaced by water-based polyester resin , more pro-environmentally , safe , and its cost performance is better than PU resin .