
  • 网络oil palm
  1. 油棕榈纤维作为新的造纸原料的研究

    The Research of Oil Palm Fibres Utilization In Pulp and Papermaking Industry

  2. 此外,我们还将参观小型的油棕榈树林场,亲眼看看享有“世界油王”美称的油棕。

    Also visit to the small holding oil palm estate to see the harvesting .

  3. 油棕榈果球丝烧碱-蒽醌法蒸煮脱木质素机理的研究

    Delignification Mechanism of Soda-AQ Cooking of the Thread of Oil-Palm Fruit

  4. 然而,泰国现在油棕榈的施肥状况,比起钾来,更偏向重视氮和磷。

    However fertilizer regimes for oil palm in Thailand have tended to emphasize N and P more than K.

  5. 油棕榈种植园的工人常常射杀猩猩妈妈,并把她们的幼崽当作宠物出售。

    In many cases workers on oil palm plantations shot their mothers and sold the babies as pets .

  6. 中国私人企业家还与东南亚的海外华人社区接洽,以投资油棕榈种植园和蔬菜农场。

    Private Chinese entrepreneurs approach overseas Chinese communities in Southeast Asia to invest in oil palm plantations and vegetable farms .

  7. 而且,欧洲大多数生物燃料需要从巴西和东南亚进口,在这些地方,适合发展生物燃料的甘蔗、大豆和油棕榈正在取代热带雨林。

    Much of Europe 's demand for biofuel will come from Brazil and South-East Asia , where sugarcane , soybean and oil palm plantations are replacing rainforests .

  8. 这样做的一个方法是通过种植油棕榈树,并确保产出棕榈油得到充分利用。

    One way to do that is by planting oil palm trees and making sure that much of the palm oil they produce goes to good use .

  9. 科学家们警告说,如果这种人类近亲的栖息地因种植油棕榈而遭到破坏,它们有可能在十到二十年间灭绝。

    Scientists warn that this close human cousin might disappear in a decade or two as a result of the destruction of its habitat for palm oil plantations .

  10. 此次污染主要是印尼苏门答腊岛的大火所致。当地人通过烧荒这种违法但是廉价的方式来清理空地用于油棕榈树种植,大火因此产生。

    The pollution was caused mainly by fires on Indonesia 's island of Sumatra that were set as a cheap , though illegal , way of clearing land for oil palm plantations .

  11. 利用棕榈油合成棕榈酸甲酯的研究

    Study on the synthesis of methyl palmitate by using palm-oil

  12. 使用最普遍的是用椰子油,棕榈油和橄榄油的混合物。

    Most common , though , is a combination of coconut , palm , and olive oils .

  13. 一种晶状脂肪酸,作为甘油脂天然脂肪和油脂(尤其是椰子油和棕榈仁油)中。

    A crystalline fatty acid occuring as glycerides in natural fats and oils ( especially coconut oil and palm-kernel oil ) .

  14. 其中涉及毛棕榈油和精炼棕榈油、咖啡、胡椒和茶叶。

    It includes crude and refined palm oil , coffee , pepper and tea .

  15. 常用煎炸油主要以棕榈油和氢化植物油为主。

    Commonly used fry frying oil are mainly composed of palm oil and hydrogenated vegetable oil .

  16. 然后准备1个双层蒸锅,把西蒙得木油和巴西棕榈蜡放在蒸锅上加热。

    And then prepare a double boiler and put the oil and the wax on to heat .

  17. 以甲醇和从棕榈油中获得的棕榈酸为原料,以甲醇钠为催化剂,在80℃下反应2.5h合成棕榈酸甲酯。

    Methyl palmitate is synthesized by using palmitic acid obtained from palm-oil and methanol as raw materials . The reaction lasts 2.5 hours , using sodium methoxide as catalyst .

  18. 过去12个月,由于持续高企的原油价格推助了对棕榈油的需求,棕榈油价格已上涨一倍。棕榈油正日益成为制造生物柴油的原料。

    Prices have doubled in 12 months as persistently expensive crude oil stokes demand for palm oil , which is increasingly made into biodiesel .

  19. 分别以椰子油、橄榄油、棕榈油和蓖麻油为原料,与二乙醇胺反应,合成了1∶2型烷醇酰胺。

    Alkanolamides of 1 ∶ 2 type were synthesized from coconut oil , olive oil , palm oil and castor oil .

  20. 研究了Canola油中混入棉籽油和棕榈油导致浑浊的鉴别方法,基本排除了Canola油在低温下浑浊是由于搀假的可能性。

    The methods on distinguishing cottonseed oil and palm oil mixed in the Canola oil was researched . The possibilities that the haze of Canola oil in low temperature was caused by adulteration were excluded .

  21. 3皮油含量、皮油中棕榈酸含量与年积温呈正相关,皮油中油酸含量与年积温呈负相关;

    The annual accumulated temperature had positive effect on crust oil content and palmitic acid content in crust oil and had negative effect on oleic acid content in crust oil ;

  22. 月桂油的供应取决于椰子油和棕榈仁油的产量。

    So the supply of lauric oils will be more difficult .

  23. 油酸的原料来源很广,牛油、羊油、猪油等动物油油脂以及大豆油、花生油、棕榈油等植物油脂中都含有大量的油酸。

    But the sources of oleic acid are abundant , such as animal oil ( butter , sheep oil , lard ) and plant oil ( bean oil , peanut oil , palm oil ) .

  24. 扼要介绍了食用硬化油、人造奶油、起酥油、椰子油、棕榈仁油及棕榈油,以及碳水化合物类脂肪代用品和脂肪酸酯代脂品。

    Induratived oil , synthetic cream , pastry margarine , coconut oil , palm oil , carbohydrate fat replacers and fatty acid replacers were also described .

  25. 其中最重要的是棉籽油、玉米油、花生油、向日葵油、红花油、橄榄油、棕榈油和芝麻油。

    Soft landscaping The most important members of this group are cottonseed , corn , peanut , sunflower , safflower , olive , palm , and sesame oils .

  26. 一些全国连锁餐厅特别指出,只有炸薯条可能会含有以下食用油中一种或几种:玉米油、菜籽油、豆油、棉籽油、葵花油和棕榈油。

    National chain restaurants typically reveal only that fries may contain one or more of the following oils : corn , canola , soybean , cottonseed , sunflower and palm .