
yóu qì yùn yí
  • oil-gas migration
  1. 油气运移研究是目前石油地质学中最薄弱的环节。

    Oil-gas migration is the weakest link in petroleum geology now .

  2. 天然地震与构造裂缝、油气运移的关系研究

    The relations among the natural earthquake and structural fracture and oil-gas migration

  3. 琼海凸起与文昌B凹陷过渡部位的北部斜坡带是油气运移的必经之道,具备油气富集、非构造圈闭发育的条件,是今后勘探部署的有利场所。

    The north slope between Qionghai uplift and transitional zone of Wenchang B sag is the necessary pathway for oil and gas migration , Where existed conditions for oil and gas enrichment and development of non-structural traps ; and which are the favorable places for further exploration .

  4. 研究区主要发育加里东期&海西期近EW、NE向、NW向断裂,为油气运移提供良好的通道,同时控制着圈闭的形成与发育。

    The faults in work area are mainly in EW 、 NE 、 NW and formed during Caledonian-Hercynian , offering favorable channels for petroleum 's migration and controlling the formation and growth of traps .

  5. 利用高邮凹陷WZ、MTZ、SXF这3个地区含氮化合物地化资料分析研究其油气运移。

    By using geochemical information of nitrogen compound in WZ , MTZ and SXF regions , oil and gas migration are studied .

  6. T60、T40两个区域不整合界面是莺东构造带油气运移的主要通道;

    The two regional unconformities ( T 60 and T 40 ) are the main hydrocarbon migration passages in Yingdong structural belt .

  7. 对这两个油藏的16个原油中含氮化合物进行了分离和GC-MS分析,研究了中性含氮化合物的运移分馏效应,探讨了油气运移问题。

    Through extraction the nitrogen compounds in 16 oil samples collected from the two reservoirs and carrying out the GC-MS analysis , the migration fractionation effect of neutral nitrogen compounds was investigated and the problem of oil and gas migration was discussed by the authors .

  8. 断裂构造是柴北缘油气运移的主要通道。

    The fault structure is the main thoroughfare for hydrocarbon migration .

  9. 油气运移受力分析全球观

    Global outlook on the mechanical analysis of oil and gas migration

  10. 济阳断陷盆地油气运移优势方向研究

    A study on dominant directions of hydrocarbon migration in Jiyang rifted-basin

  11. 盆地流体动力学及油气运移研究进展

    Developments in the fluid dynamics and hydrocarbon migration of sedimentary basins

  12. 油气运移的断层封闭因素探讨

    Discussion on the Fault Sealing Factors of Oil and Gas Migration

  13. 断弯褶皱和断展褶皱中的油气运移聚集行为

    Hydrocarbon Migration and Accumulation Behaviour in Fault-Bend Folds and Fault-Propagation Folds

  14. 油气运移输导通道主要为断层。

    Fault is the mainly migration pathway of oil and gas .

  15. 裂隙发育带是油气运移的基本通道之一。

    The fractured reservoir is the basic passageway of oil and gas .

  16. 应力驱动与油气运移势场的剖面研究

    Study of tectonic stress control of oil and gas migration in sections

  17. 异常高压、流体压裂与油气运移(下)异常压力与油气分布

    Abnormal pressure , fluid fracturing , and migration of oil and gas

  18. 库车前陆盆地油气运移的物理化学条件

    Physical-chemical conditions for oil-gas migration in the Kuqa foreland basin

  19. 塔河油田碳酸盐岩层系油气运移研究

    Study on Hydrocarbon Migration in the Carbonate Successions in the Tahe Oilfield

  20. 苏北盆地金湖凹陷油气运移与聚集规律

    Rules of Hydrocarbon Migration and Accumulation in Jinhu Depression of Subei Basin

  21. 油气运移以垂向为主,以高压作动力,断裂为通道。

    Oil and gas are carried by high pressure through vertical fractures .

  22. 北部湾盆地涠西南凹陷超压系统与油气运移

    Overpressure system and migration of hydrocarbon in weixi'nan depression in Beibu Gulf Basin

  23. 准噶尔盆地陆梁地区油气运移方向研究

    Hydrocarbon migration direction in Luliang section of Junggar Basin

  24. 断层在活动时具通道性,活动期后的封闭与成岩作用有关,长期活动的断层是油气运移的通道。

    The long - term active faults become the pathway of hydrocarbon migration .

  25. 油气运移效率较低,运移不太明显。

    Hydrocarbon migration efficiency was low and not evident .

  26. 泄压区是油气运移的有利指向区;

    The pressure released zone s are available for oil and gas migration ;

  27. 地应力是油气运移、聚集的动力之一。

    Earth stress is one of dynamic forces of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation .

  28. 塔里木盆地北部地区主要断裂带构造应力场与油气运移

    Tectonic stress driving and migration of gas and oil in northern Tarim Basin

  29. 油气运移研究的现状与发展

    Present status of hydrocarbons migration research and its development

  30. 断裂与储集层是油气运移通道;

    Faulting and reservoir are channels for oil-gas migration ;