
  • 网络oil and gas show
  1. 油层剖面上含油包裹体的相对丰度可作为一种记录常规方法检测不到的油气显示指标,反映储集层原始含油性和古油藏油水界面变迁。

    The relative abundance of oil-bearing fluid inclusion on the formation profile can be used to record the oil and gas show targets that cannot be detected through conventional methods and to reflect original oil-bearing saturation of reservoirs and migration of oil-water contact of Paleo-reservoirs .

  2. 定量荧光及地化方法识别真假油气显示

    Identify oil and gas shows by quantitative fluorescence and geochemical method

  3. 应用HCI技术,将SZ地区油层反射强度分为四级,经钻井证实,在Ⅰ、Ⅱ级强反射部位见到了好的油气显示。

    By using HCI technique , reservoir reflections in SZ area were graded into four levels . Drilling discovered good hydrocarbon shows in the formations which are correlated with ⅰ and ⅱ level strong reflections .

  4. YQ&Ⅲ型油气显示评价仪简介

    Brief Introduction for YQ & ⅲ Oil Gas Show Evaluator

  5. 利用油气显示频度优化勘探选区

    Optimization of Exploration Target Areas by Using Oil-Gas Showing Probability

  6. 地质录井过程中真假油气显示的热解识别方法

    Pyrolysis Identification of Oil and Gas Shows in the Course of Geologic Logging

  7. 定量荧光录井识别真假油气显示方法探讨

    Methods of quantitative fluorescence logging for identifying true or false oil and gas shows

  8. 博尔塔拉盆地油气显示的地质地球化学意义

    The geological and geochemical significance of oil and gas shows in the Bortala basin , northern Xinjiang

  9. 它们在一定程度上影响了油气显示的发现和识别。

    They have influence on finding and distinguishing shows of oil and gas to a certain extent .

  10. 在我国石油勘探史上,有些探井经录井无油气显示,后经测井解释发现了油气层。

    Logging data interpretation discovered hydrocarbon reservoirs in some bore-holes where drilling logs showed no hydrocarbon reservoir .

  11. 主要分布于深凹陷区缓斜坡上,泥质岩油气显示段主要集中在断层带附近。

    The reservoirs occur on the gently dipping slope of deeper depression and always near the fault zone .

  12. 截止目前,已完成钻井31口,共钻遇185个油气显示层。

    Up to now , 31 wells have been drilled and 185 zones with hydrocarbon shows have been recorded .

  13. 栗园背斜特殊的石油地质特点,给油气显示层解释评价带来一定困难。

    Because of special characteristics of petroleum geology in Liyuan anticline , hydrocarbon shows interpretation and evaluation becomes very difficult .

  14. 潜山灰岩储层溶蚀和裂缝发育程度的差异造成在测井曲线上不同的响应特征,而且在钻井过程中具有不同的油气显示。

    Well logging curves are different because of different developed degree of karst and fracture of buried hill carbonate rock .

  15. 地面油气显示不能证明地下已无油气藏存在,不能排除在该区找到大型逆冲断层遮挡圈闭型及牵引背斜圈闭型油气藏的可能。

    It is possible to find oil and gas pools of thrust fault covered trap type and traction fold type .

  16. 近年来,雷口坡组钻井油气显示活跃,展示了良好的勘探前景。

    Recently , the hydrocarbon shows in Leikoupo Formation were found during drilling and revealed a good exploration prospect for the unit .

  17. 该文介绍了一种利用热解气相色谱分析技术鉴别真假油气显示的方法。

    The article introduces a method to identify the true or false oil and gas shows with the pyrolysis gas chromatography technique .

  18. 从盆地内发现的多处地面油气显示和目前钻井获得的高产油气流,都证实了塔里木盆地的油气资源是非常丰富的。

    A lot of oil and gas seepages and the prolific oil-gas wells indicate that Tarim Basin is rich in oil-gas resources .

  19. 发现油气显示,我会立即告诉司钻停下来循环观察。

    I will tell the driller to stop drilling at once and observe the circulation if any oil & gas showing is found .

  20. 热解参数除与地质油气显示级别具有良好的对应关系外,还可通过变异系数、有效油层厚度系数描述油层的非均质性。

    Except well correspondence with oil showings , thermolysis parameters could also be used to describe oil heterogeneity through variation coefficent and oil thickness coefficient .

  21. 储层具有中孔中渗或中孔低渗特征,油气显示良好。

    The reservoir has the characteristics of medium porosity and medium permeability or medium porosity and low permeability , with good show of oil and gas .

  22. 它不仅可以识别随钻气测录井的真假异常,且能够确定油气显示的深度。

    It not only can identify true and false abnormal of the gas logging while drilling , also can determine the depth of oil gas show .

  23. 两凹陷在已钻探的井中见到丰富的油气显示,并试获少量原油,均属未熟&低熟油,但是至今未发现工业油流。

    Twenty wells have been drilled , and evidences of oil and gas are found in11 wells , but only a little crude oil is produced through well-testing .

  24. 由于钻井液添加剂对岩屑的污染,给识别真假油气显示造成了一定的难度。

    It is difficult to identify the true or false oil and gas shows because of the contamination of the additives added into the drilling fluid to cuttings .

  25. 提出了应用热解参数识别地质录井中真假油气显示的几种方法,并列举了参数实例。

    Several methods of distinguishing true shows of oil and gas from the false in geological logging are advanced using pyrolytic parameters , and some parameter examples are given .

  26. 因此,出现了在钻井过程中一般能见到良好的油气显示,而在进一步测试作业时却达不到理想测试效果的现象。

    Therefore the phenomena , that good oil and gas shows could be found in the process of drilling but there were no ideal test results , appeared at last .

  27. 系统讨论了中国南方海相地层中油气显示的类型、横向和纵向分布规律,并探讨了油气显示分布的控制因素。

    The oil-gas shows in marine strata of southern China are systematically discussed from three aspects : the type and the lateral and vertical distribution as well as controlled factors .

  28. 射线追踪法和探井油气显示资料表明德南洼陷油气再次运移分配主要受运移路线、距油灶的远近等因素影响。

    A tracing method combined with oil shows indicates that the migration paths and the distance to oil kitchen are two main factors controlling the secondary migration and assignment of the oil .

  29. 对三分量数据进行了振幅比和泊松比分析,低异常区与钻井揭示的油气显示有很好的对应关系。

    All the three-component data are analyzed for amplitude ratio and Poisson ratio , showing that the low abnormal zone has a good corresponding relationship with oil & gas revealed by drilling .

  30. 江苏地区句容凹陷是中国南方海相中、古生界勘探较早的地区,油气显示丰富。

    Regarding exploration of marine Palaeozoic and Mesozoic strata in South of China , the Jurong Sag in the Jiangsu region belongs to the area where was explored in the early stage .