
yóu zhǐ
  • oiled paper;oilpaper
油纸 [yóu zhǐ]
  • [oilpaper] 涂油加工制成的纸,用作防水防湿的包装

油纸[yóu zhǐ]
  1. 自古油纸伞下演绎了多少经典爱情故事,油纸伞成了恩爱、浪漫代名词;

    Oiled paper umbrella since ancient times , the number of interpretations of classic love story , love has become Oiled paper umbrella , romantic pronoun ;

  2. 油纸伞文化历史悠久,内涵丰富,寓意美好吉祥,自古深受人们喜爱:“油纸”与“有子”谐音;

    Oiled paper umbrella culture has a long history , rich , beautiful auspicious meaning , has always been very popular : " Oil-Paper " and " son " homophonic ;

  3. 在烤盘里垫一层防油纸。

    Line the pan with greaseproof paper .

  4. 在餐盘底部垫一层防油纸,再在里侧涂少许的油。

    Line the base of the dish with greaseproof paper and lightly grease the sides .

  5. 把稍稍上油的防油纸衬在罐子内部,确保各角都铺平整。

    Line a tin with lightly-greased greaseproof paper , making sure the corners fit well .

  6. 撑着油纸伞,独自

    Alone holding an oil-paper umbrella ,

  7. 基于Fisher判别法的油纸绝缘老化阶段识别

    Identifying Different Aging Stages of Oil-Paper Based on Fisher Discriminant Method

  8. PDC法作为一种无损介电评估技术在变压器油纸绝缘老化特性的测量方面有着潜在的优势和广阔的应用前景。

    PDC method as a non-destructive measurement of dielectric properties has potential advantages and applications .

  9. 为研究频域谱法应用于变压器油纸绝缘状态检测的可行性,通过MATLAB矩阵分析软件建立油纸绝缘的扩展德拜模型进行仿真分析,并提出了介质响应测试的基本方法以及绝缘信息量的计算公式。

    To study the feasibility of frequency domain methods in the detection of transformer oil-paper insulation status , an extended Debye model of oil-paper insulation was established by MATLAB .

  10. 10kV油纸绝缘电缆与XLPE电缆热缩中间接头安装

    Installation of Pyrocondensation Interconnection between 10 kV Oil-Paper Cable and XLPE cable

  11. 220kV变压器油纸电容式套管缺陷分析

    Defect Analysis on 220 kV Transformer Oil-immersed Capacitor Bushing

  12. 本文首次将判别分析法用于油纸绝缘老化程度的识别,提出了一种基于Fisher判别法和多个局部放电特征参量的油纸绝缘老化程度识别方法。

    In this paper , the discriminant analysis method is introduced to identify the aging stages of oil-paper . An identification method based on Fisher discriminant function and multiple PD characteristic parameters is proposed .

  13. 72.5kV/1250A短尾油纸电容式变压器套管

    Oil Impregnated Paper Condenser Bushing 72.5kV/1250A with Short Lower Part

  14. 油纸绝缘试品的FDS曲线随样品含水量的增加而明显增加,初步研究结果表明FDS能用于变压器油纸绝缘水分含量的评估。

    The FDS curve of oil-paper insulation sample expand with the increasing of test samples moisture content significantly , preliminary results show that it can be used to assess the transformer oil-paper insulation moisture .

  15. 首次得到低频段特征频率处的tanδ与老化时间遵循很好的指数函数关系,可以利用低频段FDS参数的变化情况对油纸绝缘的老化程度进行评估。

    The first tan δ obtained in the characteristic frequencies of low frequency part follows the exponential function well with the aging time . And we can use the low-frequency variation of FDS to evaluate oil-paper insulation aging information .

  16. 测量温度对FDS诊断油纸绝缘老化状态影响显著,采用频温平移因子可以将任意测量温度下的FDS曲线归算到同一参考温度,解决了测量温度对FDS测试结果的影响。

    The measuring temperature affect the oil paper insulation aging status diagnosed by FDS significantly , the use of frequent temperature shift factor can put FDS curve under any measuring temperature to the same reference degree , which could unleash the impact of measuring temperature on the FDS measurement results .

  17. 油纸绝缘老化状态判别的局部放电特征量

    Partial Discharge Features Applied in Aging Condition Discrimination of Oil-paper Insulation

  18. 油纸绝缘老化阶段的多元统计分析

    Using multivariate statistical method to recognize different aging stages of oil-paper

  19. 油纸绝缘系统微量水分测定方法的改进与分析

    Improvement and Analysis on Moisture Determination Method of Oil-Paper Insulating Systems

  20. 每件货物应单独用油纸包好。

    878 Each item is to be wrapped separately in grease-paper .

  21. 油纸绝缘劣化是导致变压器故障的重要原因之一。

    Oil-paper insulation degradation is the main reason leading to transformer fault .

  22. 油纸绝缘直流局部放电的研究

    Study on Partial Discharge in Oil-Immersed Insulation Under DC Voltage

  23. 这就是油纸伞下寻常巷陌的生活。

    Such is the life of ordinary people under oil paper umbrellas .

  24. 电力变压器油纸绝缘单因子热老化特性及其统计分析

    Research on Power Transformer Oil-paper Insulation Thermal Aging Characteristics and Statistic Analysis

  25. 油纸绝缘局部放电发展趋势及监测参数选取

    Trend of Development of Transformer Partial Discharge and Discussion on Monitor Parameter

  26. 换流变压器油纸绝缘油流带电实验系统设计

    The Oil-Flow Electrification Testing System Design for Oil-Paper Insulation in Converter Transformer

  27. 防油纸:高度抗油渗入的半透明纸。

    Grease-proof paper : Translucent paper with high resistance to grease penetration .

  28. 棒-板油纸复合绝缘的电场数值计算填充绝缘化合物绝缘子

    Numerical Computation of Electric Field of Rod-plane Oil-paper Insulation compound filled insulator

  29. 电力变压器油纸绝缘老化的热分析动力学参数研究

    Study on Thermal Analysis Kinetic Parameters of Oil-paper Insulation in Power Transformer

  30. 环境因素对油纸电容式套管介损试验的影响

    Influence of environment on dielectric loss test of transformer bushing