
yóu zhá
  • fry;deep-fry
油炸[yóu zhá]
  1. 我在那儿做了11年的油炸师傅。

    I worked there for 11 years as a fry cook .

  2. 烧烤或烘烤而不要油炸食物。

    Bake , broil , grill or roast foods rather than fry them .

  3. 用油炸一下剩下的辣椒,如果需要再加点调味汁。

    Fry remaining peppers , adding a little more dressing if necessary

  4. 金枪鱼可以用烤炉烤、油炸或者烧烤。

    Tuna can be grilled , fried or barbecued

  5. 一气之下,道吉把那个又深又大的油炸锅扔了。

    In a fit of bad temper , Dougie threw the deep fat fryer overboard .

  6. 如果她少吃油炸食品和零食的话,她的饮食结构就会有所改观。

    She would improve her diet if she ate less fried food and snacked less .

  7. 油炸的气味让她想吐。

    The smell of frying nauseated her

  8. 油炸食品非常难消化。

    Fried food is very indigestible .

  9. 不要吃太多浓酱汁、油炸食品和甜腻的油酥点心,因为这些食品的脂肪含量很高。

    Don 't indulge in rich sauces , fried food and thick pastry as these are high in fat .

  10. Friedricecrust油炸锅巴

    shredded pork with garlic sauce

  11. 它是一种油炸类食物,味道可口,香脆。

    It is a kind of fried food that tastes delicious and crispy .

  12. 农场主的妻子端进来一些冷肉和油炸土豆。于是,两个人又开始吃起来。

    The farm 's wife brought in some cold meat and fried2 potatoes , and the two men ate again .

  13. (我儿子很挑食。他只吃油炸食品和甜食,一点绿菜都不吃!)

    My son is a fussy eater . He only eats fried food and sweets and refuses to have any greens !

  14. 出口速冻油炸葱HACCP的研究

    The Study of HACCP in Exporting Frozen Fried Shallots

  15. HACCP系统在袋装油炸方便面生产中的运用

    Application of HACCP System in Processing of Fried Instant Noodle Packaged in Bag

  16. 我们走进了WestVillage的一家咖啡店,乔纳森和我吃沙拉,而孩子们则径直走向油炸食品。

    We go to a caf é in the West Village and while Jonathan and I eat salad , the kids go straight for the heavy fried material .

  17. 油炸方便面生产中危害分析与关键控制点(HACCP)管理方案的研究与应用

    Study and Application of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point ( HACCP ) Administrative plan to Fried Noodle Processing

  18. 普通人群通过高温油炸类食物和饮水等也可摄入一定剂量的ACR。

    The general population can also be exposed to ACR by fried food and drinking water .

  19. Bell&Evans的鸡块是生的,只经过快速油炸来完成裹粉,而不像Applegate一样用烤箱烤熟,而且也不用挤压机。

    Bell & Evans tenders , sold raw , are subjected to one quick frying to set the breading , instead of Applegate 's complete oven cooking . There 's no extruder .

  20. 爆裂型香酥玉米粒优化工艺条件为:浸泡液pH7.0,水分含量14%,油炸温度230℃,油炸时间30s。

    The optimum conditions of burst crisps : pH 7.0 , 14 % moisture content of corn before frying , deep-frying temperature of 230 ° C , fried 30s .

  21. 就当你觉得Gaga不会再有什么惊人之举的时候,她准备在斯密斯主厨的帮助下做一顿地道的美国南部菜:油炸火鸡和华夫饼。

    And just when you thought Gaga couldn 't get any more outrageous , she 's going to make a down-home meal of deep-fried turkey and waffles – with the help of chef Art Smith .

  22. 油炸米面制品、臭豆腐及动物性食品AV显著高于与相应煎炸油AV(P<0.001),米面制品、臭豆腐的AV分别与相应煎炸油AV正相关(P<0.05)。

    AV of the fried products of rice and flour , fried odor soybean curd and fried products of meat were higher than that of the oil ( P < 0.001 ), and there was positive correlation between them respectively .

  23. 结果油炸食品及其煎炸油的CGV及AV与油炸时间正相关(P<0.05),POV随油炸时间变化无规律(P>0.1);

    Results CGV and AV of fried food and deep - frying oil were positive correlated with the frying duration ( P < 0.05 ), but POV not ( P > 0.1 ) .

  24. 脱水温度为60℃,120min,即油炸前半成品的含水率控制在42%左右;

    Dehydration at 60 ℃ for 120 minutes , and then the water content of semi finished product was controlled at about 42 % before frying .

  25. 研究了小麦胚芽粉对提高油炸方便面复水后粘弹性的效果,并与其他品质改良剂(磷酸交联淀粉、活性干面筋、鲜鸡蛋清、瓜尔豆胶、CMC)的效果进行了比较。

    The efficiencies of wheat germ flour for improving the viscoelasticity of the instant noodle softened in boiling water and that of the other quality modifiers such as cross linking starch phosphate , active dried gluten , fresh albumen , guar bean gum and CMC were studied .

  26. 我们去了佳宁娜潮州菜(carriannachiuchow),先要了一些潮州风味点心,如清蒸咸肉萝卜糕,油炸辣肉糯米团和蒸虾蛟。

    At carrianna Chiu Chow restaurant we started with a few Chiu chow-style dim sum such as steamed turnip cake with preserved meat , deep-fried glutinous dumpling with spicy meat and steamed shrimp dumpling .

  27. 论述了关于对油炸马铃薯片的工艺过程和工艺参数的研究,并且通过L9(34)正交试验,找到了最佳工艺条件:油炸时间4min;厚度6mm、水分含量75%、用10%食盐水前处理。

    The technological parameters and processes of fried potato were comprehensively studied in the present paper and optimum technological conditions were found through the L9 ( 34 ) orthogonal experiments : fried time 4 min , thickness 6mm , content of water 75 % , 10 % NaCl pretreatment .

  28. “天妇罗”(tempura)起源于葡语中“temporas”(意为“大斋节”)一词。这样便很容易理解了,每周五,天主教徒会吃鱼。许是因为食物一经油炸便更加美味,后来天主教徒就将鱼炸制后食用。

    The word " tempura " is actually thought to have derived from the Portuguese word " temporas " which means " Lent . " This makes sense , as the Catholic population would eat fish on Fridays and eventually decided to fry it - possibly because everything tastes better when it 's fried .

  29. 油炸时间的长短对敌敌畏降解影响较大,炸5min时降解率为37.6%,7min时降解率为65.2%;油炸时间长短对其余农药的降解均无显著影响。

    The frying time was more impacting to dichlorvos degradation than those of other pesticides . The degradation rate of dichlorvos was 37.6 % after 5 min frying , and 65.2 % after 7 min frying , while no significant changes of degradation rate were observed on other four pesticides .

  30. 低油脂芋片的常压油炸工艺

    Study on Frying Technological Process of Low-fat Taro Slices at Atmosphere