
kāi xīn ɡuǒ
  • pistachio ;a laugh;a good laugh;someone who brings joy
  1. 因此pistachios就变成了“happynuts”,就是中文“开心果”的直译。

    Thus pistachios became " happy nuts , " which is the name in China .

  2. 哇,Heckles被评为班里的开心果,我也是。

    Heckles ? Wow , Heckles was voted class clown , and so was I.

  3. 但是,吃开心果能否增加伽马生育酚的摄入量及其血清水平?Hernandez和她的同事们开展了一项为期六周的临床对照试验对此问题进行了评估。

    Hernandez and colleagues conducted a six-week , controlled clinical trial to evaluate if the consumption of pistachios would increase dietary intake and serum levels of gamma-tocopherol .

  4. 明年将在两部宝莱坞电影中亮相的新进女星Jyoti对《太阳报》说:“我想成为大家的开心果。”

    Budding actress Jyoti , who is set to appear in two Bollywood films next year , told The Sun : " I want to make people happy . "

  5. 有开心果、野杏仁、橡实和圆柏。

    Pistachio nuts and wild almonds and acorns and juniper berries .

  6. 开心果变应原液皮肤试验的实验观察

    Experimental observation on optimum concentration of pistachio allergen in skin test

  7. 她喜欢他,因为他是个开心果。

    She likes him because he is a good laugh .

  8. 我看到后面那个人有一些开心果。

    I saw a guy back there with some pistachios .

  9. 那小女孩是她祖父母的开心果。

    To her grandparents , that little girl is a real delight .

  10. 研究采用混凝&CASS法处理开心果加工废水。

    This paper introduced the treatment of pistachio nut wastewater by coagulation-CASS .

  11. 如果是他就好了,他是个开心果。

    That would make my day ! He is such a stud-muffin .

  12. 你觉得松鼠会喜欢开心果的味道吗?

    Do you think the squirrel will like the taste of pistachio ?

  13. 噢,基纳小姐,你真是我的开心果。

    Oh , miss Keener , you are a delight .

  14. 够了看看你把开心果变成什么样了

    Enough ! Look what you 're doing to Happy .

  15. 我喜欢你俩你们是我的开心果

    I like you two . You make me laugh .

  16. 附上蓝莓酱,奇异籽以及脆脆的开心果。

    Top with blueberries , chia seeds , and crunchy pistachio nuts .

  17. 100分可以得到一加仑的开心果冰淇淋。

    For 100 points they could receive a gallon of pistachio ice cream .

  18. 开心果也被称为是“美国花生”。

    It also has another name of American peanut .

  19. 苏珊:真的是啊。她是我们的骄傲,也是我们的开心果。

    Susan : We really are . She 's our pride and joy .

  20. 我希望你是这次航班的开心果。

    I was hoping you 'd be the sky candy on this flight .

  21. 开心果营养丰富,也导致着较高的叶黄素和鲜血。

    Pistachio-enriched diets also resulted in significantly higher levels of lutein in the blood .

  22. 每盎司能吃到49颗开心果,包含160卡路里。

    You get 49 pistachios in a one-ounce serving , which has 160 calories .

  23. 京晶:开心果么?那可是我最喜欢的坚果。

    Pistachios ? Those are my favorite nuts .

  24. 热带水果。番石榴,芒果,山竹,荔枝,开心果,鳄梨,榴莲。

    Tropical Fruit-Guava , Mango , Mangosteen , Lychee , Pistachio , Avocado , durian .

  25. 解释:“开心果”和“爱生气”是迪士尼电影《白雪公主》中的两个人物。

    Explanation : Happy and Grumpy are two characters in the Disney movie Snow White .

  26. 他是一个开心果。

    He 's a barrel of laughs .

  27. 在这一段时间的混乱中,你一直…一直是我们的开心果。

    Through all these confusion you stayed ... Well , you stayed our happy girl .

  28. 她改变了你的生活她就是开心果绝对是

    Who you said just changed your life , she just joy right , yes absolutely

  29. 不开心就吃开心果。

    No happy eat pistachio nuts .

  30. 由香草冰激凌和玫瑰水,藏红花,开心果和奶油制成。

    Tasty ice cream with rose water , saffron , pistachios and chunk 's of cream .