
  • 网络School Days
  1. 这是你最后的一个开学日。

    This is the last first day of school .

  2. 传统的“开学日”薄烤饼。

    Traditional " First day of school " Pancakes .

  3. 你的身心都能获得充分休息并准备好迎接开学日。

    Then your body and mind will become rested and prepared for the first day .

  4. 他们加长了开学日或补充天至今年或两者兼而有之。

    They have lengthened the school day or added days to the year or both .

  5. 有个小秘诀可以帮你为开学日做好准备。

    Here 's another tip to help you prepare for the first day of school .

  6. 1992年,9月1日被定为新学年开学日。

    September 1 was set as the first day of a school year in 1992 .

  7. 我也不想错过她的开学日,但你能送莉莉去学校吗?

    I hate to miss her first day , but do you mind taking Lily to school ?

  8. 本学年春季班开学日已修改为三月四日。

    The first day of school for the Spring semester has been changed to March 4 , 2006 .

  9. 这意味着我们要将两个因素,即学生雅思出成绩日期与学生申请入读学期开学日结合起来一并考虑。

    This means that we will now look at the IELTS or TOEFL test result date and also the semester that the student is applying for .

  10. 这个前苏联盟国的白俄罗斯,以排场浩大的仪式庆祝九月一日开学日。当天学童穿正式服装,并且带大束鲜花献给老师。

    The first day of school on Sept.1 is marked with elaborate ceremony in the former Soviet Union , with children dressed in formal clothes and bringing huge bouquets of flowers for teachers .