
zú qiú yuán
  • Football Player;football/soccer player
  1. 43岁的前足球员贝克汉姆本月初在迈阿密度假时还头发稀薄。担任保险品牌AIA全球大使的她,还为了此次站台特意染了头发。

    The former footballer , 43 , who sported a thinner hairline while holidaying in Miami earlier this month , appeared to have dyed his hair ahead of his speech as the global brand ambassador for insurance company AIA .

  2. 一个足球员穿得像歌舞团中的女孩是滑稽的。

    The football player dressed like a chorus girl was comical .

  3. 爱默斯?阿隆佐?史塔哥担任足球员与足球教练长达71年之久。

    Amos Alonzo Stagg played and coached football for 71 years .

  4. 那位足球员是小男孩们的偶像。

    The football player was the idol of the younger boys .

  5. 该足球员因为使用禁药而被终身禁赛。

    The football player received a life ban for using illegal drugs .

  6. 莉达:真的吗?所以么你的丈夫是足球员啰?

    Rita : Really ? So is your husband a football player ?

  7. 职业足球员也打板球的现在很少见了

    The professional footballer who also play cricket be a rare bird nowadays

  8. 他是一个足球员,现在效力皇家马德里。

    He is a football player and he is in Real Madrid .

  9. 那名足球员跌倒而使他的肩膀脱臼。

    The football player fell and dislocated his shoulder .

  10. 在美国新泽西州的巨人运动场,足球员在旧运动鞋上奔跑。

    Football players at Giants Stadium in New Jersey run on old sneakers .

  11. 我就知道一个很有名的扁平足球员。

    I know a player who has flat feet .

  12. 一个指挥得差劲的四分卫足球员。

    A quarterback who called a poor play .

  13. 球王贝利在二十世纪的最佳足球员当中占有一席之地。

    Pele holds a place among the greatest soccer players of the twentieth century .

  14. 小君:那是巴西的足球员吗?

    Jun : The Brazilian soccer player ?

  15. 澳大利亚的足球员要超越荣誉。

    Australia 's soccer oos-bound for glory .

  16. 同样出于好奇,上文中提到的足球员沈苏铭,甚至也终于鼓足勇气和新疆小伙儿一起踢球了。

    Even Shen Suming , the soccer player , mustered up some curiosity and finally took the pitch with some guys from Xinjiang .

  17. 巴西足球员及政治鼓动者苏格拉底·奥利维拉于12月4日辞世,年仅57。

    S ó crates Brasileiro Sampaio de Souza Vieira de Oliveira , Brazilian footballer and political agitator , died on December 4th , aged 57 .

  18. 齐达内一直被所有人认为是最伟大的足球员动员中的一个,但是“齐祖”能不能作为教练来获得类似的评价呢?

    He is widely regarded as one of the greatest footballers of all time , but will " Zizou " cut it as a coach ?

  19. 英国前职业足球员洛伊德史考特(LloydScott)在马拉松比赛42公里的全程中,一直是面不朝下,每天至少8个小时。

    Lloyd Scott , a former professional footballer , inched his way along the42km course face-down on a metal sled for up to eight hours a day .

  20. 本研究资料显示,球场上的角色位置,似乎可反映出女足球员不同的有氧能力与比赛的生理需求。

    The results of this study indicate that aerobic capacity of female soccer players may be accounted for by their different roles played in games as well as the physiological demand of game play .

  21. 当时当个职业足球员,挣钱极少,要养活自己都几乎不可能,要想用那点微薄的收入养活全家,显然更是不可思议。

    For a man to live on the meager earnings of a professional football player in those days was close to impossible , and trying to raise a family on those minuscule earnings dearly ridiculous .

  22. 我父亲是职业足球员,叫堂丁奥,在我们那个地区是个很有名气的好球员。可是他肯定既不是一个幸运儿,也不是一个暴发户。

    My father was a professional football player known as dondinho , and while he was an excellent player and well known in the area , he was certainly neither the luckiest nor the most prosperous .

  23. 报道中的这一行为有可能是哈佛男足校队每年的“传统”,哈佛男足的球员们会分发传阅带有女足球员照片的文件,按从一级到十级的等级来给女孩们评级打分,还会给出评分理由。

    In what reports indicate may be a yearly tradition , male soccer players at Harvard circulated documents with pictures of their female counterparts , rating their attractiveness from one to 10 and giving reasons for their decisions .

  24. 我国u-17男子足球运员训练绩效水平较低,不同训练年限的运动员在训练绩效的反应层次有着高度显著性差异。

    Chinese u-17 Soccer Win a lower level of worker training performance , with different training period of the response during training performance level has significant difference .

  25. 足球堆员们正在洗澡,然后来这里吃茶点。

    The football team areshavingsbath and are then coming back here for tea .

  26. 另一位广受中国球迷欢迎的足球评述员,苏东的强项还包括台球篮球、龄球和游泳。

    Another popular soccer commentator in China with the ESPN soccer fans , Su Dong also covers snooker , basketball , bowling and swimming .

  27. 足球队们员正在休息。

    The football team are having a rest .

  28. 足球直播中解说员语气对观众的影响也是巨大的。

    In this paper , the effect of TV-soccer commentators'mood on audience is shown .

  29. 两年后,他卸任,成了国家足球联盟的播音员。

    Two years later he retired and became a sports announcer for the NFL .

  30. 他担任一场最大足球比赛的讲解员。

    He announces the biggest football game .