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  • Dorsalis pedis artery;dorsal artery of foot
  1. 血流频谱:糖尿病组左、右足背动脉和左腘动脉均宽于正常对照组(P<0.05或0.01)。

    Spectrum of blood flow : Those of left and right dorsal artery of foot , and left popliteal artery were all wider in the diabetic group than in the normal control group ( P < 0.05 or 0.01 ) .

  2. 血流量亦较对照组减低,以足背动脉明显(P<0.05);

    The blood flow was decreased obviously in dorsal artery of foot ( P < 0.05 );

  3. B组病例足背动脉血流动力学变化不明显,1年内只有69.0%病例创口愈合。

    In group B the improvement of hemodynamics of dorsal pedes arteries were not apparent and only 69.0 % lesions were cured within one year .

  4. 坐位时,足背动脉收缩压、舒张压均显著高于平卧位肱动脉血压(均P0.01);

    At sitting position , both the systolic and diastolic blood pressures of dorsalis pedis artery were significantly higher than those of brachial artery ( P0.01 for all ) .

  5. 与健康对照组比较,DF患者足背动脉血管内径变小,峰值流速加快,血流量减少,谱宽度增加;

    In comparison with healthy control group , DF patients had smaller inner diameter of ADP , quicker peak flow rate , lower blood flow , and wider spectral width .

  6. 以超声多普勒血流计,对非胰岛素依赖性糖尿病(NIDDM)患者141例进行足背动脉和胫后动脉血流波形测定。

    Blood stream waves of pedal artery and posterior tibia artery were determined by ultrasound Doppler 's hemadromometer on 151 cases of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus ( NIDDM ) .

  7. 利用5MHZ彩色多普勒超声探头测双侧肱动脉、足背动脉和胫后动脉的收缩压,计算踝肱指数(ankle-brachialindex,ABI)。

    In addition , Ankle-branchial index ( ABI ) was calculated on basis of the systolic pressures at systolic pressures at double brachial arteries ( non-fistula side for patients with fistulas ), posterior tibial arteries and dorsalis pedis arteries , which were determined with a 5 MHz Dopper prober .

  8. 双峰驼胫前动脉和足背动脉解剖

    Dissection of Cranial Tibial Artery and Dorsal Ped Artery in Bactrian Camel

  9. 足背动脉搏动消失的糖尿病患者有更高的大血管病危险性

    Diabetic patients with unpalpable dorsalis pedis artery pulse have more macrovascular risk factors

  10. 足背动脉波动稍弱。

    The pulsation of the dorsal artery of your foot is a bit weak .

  11. 带跗内侧动脉的足背动脉岛状皮瓣的应用

    Apply of the dorsalis pedis artery island flap containing of the medial tarsal artery

  12. 而足背动脉搏动和多普勒超声检查在临床上更为简便实用。

    And arteriopalmus examination of dorsalis pedis artery and Doppler ultrasonography are more convenient clinically .

  13. 足背动脉内侧筋膜支为蒂的足内侧皮瓣移植

    The medialis pedis flap based on the medial fasciocutaneous branches of the dorsal pedal artery

  14. 目的报道足背动脉内侧筋膜支为蒂的足内侧皮瓣的设计及临床应用结果。

    Objective This is to report the design and application of the medialis pedis flap .

  15. 彩色多普勒仪检测足背动脉的临床意义

    Detection of the arteries of the foot by colour Doppler flowmeter scanning and its clinical significance

  16. 小儿肱动脉与足背动脉血压值的对比研究

    Comparison Between the Measurements of Blood Pressure of Dorsalis Pedis Artery and Brachial Artery in Children ∥

  17. 鼻内窥镜手术全麻控制性降压期间肱动脉间接测压与足背动脉直接测压的比较

    Comparative study on the direct dorsalis pedis arterial pressure and indirect brachial arterial pressure during FESS with deliberate hypotension

  18. 足背动脉血压与肱动脉血压呈正相关并存在线性依存关系。

    A linear relation was found between the measurements of blood pressure of dorsalis pedis artery and brachial artery .

  19. 糖尿病下肢动脉病变以足背动脉改变为最重。

    The changes of dorsal artery of foot is the most severe in the diabetic angiopathy of lower limbs .

  20. 腰椎间盘突出症与足背动脉搏动强弱的相关性研究

    On the relation between prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc ( plid ) and pulsating intensity of foot dorsal artery

  21. 方法:检测20例双下肢肌肉萎缩患者及26例正常人双侧股动脉及足背动脉的各种血流多普勒参数。

    Methods : The femoral artery and pedis dorsalis artery in 20 patients and 26 normal persons were examined .

  22. 前臂尺侧腕横纹上贵要静脉与尺动脉及下肢大隐静脉与足背动脉端侧吻合。

    Occasionally end to side anastomosis or end to end anastomosis was done between the dorsal artery and the saphenous vein .

  23. 1例足背动脉缺如,占16%,其第一跖背动脉来源于腓动脉。

    Dorsal pedis artery was not detected in 1 foot , and the first dorsal metatarsal artery originated from the fibular artery .

  24. 糖尿病病人病程超过4年时发生足背动脉病变的病例数明显增多。

    The patients with history of DM more than 4 years were susceptible to pathologic changes of dorsal arteries of the feet .

  25. 腓深神经和足背动脉在足背位置关系的应用解剖

    The clinical importance of the relationship between the deep peroneal nerve and the dorsalis pedis artery on the dorsum of the foot

  26. 彩色多普勒超声对孕妇足背动脉血流的检测与妊高征相关性研究

    The Detection and Study of Relationship of Blood Flow in the Dorsal Pedal Arteries of the Pregnant Women with Pregnancy Induced Hypertension

  27. 结论足背动脉内侧筋膜分支是足内侧皮瓣的可靠血管蒂。

    Conclusion We believe that the medial fasciocutaneous branches of the dorsal pedal artery are the reliable pedicle of the medialis pedis flap .

  28. 方法用带跗内动脉的足背动脉岛状皮瓣修复足踝部组织缺损。

    Methods : The dorsalis pedis artery island flap containing of the medial tarsal artery was designed for repairing defect of foot and ankle .

  29. 胫前、后动脉、足背动脉远端血管异常者23例,占38.3%。结论糖尿病患者动脉粥样硬化发病率高,起病早,进展快,病情严重且病变较早累及肢体远端血管,特别是膝盖以下血管。

    Twenty-three patients with distal abnormal vascular of anterior tibial artery , posterior tibial artery and dorsal pedis artery , the percent was 38 % .

  30. 左右足背动脉同时缺失率为2.43%,男为3.06%,女为0.66%。

    Absence of both left and right dorsalis pedis pulsation was 2.43 % with an incidence of 3.06 % in men and 0.66 % in women .