
zú cháng
  • foot length
足长[zú cháng]
  1. 足长与身长关系的研究

    A research of the relationship between the foot length and the stature

  2. 胎儿手长、足长与身长关系的研究

    Studies of relationship between the hand length , the foot length and the body length

  3. 山东半岛地区大学生手、足长非对称性的研究

    Asymmetry of hand-length and foot-length of students in Shandong Peninsula District

  4. 结论足长、足围与身高之间存在正相关性,中日学生回归方程间有差异。

    The difference of the regression equation between Chinese and Japanese students .

  5. B超测量胎儿足长预测孕周

    Ultrasonographic measurement of fetal foot length predict gestational age

  6. 新生儿足长的测量及其意义

    Measurement and Its Significance of Newborn Pedal Length

  7. 超声测量胎儿四肢长骨及足长与孕龄的相关性研究

    Correlation study between fetal limb long bone , foot length and gestational age using ultrasound

  8. 杭州市青春期少年足长与身高发育的相关研究

    A Research on the Interrelationship between Foot Length and Height of the Adolescents in Hangzhou

  9. 新疆塔塔尔族青年体重足长与身高关系的研究

    A study on relationship among height , weight and foot length in youngster of Tartar nationality in Xinjiang

  10. 中日学生足长、足围与身高关系的比较研究

    A comparison on the relation between foot length and girth and stature of students in China and Japan

  11. 目的探讨超声测量胎儿四肢长骨及足长与孕龄相关关系。

    Objective To study the relationship between gestational age and fetal limb long bone , foot length with ultrasound .

  12. 结论胎儿四肢长骨及足长的长度与孕龄呈正相关,超声测量二者可评价胎儿发育情况。

    Fetal limb long bone and foot length measured by ultrasound may serve as useful reference in evaluating fetal growth .

  13. 足长/身高指数与身体形态结构及其对运动能力的影响

    Indexes of Foot Length / Body Height and Constitution of the Body Shape as well as its Influence on the Athletic Capacity

  14. 结果建立了贵州地区汉族特定人群男性手长、足长、手长和足长推测身高的回归方程。

    Results Some regression equations for estimating the stature form the length of the hand and foot and vice versa were established .

  15. 4岁时后足长即已显著大于引进的成体鹿。大丰雌性麋鹿3岁开始产仔,比圈养条件下晚1年,4岁时体重方达成体重。

    The hind foot length of 4 years old was significantly more than that of introduced deer ( > 5 years old ) .

  16. 对山东半岛地区1000名汉族大学生的手长、足长和身高进行活体测量。

    The hands length of the and the feet as well as the statures of 1000 students of Han Nationality living in the Shandong Peninsula Island were measured .

  17. 研究结果表明:侗族青少年的足长、足宽分别随年龄增长而增长,16岁时接近成人水平;

    The result shows that the foot length and width grew with the increase of age in all juveniles , and that is similar to those of adults at the age of16 .

  18. 采用回归分析法研究足长与身高间的相互关系及变化规律,在实践中具有极高的应用价值。

    It is of great value in practice to adopt the regressive analysis method to study the relations between the length of feet and the height of a person as well as the regularity .

  19. 肌腱断裂部位距掌指关节1cm以内,应用肌腱劈开延长,吻合口避开拇长屈肌腱鞘狭窄区;左足拇长屈肌腱鞘部骨外软骨瘤1例

    If the distance was between 0.5 cm and 1 cm , the tendon was split , the anastomosis was kept away from the flexor pollicis longus muscle tendon sheath . One case of chondroma in the tendon sheath of flexor hallucis longus

  20. 左足拇长屈肌腱鞘部骨外软骨瘤1例

    One case of chondroma in the tendon sheath of flexor hallucis longus

  21. 通过模拟手术过程,确定足拇长屈肌腱和足趾长屈肌腱为踝关节镜操作的安全性内标志。

    Flexor hallucis longus and Flexor digitorum tendon were identified as the inner-safety landmarks .

  22. 蚤蝇科昆虫足基节长,股节粗壮,类似蚤目昆虫。

    Coax of Phorid is long , femur is brawny , similar to mesh insects .

  23. 足叶乙苷长循环脂质体制备及抑瘤性研究

    Preparation , Characteristic and Tumor Inhibition Ratio of Long-circulating Liposomes Containing Etoposide

  24. 足叶乙苷长循环脂质体的制备及血浆中稳定性研究

    Preparation of Long-circulating Liposome Containing Etoposide and Its Stability in Rats Plasma

  25. 后足股节长:8.8~9.0mm。

    The length of hind femur is ♀ 8.8 ~ 9.0 mm .

  26. 吻合血管腓骨及(足母)长屈肌移植的应用解剖学

    Applied Anatomy of Vascularized Fibular and Long Flexor of Great Toe Transplantation

  27. 对他怀恨在心的人足有一长串。

    There 's a whole list of people who might bear a grudge against him .

  28. 这样一款超级豪华轿车就诞生了,它足有20英尺长,看起来就像一辆Airstream牌房车。

    A top-of-the-line auto was born : more than 20 feet long with all the grace of an airstream Trailer .

  29. 它足有18英尺长,比他的船还要大。

    It is18 feet long enough , than his larger boat .

  30. 这家伙的犯罪记录足有一英里长。

    This guy has a rap sheet a mile long .