
  1. 与此同时,图齐列出了另外一组他认为应该入选的明星(包括他自己)。图齐在Ins上分享的治愈系调酒教程深入人心,最近拍的CNN美食节目《寻找意大利》也俘获了一众粉丝。

    Meanwhile , Tucci — who 's captured people 's hearts with his soothing bartending tutorials on Instagram and recently , his own food-centric CNN show , " Searching for Italy " — suggested a group of other stars who he thought would also fit into the category ( including himself ) .

  2. 治愈系的语气和面庞

    His Soothing Robot Voice and Face

  3. 当下,治愈系作为一个新的标签贴近电影,引起了大众的兴趣。

    Nowadays , the ' healing ' as a new label close to film arouses public interest .

  4. 英国摄影师科斯蒂·米切尔耗时6年时间完成了自己的摄影巨作《仙境》。照片中的人物身着梦幻、华丽的服装,和周围的自然景物融为一体,四季轮换之美得以完美呈现,治愈系的风格让人震撼又感动。

    Her project Wonderland , which sees fantastic , opulent costumes in beautiful natural settings , took her six years to complete .

  5. 特点:虽然没有火辣的身材,但她却有着“治愈系”的外形——她的一颦一笑都能够温暖人心。邻家女孩

    Characteristic : While she has no hot figure , her looks are considered " healing " - her presence and beauty can comfort the heart .

  6. 这部剧能让你深陷其中,用悠闲的节奏抚过你的心灵,而剧中或平静或惊喜的笑点差不多可以算作治愈系的啦。

    This is a show that you sink into , and that sweeps you along in its own relaxed rhythms , dispensing the sort of calm , surprising laughs that feels almost therapeutic .

  7. 对于普通感冒没有治愈方法,抗生系也无济于事。然而,下面几个预防措施可以会有所帮助。

    There is no cure for the common cold and antibiotics are of no help . However , there are some precautions which can help .