
  • 网络Love is power
  1. 爱是所有力量中最高尚、最美好的。

    Of all powers love is highest , finest .

  2. 爱是种力量吗?

    Is love a power ?

  3. 团结就是力量,合心才能团结,协力才有力量,和气及互爱是凝聚力量的源泉。

    Unity is strength . United Hearts enables unity , Cooperation generates strength , while Harmony and Mutual Love are the sources of cohesive forces .

  4. 爱是天性的力量!爱你的杰克;

    Love is a force of nature ! Love , Jakey Jack Twist ;

  5. 原来爱是心中的力量,是心中的幸福!

    Love is the power of the original mind is the heart of happiness !

  6. 信心和爱是无形的力量。

    Faith and love are imponderable forces .

  7. 冰心的身躯并不强壮,然而她这生却用自己当笔,拿岁月当稿纸,写下了一篇关于爱是一种力量的文章,在离去之后给我们留下了一个伟大的背影。

    Bing Xin was not physically sound , but she set herself as an example by composing numerous real moving stories that are diffusing fragrance of love , leaving us a grand profile after she went to the Heaven .

  8. 爱,是一种力量,是一种财富。

    Love is a force , is a wealth .

  9. 要实现真正意义的教育,爱几乎是惟一的力量。

    To realize the true meaning of education , love is almost the only force .

  10. 母性之爱是超越一切的力量。

    Maternal love is beyond all power .

  11. 这个故事的寓意是&爱是推动世界的力量。

    And the moral of the story is-it 's love that makes the world go round !

  12. 干部也是人,教育干部从日常生活中找到爱,认识爱是灵魂的力量;

    The effective way to educate cadres is to guide them to find love from daily life , to realize that love is the strength of the soul ;

  13. 下面的图画注解了爱的真正含义,它强调爱是情感的力量,不论我们周围的世界多么黑暗,爱都能支撑我们。

    The picture below illustrates the real meaning of love , by stressing the fact that love is emotional strength , which can support us no matter how dark the world around us becomes .

  14. 爱是阳光,爱是雨露,爱是宽容,爱是责任,爱是不可战胜的力量和勇气。

    Love is the sun , and rain is love , love is tolerance , love , a responsibility , love is unconquerable strength and courage .