
fǎ rén zhānɡ chénɡ
  • corporate constitution;corporate articles of association
  1. 第三十八条依照法律或者法人组织章程规定,代表法人行使职权的负责人,是法人的法定代表人。

    Article 38 In accordance with the law or the articles of association of the legal person , the responsible person who acts on behalf of the legal person in exercising its functions and powers shall be its legal representative .

  2. 前项特别补偿基金为财团法人。其捐助章程及基金管理办法,由财政部会同交通部定之。

    The special compensation fund shall be a non-profit corporate entity , whose corporate donation articles and fund management rules shall be jointly regulated by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of transportation .