
  • 网络department of education;United States Department of Education;US Department of Education
  1. 美国教育部正在努力确保所有学生享有接受高质量教育的乎等权利

    The U. S. Department of Education is making efforts to ensure that all students have equal access to a quality education .

  2. 在所有认证机构中,几乎半数取得了CHEA(高等教育认证委员会)和美国教育部的共同认可。

    Almost half of all the agencies are recognized by both CHEA and the United States Department of Education .

  3. “为教师和校长们提供帮助学生发挥全部潜力所需的支持是至关重要的,”美国教育部部长阿恩·邓肯说。

    " It is critically important that we provide teachers and principals the support they need to help students reach their full potential " U. S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said .

  4. Niche还使用美国教育部的数据比如阅读和写作成绩来给同一个州的高中排名。

    Niche also uses data from the Department of Education like reading and writing test scores to rank high schools in the same state against one another .

  5. RusslynAli是美国教育部公民权利办公室的部长助理。

    Russlyn Ali is the assistant secretary for civil rights at the Department of Education .

  6. 美国教育部(U.S.DepartmentofEducation)的备案文件显示,在2010至2011年这一有数据可查的最新学年,美国高校的体育院系花费了121亿美元,中学体育部门的花费还要高出数十亿美元。

    During the 2010-11 school year , the latest for which figures are available , U.S. college athletic departments spent $ 12.1 billion , according to U.S. Department of Education filings . High-school athletic departments spend several billion dollars more .

  7. 根据美国教育部(DepartmentofEducation)和美国国家识字研究所(NationalInstituteofLiteracy)2013年开展的一项调查,14%的成年人口(也就是3200万人)不怎么识字,21%的人阅读能力低于5年级要求的水平。

    According to a 2013 survey by the US Department of Education and National Institute of Literacy , 14 per cent of the adult population ( or 32 million people ) cannot read properly , while 21 per cent read below a level required in the fifth grade .

  8. Facebook的首席执行官马克·扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)与他的妻子,儿科医生普莉希拉·陈(PriscillaChan)医生周三宣布,他们已雇用美国教育部前副部长詹姆斯·H·谢尔顿三世(JamesH.SheltonIII),负责监督他们在教育方面所做的工作,

    Mark Zuckerberg , the chief executive of Facebook , and Dr. Priscilla Chan , a pediatrician who is his wife , said Wednesday that they had hired James H. Shelton III , a former deputy secretary of the United States Department of Education , to oversee their efforts in education ,

  9. 美国教育部并不给学校授权。

    The United States Department Education does not accredit schools .

  10. 美国教育部说最热门的专业是理科和管理。

    The US Department of Education says the most popular area of study is sciences and management .

  11. 然而,普莱斯顿大学没有获得美国教育部的认证。

    However , Preston is not accredited by a United States Department of Education recognized accrediting body .

  12. 这一调整,由《美国教育部2002-2007年战略规划》全面地反映了出来。

    This adjustment is fully reflected by the " U.S. Department of Education Strategic Plan 2002 ~ 2007 " .

  13. 奥巴马发表讲话的同一天,美国教育部发布了学生在科学领域的最新进展结果。

    The speech came the same day the Education Department released the latest results on student progress in science .

  14. 美国教育部在星期五公布了有关校园犯罪的最新数字。

    The most recent statistics on campus crime , released friday , come from the US Department of education .

  15. 现在美国教育部要求学校展示他们的实际教学情况,否则该州可能会失去联邦资金。

    Now the US education department will require prove that they are or else state could lose federal funding .

  16. 据报道,美国教育部民权办公室针对哈佛大学和普林斯顿大学在本科招生时歧视亚裔的投诉已展开调查。

    The Education Department 's Office of Civil Rights is investigating a complaint that Harvard and Princeton universities discriminates against Asian-Americans .

  17. 美国教育部部长阿恩邓肯经常会和总统奥巴马一块儿打篮球,是他最先让奥巴马注意到了这个脱颖而出的新秀。

    Education Secretary Arne Duncan , who often plays basketball with the president , first drew his attention to the breakout star .

  18. 美国教育部最近发布了一个帮助移民免费学习英语的网站。

    The United States Department of Education recently lauch the launched a free Web site design designed to help immigrants learn English .

  19. 据美国教育部表示,美国有650万名特殊教育学生没有得到优质的教育。

    The nation six and a half million special education students are not receiving quality education according to the US department of education .

  20. 上次美国教育部调查年轻人使用多长时间完成大学学业是在2001年。

    The last time the United States Education Department asked young people how long they took to finish college was in two thousand one .

  21. 美国教育部已经通知所有学校播放美国总统奥巴马总统在2009年9月8日中午十二点给学生们的讲话。

    The United States Department of Education has notified all schools of PresidentBarack Obama 's message to students to be broadcasted at12 noon , September8th , 2009 .

  22. 王周淑涵称,美国教育部在2012年停止了对中文浸入式教育项目的资助,不过国防部依然在给予微量拨款。

    The United States Department of Education stopped funding Chinese immersion in 2012 , Dr. Wang said , though the Department of Defense still contributes a minimal amount .

  23. 美国教育部民权办公室并未讨论这桩待决案件的实质内容,因此这个印裔家庭支持歧视投诉的证据不得而知。

    The civil rights agency doesn 't discuss the substance of pending cases , so there 's no telling what evidence the Indian-American family might have to support a discrimination claim .

  24. 美国教育部开出了最高55000美元的罚单,指控弗吉尼亚理工大学未及时通知学生们枪手正在逃窜。

    The US Department of Education levied the maximum $ 55,000 fine , accusing the authorities at Virginia Tech of waiting too long to notify students that a gunman was on the loose .

  25. 美国教育部表示,今年全美各州产生了161位总统学者奖得主,其中包括30位华裔美国人,占获奖总人数的19%。

    There were 161 recipients from every state in the country this year , including 30 Chinese-Americans , accounting for 19 % of the total , according to the US Department of Education .

  26. 美国教育部不授权学校,但是法律规定,教育部部长公布一个公认的可靠的私人授权代理处。

    The United States Department of education dose not { accredited } schools , but the law requires the { sequester } education to publish a list of private accrediting agencies { recognize } as dependable .

  27. 有很多方法衡量这个数据,但美国教育部报告称,去年,原本定于2011年开始偿还学生贷款的美国人有13.7%违约。

    There are many ways to measure this figure but the Department of Education reports that Americans who were due to start repaying their student debts in 2011 had a 13.7 per cent default rate last year .

  28. 调查还发现:一个国家,男女越平等,男女间数学能力上的差距越小。而美国教育部却发现了一个不同的结果:那些对自己工科能力具有强烈认知的女性会在工科选修课上表现出色。

    Further research showed that , ... " countries with the poorest degrees of gender equality also have the widest gulfs between male and female mathematical performance . " Conversely , the US Department of Education found that girls ,

  29. 美国联邦教育部(departmentofeducation)也可以为制定共同评估体系和评分工作出资,这样就可以解放维持50个不同标准和考试制度所需的管理费用所占用的大笔资金。

    The Federal Department of education could also pay for the development and scoring of common assessments , thereby freeing the significant amount of money tied up in the overheads needed to maintain 50 different standards and testing regimes .

  30. 美国今年教育部投入了大约1000万美元,在中东设立语言研究中心,在美国本土设置语言发展中心并提供留学奖学金。

    The Department of education is spending about $ 10 million this year for language study centers based in the middle east , u.s.language development centers and scholarships for study abroad .