
  • 网络law and economics
  1. 论公司法学的分析方法&法学与经济学的交融

    The Argumentation on the Analytical Methods of the Company Law : & The Amalgamation of Law and Economics

  2. 而反垄断法就成为规制方法的首选,其既有法学与经济学的理论基础,又有现实依据。

    It is on the base of the juristical and economic theories .

  3. 交易概念的法学与经济学比较

    Comparison of the Conception of " Transaction " in Law with That in Economics

  4. 结合法学与经济学的基本理论,应把企业的财产权进一步细化为所有者终极所有权和法人财产权。

    There are owner 's final ownership and the legal person 's ownership in the state enterprises .

  5. 有限合伙与中国东部民营中小企业制度创新&基于法学与经济学的双重思考

    Limited Partnership and System Innovation of the Small Middle-sized Individual-owned Enterprises of East China On the Basis of Both Jurisprudence Economics

  6. 最关键的一点是效率或效益与正义价值的统一上,二者并不总是冲突的,在一定程度上成为行政诉讼法学与经济学共同追求的目标。

    The most key point is that the unification of the value of efficiency or effectiveness and justice , which are not always conflict .

  7. 由于银行业混业经营这一经营形态是从经济和法律实践中发展而来,对其监管立法就无法避免法学与经济学的思想兼容。

    As banking mixed operation is originated from practices of business and law , its statues must contain spirits of law science and economics and consider safety and efficiency as value targets .

  8. 法律经济学分析,是法学与经济学相互渗透和交融的一种有效的研究方法。

    Economic analysis of law is an approach combined with the law and economic . Also , being studied with the Economic Analysis of Law , floating charge is in high efficiency .

  9. 它将法学与经济学合理地结合在一起,以效益为其核心和原则,一切法律制度都可以理解为促进资源有效配置的努力。

    It reasonably combines jurisprudence with economics and regards benefit as its core and principle so that every legal system can be thought of as an effort to promote efficient allocation of resources .

  10. 而非主流学派试图突破法经济学研究中法律的经济分析这种狭窄的分析框架,发展出一种新的思考法学与经济学的方法。

    But the mainstream school is trying to break through the narrow analysis framework of " economic analysis of law " in the research of law and economics , and develop a new method to think about the relations between jurisprudence and economics .

  11. 本文运用了比较法学与法经济学分析方法来探讨排污权交易制度。

    This article utilizes the comparative law and the law economic analysis method to explore emission trading system .

  12. 笔者在文中尝试运用法经济学的研究工具来研究公司治理,将法学理论与经济学研究工具相结合,抛砖引玉,希望能为公司治理问题的解决尽到微薄之力。

    The author in this article will try to use the method of law and economics and put the law theory and economic research tool together to solve the problems of corporate governance .

  13. 本文从分析法学与哲学、经济学的学科间影响;法律制度中与时间相关的概念、规则和原则;

    Starting with an interdisciplinary analysis of law and philosophy , law and economics , this article further explores the concepts , rules and principles related to Time in the legal system , and the relationship between norms and objective laws .

  14. 作为新兴的方法之一,经济分析法学日益受到重视。经济分析法学是法学与经济学相互渗透的产物,吸收了两学科各自的优点。

    The method of economic analysis , as a new approach , receives more attention , for it is the infiltrated product of laws and economics , absorbing merits of the two disciplines .