
fǎ dìnɡ jiě shì
  • statutory interpretation
  1. WTO规则需要解释,WTO的部长级会议、总理事会以及争端解决机构中的专家组和上诉机构均是WTO规则的法定解释主体,享有法定解释权。

    The WTO rules need interpreting , and the Ministerial council , the general council , the experts for Dispute Settlement Organization and the appellate body are all legal subjects which have the authority to interpret relevant WTO regulations .

  2. 宪法解释是法定解释机关对宪法规范的内容进行的阐释和说明。作为一国宪法运行机制中的重要一环,宪法解释对宪法的实施和发展都具有深远的影响。

    As a professional constitutionalism action , constitutional interpretation has a great influence upon the practice of a country 's constitution .

  3. 罪刑法定与司法解释

    Crime - Penalty Stipulated by Law and Judicial Explanation

  4. 罪刑法定、法律解释与机械执法

    Executing the Law Mechanically , a Legally Prescribed Punishment for a Specified Crime and Legal Interpretation

  5. 罪刑法定原则下类推解释的适用

    The Application of Analogy Construction on the Principle of Legally Prescribing Penalty

  6. 总体来说,争议有三种:一种观点认为岳峰无罪,主要从罪刑法定的原则去解释。

    The disputes roughly have three kinds : One , thinks Yue Feng innocent , mainly from the principle of legal punishment to explain .

  7. 对法定知识通常的解释框架是阶级和意识形态,即课程所具备的阶级属性和内隐的意识形态特征,并以此来对应教育的不平等,以及知识和国家权力联姻后的控制特征。

    Usually the set pattern of explanation for " legitimate knowledge " focuses on " class " and " ideology ", which manifests the class nature hidden ideology of curriculum , the correspondent inequality in education and the control feature by the combination of knowledge state power .