
  • 网络pyretic seepage
  1. 爱丽丝越热越高,你得到更冷。

    The hotter Alice gets , the colder you get .

  2. 天气越热越闷气。

    The hotter it be , the more oppressive .

  3. 爆热越大,爆炸最大压力越大;

    The larger the explosion heat is , the higher the maximum explosion pressure is .

  4. 气候变化导致美国西部越来越热越干燥,危及到鲑鱼捕鱼业。

    Climate change is making the American West hotter and drier and endangering the salmon fishing industry .

  5. 计算结果表明,气云半径越大,爆炸最大压力和压力增加速率越大;气云爆热越大,爆炸最大压力和压力增加速率越大。

    The calculation results indicate that the explosion pressure and the rate of pressure-rise increase with the cloud radius and the explosion reaction heat .

  6. 热度应是中度和暖,并不是越热越有效,否则会有烫伤的危险。

    The level of heat applied should be moderate and comfortable , instead of the hotter the better as there is risk of burn injury .

  7. 爆热越大,气云区内部爆炸压力在能量释放过程中增加得越快,在能量释放完毕以后衰减得也越快。

    With the growing of explosion heat , the explosion pressure sharply increases during energy releasing period , and rapidly attenuates after the flame is distinguished within gas cloud .

  8. 转速越高,换热越强,低转速时,换热系数分布比较平缓,没有明显的峰值,但在高转速时,换热系数分布出现了明显的峰值和回落。

    The higher heat transfer coefficient the higher rotate speed , the distribution of heat transfer coefficient was comparatively flat at lower rotate speed , but there were distinct peak value and descend at higher rotate speed .

  9. 粉末X射线衍射结果表明随着x值的增大,固溶体AMT晶格常数线性增大、热稳定性越高。

    The results indicate that with the augment of the x values the crystal lattice constants and thermal stability increased .

  10. 研究表明,Al含量在46at%~48at%范围的二元TiAl合金的Al含量越高,γ偏析程度越严重,铸造片层组织的热稳定性越差。

    For the binary TiAl alloys with 46at % ~ 48at % Al , the higher the Al content is , the more serious the γ dendritic segregation is and the less stable of as-cast FL microstructure is .

  11. 他们的生意随着天气变热也越做越红火。

    Their businesses have heat up as quickly as the weather .

  12. 无论是单种煤还是配合煤,硼的负催化作用明显,焦炭热性质越差,硼对焦炭反应性的降低和反应后强度的增加作用越大;

    The lower coke thermal properties higher negative catalytic effect .

  13. 蒸发温度越高,换热系数越高。

    Heat transfer coefficient rise with evaporating temperature increasing .

  14. 轮轨的相对滑动速度越高,其热效应越明显。

    Higher sliding speed leads to stronger thermal effects .

  15. 相变热焓越小,孕育期越短,转变越容易进行。

    Less the transformation enthalpy , shorter the incubation time , and easier the transformation proceeding .

  16. 在鼓泡范围内,空塔速度越大,换热系数越大;

    In the range of bubbling , with the bare tower velocity increasing , the coefficient increases ;

  17. 分段阀或截止阀的切断供热量或热负荷越大则其提高热网可靠性的作用也就越大。

    Namely , the more heat load sectioning valve or cut-off valve control , the higher reliability is .

  18. 热反馈越大,多态范围越宽,提高了反应器的操作稳定性。

    The results indicate that axial thermal feedback can result in multiple steady state of reactor and can improve operational stability of the reactor .

  19. 正如我们在先前一个单元中所看到的,温差越大,热传输越快。

    As we have seen in an earlier unit , the greater this difference in temperature is , the faster the heat will flow .

  20. 在同样的大气条件下,传输距离一定,反射镜热畸变越大,光束的质量越差。

    In the same atmospheric conditions , a certain distance , the greater the mirror thermal distortion , the worse the beam quality characteristics .

  21. 除相变段外,压力越高,对流给热系数越大。

    Except for the region of phase transition , the higher the pressure is , the bigger the value of heat transfer coefficient was .

  22. 结果表明:活性稀释单体的耐热性能随着官能度的不同而不同,官能度越高则热稳定性越强;

    Product functionality It has shown that the thermal stability of reactive diluents varies with its functionality and higher functionality leads to better thermal stability ;

  23. 此外,释热速率越大,则楼梯井内温度越高,导致楼梯井内外最大压差增加,增强楼梯井的抽风拔为效应,加快了火灾烟气的蔓延。

    Predicted results show that the averaged temperature and the maximum pressure difference between the ambient air and inside of the stairwell would become larger when HRR increasing .

  24. 实验结果表明,抽运功率越高,热焦距越小,热效应对输出光束质量影响越严重。

    The experiment shows that the higher the pump power is , the smaller the thermal focal length is , and the worse the thermal effect influent the output beam quality .

  25. 热流密度从1kW/m~2到19kW/m~2之间变化。实验结果表明,在实验范围内,空塔速度越大,换热系数越大;

    The heat flux changes from 1kW / m2 to 19kW / m2.The results show that the heat transfer coefficient of the heating tube bundle surface increases when the superficial air velocity or the heat flux density increases .

  26. 板料温度越高,空气流动速度越大,换热系数越大。(2)间隙传导可视为多层材料传导和热辐射的综合作用。

    The higher the material temperature and the greater the flow rate of air , the greater the heat transfer coefficients . ( 2 ) Gap conduction can be regarded as the comprehensive effect of the multilayer material conduction and heat radiation .

  27. 分析结果表明:换热面积越大,冷热芯位差越大,有利于自然循环的建立,但同时二回路压力峰值也越大。

    It is found that the larger the RHE heat transfer area and the higher height difference , the easier the establishment of the natural circulation in the third loop , but at the same time the higher the peak value of the secondary loop pressure .

  28. 标准CMOS工艺中的多晶硅的热性能越来越稳定,因此多晶硅微热板受到一定的限制。

    The polysilicon micro-hotplate in the standard CMOS process is limited because the thermal property of the polysilicon is increasingly stable .

  29. 热处理时间越长,缓冲液pH越低,酶解体系中低分子量蛋白质及肽所占比例越高。

    Longer was the time of HTT and lower was the pH of buffer , the percent of low molecule weight protein and peptide in hydrolysis product was higher .

  30. 这结果意味着SPI的体外消化效果取决于其变性程度,热变性程度越高,其消化效果越好。

    This result suggested that the in vitro digestibility of SPI depended on its extent of denaturation .