
  • 网络heat balance;energy balance
  1. 通过对空气状态参数的选定及计算、干燥仓内物料衡算、热量衡算、干燥介质消耗计算,选定合适的配套风机(4-72№3.2A型离心风机)。

    According to choice and calculation of the atmosphere status parameter , calculation of the materiel balance , the quantity of heat balance and the consume of the medium in the dryness storehouse , the appropriate fan ( the model 4-72 № 3.2A ) was elected .

  2. 介绍了PVC生产装置精馏岗全凝器的工艺设计过程,其中主要包括物料衡算、热量衡算及设备的选型。

    An introduction is made of the total procedures in designing full condenser to the rectification device for producing PVC , which mainly involves material balance calculation , heat balance calculation and the equipment choice .

  3. 基于各子层内热量衡算方程,通过Matlab编程,模拟计算得到了乳化相温度、气泡相温度、表观床层温度随高度的变化曲线,表观床层温度与工业数据能够较好的吻合。

    Based on the heat balance equation of each layer , we obtained emulsion phase temperature , bubble phase temperature and superficial bed temperature varying with height through Matlab . The simulation results of superficial bed temperature matched the industrial data well .

  4. 主要阐述了5H-1小型玉米烘干机设计中干燥室的物质衡算,干燥过程热量衡算,气耗量、热耗量的计算,燃烧炉的结构及风机的选择。

    The paper study material balance calculation in drying room , heat balance calculation in drying procedure , combustion oven construction and fan selection of small size corn drying machinery .

  5. 具体内容如下:(一)基于热量衡算、物料衡算、真空计算,设计了一套采用一氧化碳低温精馏分离稳定同位素13C的工艺流程。

    The major works were summarized as followings : 1 . A process flow of stable isotopes 13C separation by CO cryogenic distillation was designed after heat calculation , material calculation , and vacuum computation .

  6. 介绍了年产500t生物柴油中试生产线进行设备设计时的物料衡算和热量衡算。

    This article introduces the material and heat balance calculations which can be used in equipment size and dimension design for a 500 t / a pilot plant .

  7. 论文对氧化反应器冷凝器系统、精制单元进料预热器进行了热量衡算,利用aspenplus化工过程模拟软件核算其热交换能力。提出了增容20%时主要换热器系统的改造方案。

    Paper to oxidation reactor system and the condensers fine glow of the unit to feed the heat , the number of republican aspen plus chemical process simulation software accounting of its heat exchange capacity , by 20 % of the main change expanding capacity heater system reform .

  8. 综述不锈钢AOD精炼过程热量衡算模型的发展,分析了这些模型的成功与不足,指出进一步深入研究该精炼过程的传热特性具有重要的理论和实践意义。

    Some available heat balance models for the argon oxygen decarburization ( AOD ) stainless steelmaking process were reviewed , and the advantages and shortcomings of these models were analyzed . Studying further in-depth the heat transfer characteristics of the refining process was of important theoretical and practical significance .

  9. 对300kt合成氨厂炭黑回收系统进行了过程分析,建立了单元设备物料和热量衡算的数学模型,提出了对石脑油气提塔进行逐板计算的简化模型。

    A process analysis has been made for soot recovery system of large scale ammonia plant . Mathematical models have been set up for calculating the material and heat balance of the system , and a model has been suggested for calculating the naphtha stripping tower plate by plate .

  10. 对主要工艺参数进行了物料衡算和热量衡算;

    Material & heat balance calculations were made for main process parameters ;

  11. 有固相析出的顺流多效蒸发过程热量衡算

    Heat balance calculation for multiple-effect evaporation process with solid separation

  12. 玉米秸秆直接液化产物分析与热量衡算

    Research on Direct Liquefaction Products of Corn Straw and Heat Balance Calculations

  13. 从热量衡算可以得到固体颗粒任何时候的温度。

    A heat balance gives the temperature of solids at any time .

  14. 500t/a生物柴油中试生产线的物料与热量衡算

    Material and Heat Balance Calculations of 500t / a Pilot Plant of Biodiesel

  15. 该文运用机理法开发了间歇反应动力学模型,并用欧拉法对全混釜反应器进行物料、热量衡算。

    The paper has developed reaction kinetics models for intermittent reaction with rigorous model .

  16. 化学反应过程中热量衡算&焓差计算技巧

    Calculation of Heat Balance in Chemical Reaction Course

  17. 煤气发生炉的热量衡算与工艺操作优化

    Heat Balance and Process Operation Optimization of Gasifier

  18. 洞道式水产品烘干房的热量衡算

    Heat balance in tunnel driers for fishery products

  19. 此外,以过热蒸汽干燥湿稻壳为例,分别对蒸汽压缩式和蒸喷式热泵进行了物料和热量衡算,并确定采用可靠性高的蒸喷式热泵干燥方式。

    In addition , mass and heat balances are calculated for wet rice husk superheated steam drying .

  20. 本文以物料衡算和热量衡算为基础,作适当的简化,导出了所需参数较少,但能准确地预测冷冻干燥全过程时间的数学模型。

    Based on the mass and heat balance , a simplified mathematical model was proposed to predict the freeze drying time .

  21. 本文通过物料平衡与热量衡算,定量地揭示了堆肥过程的热量需要量及其分配。

    This paper quantitatively shows the energy required and its distribution accompanying the compost process by balance calculation of material and energy .

  22. 针对此种情况,一些文献从热量衡算出发提出了一些计算煤直接液化反应热的方法。

    According to this condition , some literatures put forward a few of means of calculating DCL reaction heat through heat balance .

  23. 采用混合二甲苯二组分物系的固液相平衡方程及物料衡算和热量衡算方程对混合二甲苯连续悬浮结晶工艺进行模拟计算。

    The continuous suspension crystallization process for xylene separation was optimized by calculation of solid-liquid phase equilibrium , material balance and energy balance .

  24. 通过对工艺流程图和装置流程图的设计,得出了热量衡算和物料衡算的结果。

    According to the design of the process flow diagram and the device flow chart , got the results of energy balance and mass balance .

  25. 应用平衡常数法、物料衡算和热量衡算,建立了直流法克劳斯硫磺回收工艺的计算模型。

    Using the equilibrium constant method , the thermal and material balance calculation , and has set up the calculation model of straight Claus sulfur recovery process .

  26. 在对热泵热水器进行总体热量衡算的基础上设计了一种管翅式储能换热器,给出了储能换热器的具体结构参数。

    A fin-tube energy storage heat exchanger is designed based on the total heat balance of the heat pump water heater and its concrete structure parameters are determined .

  27. 其次,热量衡算时,将标准状态下单质的焓定义为所有组分的基准焓,不再需要反应热数据。

    Secondly , the enthalpy of elementary substance under standard state is defined as the criterion of component enthalpy , thus reaction heat is no longer needed in energy balance .

  28. 对其溶质进行质量衡算和热量衡算,为刮膜蒸发器机理分析提供理论基础。

    Carries on the quality graduated arm to its solute to calculate that calculated with the thermal graduated arm , to blow the membrane evaporator mechanism analysis to provide the rationale .

  29. 筛选出传热系数、烟气中的固体颗粒浓度、燃料的燃烧份额等需要凭经验取值的热力参数,推导了区段热量衡算的通用计算公式。

    It picked out heat transfer coefficient , ash concentration in smoke , fuel percentage and other parameters based on experience , summed up general formulas for heat balance in furnace section .

  30. 基于物料衡算方程、热量衡算方程、粒数衡算方程、溶解度方程和结晶动力学方程建立了多级连续闪蒸结晶器的数学模型。

    In this work a mathematical model of a continuous multistage evaporation crystallizer is established , involving equations of mass balance , heat balance , population balance , solubility and crystallization kinetics .