
  1. 该产品于2003年经国家级行业权威人士组织鉴定,符合医药行业“GMP”标准要求。

    This product is evaluated by National level Authoritative Person in2003 and conforms to " GMP " standard .

  2. 结果表明,焦化废水经二级生化处理和光降解、臭氧氧化深度处理可使其COD及其遗传毒性逐级降低。

    The result showed that after be treated by two-level of biochemistry processing , photodegradation and ozone oxidation treatment , the COD toxicity and genotoxicity of the coking wastewater reduced gradually .

  3. 其输出经两级注锁放大,发射机输出功率大于10W。

    Its output signal passes through two stages injection-locked amplification , and the output power of the transmitter is larger than 10W .

  4. 结果表明,在最佳操作条件下,经一级液膜分离,废水中锌离子浓度可降至5ppm以下。

    The experimental results indicate that under the optimal operation condition , the zinc concentration in wastewater can be reduced to less than 5 ppm by one stage of emulsion liquid membranes separation .

  5. 介绍了采用光纤作为位相共轭镜应用于MOPA(Master-Oscillator-Power-Amplifier)系统的初步实验,利用单向环形腔振荡器输出并经一级放大,将放大后输出激光耦合到光纤中获得了位相共轭激光输出。

    The experiment of MOPA ( Master Oscillator Power Amplifier ) laser system with an optical fiber as the phase conjugate mirror is reported . The laser beam from the unidirectional ring resonator was amplified and then coupled in a optical fiber to get the phase conjugate beam .

  6. 高斯光束经波长级圆孔衍射的轴上光强特性

    Axial Light Intensity Characteristics of Gaussian Beam Diffracted by a Wavelength-Order Circular Aperture

  7. 经二级处理后的出水,可养殖鱼类,或回用。

    The water from the outlet can be used for fish breeding or reused .

  8. 城市污水经一级或二级处理后,水中仍含有大量细菌。

    After wastewater was treated at wastewater treatment plant , it still contained lots of bacteria .

  9. 过滤后的水,一半回用于镀前处理,另一半经四级阶梯形曝气后排放。

    After filtration , half is reused in pretreatment , the rest discharged after four steps aeration .

  10. 质谱结果证实,进水中的酚类化合物经两级处理后,被有效去除。

    The results of mass chromatography showed that phenolic compounds of influents were completely removed after two-phase UASB treatment .

  11. 用多种造孔方法钻进不同地层是提高工效的有效手段,大口经8级以上基岩使用钢粒钻进经济易行;

    It is an effective way to drill holes in various strata with different methods for improving working efficiency .

  12. 城市生活污水经二级生物处理后回用,水质安全性稳定性及其生态效应值得研究。

    The stability and safety of the water should be studied when the water is the effluent from the secondary biological treatment .

  13. 批准对附件3所列多边贸易协定修正的决定,经部长级会议批准后,应对所有成员生效。

    Decisions to approve amendments to the Multilateral Trade Agreement in Annex 3 shall take effect for all Members upon approval by the Ministerial Conference .

  14. 开关磁阻伺服电机经一级减速皮带传动,电机轴不承受刚性冲击;

    The switch magnetic resistance servo motor is driven by the first level deceleration belt transmission and a motor shaft does not bear rigid shock ;

  15. 研究了石油化工污水经三级处理后回用于循环冷却水动态模拟试验中细菌数量的控制。

    Study at the bacteria number controlling in simulation experiment when the wastewater of refining-chemistry is reused in circulating cooling system after the third stage biology treatment .

  16. 该站平均含水率90%,经两级旋流器处理后,脱水率达到90%,污水除油率高达98%以上。

    Water cut at the station is over 90 % , after 2-stage dewater , dewater rate over 90 % and oil removal rate gains over 98 % .

  17. 青霉素酰化霉是由巨大芽孢杆菌经二级发酵,在生产过程中分泌到细胞体外的一种胞外酶。

    Penicillin-G amidase enzyme is one of the enzyme outside the cell , which is secreted by the cell and which is from Bacillus Megaterium through second fermentation .

  18. 结果:经三级止痛阶梯疗法治疗的患者癌痛理想控制率为90.6%,药物依赖性产生率为3.1%,患者满意度为94.8%;

    Results : Analgesic ladder after three patients with cancer pain therapy the ideal control rate was 90.6 % , drug dependence rate was 3.1 % , the patient satisfaction was 94.8 % .

  19. 对酚质量分数为006%的废水,经一级处理可净化到00005%以下,净化率达99%以上。

    The waste water with phemol content up to 0 06 % can be purified to less than 0 0005 % by primary treatment , and its purification rate is reached to more than 99 % .

  20. 基于横截面上精确表述的光强和精确的衍射场公式,对高斯光束经波长级圆孔衍射的轴上光强特性进行了研究。

    Based on the accurate expression of light intensity at the transverse plane and the rigorous diffraction formulae , the characteristics of axial light intensity of Gaussian beam diffracted by a wavelength order circular aperture are investigated .

  21. 为减轻企业负担,发挥规模效益,现各企业的工业废水降级处理,即经一级处理后排入城市污水管网,而在湿地系统前增设稳定塘预处理系统。

    As an overall strategy to decrease the charges of the enterprises and to exploit the wholesale advantages , a stabilizing pond was added before the wetland system and the in plant wastewater was degraded to primary treatment .

  22. 结果表明,冷冻浓缩能高效地去除尿液中各种杂质,仅经单级处理,即可去除原尿液97%以上的氨氮、有机物和91%以上的盐;

    Results show that freeze concentration was an effective method for removing all kinds of impurities in urine . By single freeze concentration , more than 97 percent of NH_3-N , COD sources and more than 91 percent of salts could be removed .

  23. 寿光市城市污水中约60%为工业废水,各企业以前将工业废水经二级处理后排入城市污水管网,城市污水处理厂使用芦苇湿地系统。

    About 60 % of the inflow of the urban sewer network in Shouguang City , Shandong Province was believed to be secondary effluent of the in plant industrial wastewater treatment units . There is an artificial wetland system with reed growth at the municipal wastewater system .

  24. 刑事审级制度是一个国家司法制度的重要组成部分。它涉及国家设置几级法院和一个刑事案件经几级法院审理即告终结两个方面的问题。

    As an important part of judicial system , the criminal trial grade system involves two aspects : the one is that how many grade courts the country should set up and the other is that after how many grade courts review a criminal case is terminated .

  25. 经国家一级标准物质分析验证,结果与标准值相符,20次测定的RSD均小于3%。

    As proved by first grade standard materials , the result can confirm with standard values , and the RSD value gained by 20 times determination is < 3 % .

  26. 先经强化一级处理工艺预处理,再经SBR工艺处理,出水的有关指标能达到设计的排放标准,工艺运行稳定。

    The wastewater is pretreated by strengthening primary treatment first and then treated by SBR . The related indexes of the effluent can meet the designed discharge standards , and the process operates steadily .

  27. 在特殊情况下,经上一级委员会批准,可以提前或延期举行。

    Under extraordinary circumstances , they may be held before or after their normally scheduled dates upon approval by the next higher Party committees .

  28. 案情复杂、期限届满不能终结的案件,可以经上一级人民检察院批准延长一个月。

    Details of a case at the expiration of one 's term of office of complex , deadline cannot terminative case , can extend a month via approval of Procuratorate of people of on one class .

  29. 经合适的三级时效处理(如120℃0.5h~24h+盐浴190℃10min,W.Q+120℃24h),7055合金获得的硬度和电导率比T6状态的更高。

    Hardness and electrical conductivity of 7055 alloy treated by appropriate third-step aging treatment ( e.g.120 ℃ 0.5 h-24 h + salt bath 190 ℃ 10 min , W.Q. + 120 ℃ 24 h ) are higher than that of T6 condition .

  30. 他们的守门员经评定达到郡级标准。

    Their goalkeeper was rated as being of county standard .