
  • 网络legal business
  1. 民国时期上海本土律师的法律业务

    Legal Business of the Shanghai Local Lawyers under the Nationalist Regime

  2. 民国时期的上海本土律师主要通过发布广告,开展交际活动,依靠掮客这三个途径来获得他们的法律业务。

    During the Nationalist regime , Shanghai local lawyers got their legal business mainly from three ways : advertisement , social activities and relying on brokers .

  3. 法律业务之间的关系构成这样一种结构&一种可以大致描述成U形的结构。

    Business relationship between the law constitute such a structure-can be broadly described as a U-shaped structure .

  4. 即便通常情况下你可能不会去,但由于你和他们在一起,所以你就去了。Withers专门从事奢侈品领域的相关法律业务。

    Even if you might not normally have gone in , you 're with them , so you do , says Hugh Devlin , partner in the law firm Withers , which specialises in the luxury goods sector .

  5. 《律师事务所从事证券法律业务管理办法》解读

    Interpretation of " Measures on Administration of Engagement in Securities Legal Services by Law Firms "

  6. 不过,清晰地战略计划有助于海外扩张成功:英国“魔圈”事务所之一的Allen&Overy,将广泛的法律业务范围作为其专长。

    Having a clear strategy helps : Allen & Overy , one of the British magic circle , claims big multinational deals as its speciality .

  7. 除了忙于法律业务外,他还是赫赫有名的排解公司纠纷高手,人称全能的“处理先生”,经常有危机缠身的公司请他帮助排忧解难。

    As well as running a busy legal practice , he also has a reputation as a corporate troubleshooter and all-round Mr Fix-It , and is often called upon to clean up organisations in crisis .

  8. 中国最大的律师事务所金杜律师事务所(King&Wood)将宣布一项合并交易,这是一家中国内地律所和一家外国律所之间的首次合并。此举突显出中国在法律业务上日益增长的国际野心。

    King & Wood , China 's largest law firm , is set to announce the first merger between a mainland Chinese and a foreign law firm , underlining the growing international ambitions of Chinese legal practices .

  9. 法律援助业务开展情况。

    Progress in Legal Aid Services .

  10. 答:这个项目有三个不同的部分,它们不但涉及技术方面,还涉及法律和业务方面,例如由于云是国际性实体而产生的法律和业务问题。

    A : The project has three different parts , and they cover not only the technical side , but also the legal side and the business side , where , for example , clouds are acting as international entities .

  11. 孙玮精通法律和证券业务,汉语和英语都很流利。

    Christianson understood both the law and the securities business , and was fluent in Mandarin and English .

  12. 互联网泡沫的破灭减缓了竞争的步伐,但和法律相关的业务仍大量存在,于是在2006年和2007年,律所新人的薪酬又经历了一次上涨。

    Com bubble burst slowed the competitive race , but legal work was still plentiful , giving firm beginners ' salaries another boost in 2006 and 2007 .

  13. 我明白原则中所述内容和重要条款,并将遵循此原则及政府的法律,开展业务运作。

    I understand the content and the important guideline to follow so that our partnership operate in proper business environment and also comply to the China government law .

  14. 在业务上,创造性地将物流企业的诚信指标分为:守法经营、社会评论、法律责任和业务受理。

    In business , the creative integrity of the logistics enterprises will be divided into two indicators : it is law , social comment , accepted liability and business .

  15. 企业会计信息的社会披露,由于企业规模、法律形式、业务复杂程度和社会影响等方面的不同,使其信息披露的成本亦不同。会计信息失真对策与审计风险防范

    The cost of enterprise accounting information disclosure depends on its scale , legal form , business complication and social influence . On Countermeasures against the False Accounting Information Disclosure and Audit-Risks Prevention

  16. 国有代建制企业相对于其他企业,在政策法律环境、业务范围、企业管理等方面都具有一定的特殊性。

    Compare with other kind of enterprises , in terms of environment of policy and law , the sphere of business , business management etc , construction consignment of state-owned enterprises all have a certain degree of particularity .

  17. 系统分析了邮政经营的商业性特征和非商业性特征,指出我国邮政采取商业性经营战略,必须结合邮政的法律地位和业务需求特点,转换经营机制。

    On the basis of analyzing the commercial and non commercial features of postal operation , this paper points out that in order to carry on commercial management strategy , we should transfer the management mechanism of China Post in accordance with the law status and service characteristics of post .

  18. 繁杂的法律问题需要大批业务娴熟的律师来搞定。

    Vast legal webs need armies of highly skilled lawyers to untangle .

  19. 林肯的法律文件证明他业务多多、利润丰厚。

    Lincoln 's legal papers testify to a diverse and profitable practice .

  20. 法务会计是会计学与法学相结合的新兴学科,实务中是会计事务与法律事务交汇的业务领域。

    Forensic Accounting is a new academic area which is a hybrid that accounting and law involved in process .

  21. 有符合本法和其他有关法律规定的拍卖业务规则;

    Having formulated rules on the auction business that comply with this Law and the stipulations of other relevant laws ;

  22. 编辑规范是人们在漫长的编辑实践活动中探索、总结所形成的被优化了的编辑行为模式或原则。编辑规范的内容起码应包括编辑道德规范、编辑法律规范和编辑业务技术规范三个方面。

    Editing standards are optimized editing activity norms or principles , and they should basically include 3 aspects , i.e. editing moral standards , editing legal standards and editing technological standards .

  23. 目前能够使用英语处理法律文书、进行业务磋商、谈判,为广大客户尤其是涉外客户提供了高质量的法律服务。

    At the moment I can draft and review legal documents , take part in the negotiation with my legal skills and fluent English communication skills and provide high quality legal service to my clients .

  24. 虽然,理论上可以界定不包括中国法律事务的国际业务,但是,在华经营的外国律所已经推进到执业限制的前沿。

    Though technically confined to practicing non-Chinese law in a cross-border setting , many foreign law firms , generally at the behest of foreign corporations operating in china , have pushed into the frontiers of the practice restrictions .

  25. 日本法律规定,对于业务范围属于受管制行业的公司,外国投资者如要购买其超过10%的股份,须首先获得许可。去年,日本扩大了该法律适用的行业范围。

    Japanese law requiring foreign investors to obtain approval before buying more than 10 per cent of the shares of a company with business in a regulated industry was extended last year to include a broader range of sectors .

  26. 本文第二部分针对实践中消费信贷领域比较典型的保证保险业务&汽车消费信贷保证保险业务进行了法律评析,从业务开展现状、法律关系分析等方面进行了比较详尽的论证。

    The second part of this paper analysis a kind of typical bond insurance & the automobile bond insurance of consumer credit business . It is from the angles of business develop current situation and analysis of legal relation .

  27. 因此,尽管信托公司被我国法律授权专营信托业务,但由于金融分业体制下信托公司不能开展银行业、证券业、保险业等金融业务,缺乏金融业资产的支持,其信托功能难以有用武之地。

    Therefore , the trust companies are authorized to specialize in the trust business by the law in China , but in the financial separated system , the trust companies cannot operate the financial business from banking , securities and insurance .

  28. 本文中作者在对比中外商业银行中间业务的基础上,从分析中间业务的风险入手,进一步探讨如何用法律手段对中间业务规制。

    In the essay , based on the contrasting of the development of intermediate business between Chinese and foreign commercial bank , beginning from the analysis of various risk , the author will try to discuss how to regulate intermediate business by law .

  29. 行为监管法律制度主要从业务行为监管与风险防范监管两方面入手,前者包含信息披露与告知制度、交易资金监管与佣金监管;后者包含营业保证金制度与职业责任保险制度。

    The behavior regulation legal system is about the conduct and risk regulation . The conduct regulation includes the disclosure and information system , the transaction fund and commission regulation . The risk regulation contains the deposit system and the professional liability insurance system .

  30. 我国应加紧构筑金融风险的防范体系,其中的防范法律体系分为主体金融法律、金融业务规章、执法机制等。

    China has to establish a preventive system of financial risks .