
  1. 部门法哲学作为法律哲学学科的下位研究领域,是法学不断创新的结果,也是法学研究前沿中最具有发展前景的交叉研究领域。

    Department of philosophy as legal philosophy research subject position , is law continuous innovation results , is also the most legal research front with development prospects crossover study fields .

  2. 我们作为边缘法学的倡导者和积极推动者,我们认为法律哲学是边缘法学具体学科,部门法哲学是法律哲学的一个研究领域。

    We as edge of jurisprudence of advocates , and actively facilitator , we think philosophy of law is law specific discipline , edge legal philosophy department philosophy is a research field .