
  1. 五是优化司法环境,加快立法步伐,加强对法律实施的监督,提高全社会特别是领导干部的法律意识,在全国树立起法律的权威和尊严。

    Fifth , optimize the judicial environment , accelerate legislative paces , strengthen the supervision implemented to the law , improve the legal consciousness of the whole society especially leading cadre , establish the authority and dignity of the law in the whole country .

  2. 特别要加强对有关社会主义市场经济方面法律实施情况的检查监督,保障和促进社会主义市场经济的发展。

    Special effort shall be made to inspect and supervise the enforcement of laws regarding the socialist market economy so as to safeguard and promote the development of the socialist market economy .

  3. 检察机关的法律监督是对法律实施情况进行的监督,是我国社会主义法制的重要内容,是实现依法治国的重要保障。

    Procuratorial organs are to supervise the law enforcement , are the important part of our national socialist legal system and important safeguard of ruling the country according to law .

  4. 自力救济方式的出现凸显了我国现有环境法律实施制度的缺陷,即现有法律实施的监督制度无法满足公民对环境执法监督的需求。制度创新势在必行。

    The emergence of self-help highlights the deficiencies of existing environmental laws implementation system , which is the existing supervision system could not meet the citizens ' requirements of environmental law enforcement supervision .