
  1. 前几天,我逛了一些上海的书店,最终找到了《屠场》一书。

    The other day I had a browse in some Shanghai bookshops and did manage to find the jungle .

  2. 再从写作时间、篇名和信的格式、上海长风书店等方面分析,也可证明此书为他人伪托。

    Besides , an analysis of the date of writing , titles of articles , style of the letters , and Shanghai Changfeng Bookstore also justifies that the b.

  3. 戈公振(1990a)。中国报学史。上海:上海书店。

    Ge Gongzheng ( 1990a ) . The History of China Newspapers .

  4. 我在上海的一家书店里碰到了他。

    I fell in with him at a bookstore in shanghai .

  5. 香蕉鱼书店是一家位于上海的线上独立书店。

    BANANAFISH BOOKS is an independent online bookstore based in Shanghai .

  6. 秋星阁这个名儿,我曾经用了在上海开过小书店,现在且不必去说它。

    I once operated a small bookshop in Shanghai under the name Qiu Xing ge , but that is not what I am going to talk about here .