
  1. 停机坪上停着两架美国飞机。

    Standing on the tarmac were two American planes .

  2. 车道上停着宝马(bmw),房顶上架着卫星天线,街道上跑着家具搬运货车。

    There are BMWs in the driveways , satellite dishes on the roofs and furniture delivery vans on the streets .

  3. 在离此地两英里的地方,另一拨抗议者在雅加达的地标连环道(BundaranH.I.)旁边的一条大路上停了数十辆出租车,堵塞了整个上午的南向交通。

    Two miles away , other protesters parked dozens of taxis on a thoroughfare off the city 's landmark roundabout , known as Bundaran H. I. , blocking south-moving traffic throughout the morning .

  4. 石原慎太郎(ShintaroIshihara)爬上停在横滨火车站前的一辆竞选车辆的车顶,以他标志性的直率向一群民众发表演说。横滨是位于东京南部的一座城市。

    Shintaro Ishihara climbs atop a campaign van parked in front of the train station in Yokohama , just south of Tokyo , and addresses the crowd with his trademark bluntness .

  5. Royce建议:'如果你看见你要买的那一款在他们的停车场上停着好几辆,那么你可以有道理地认为经销商需要尽快脱手。

    " If you see several vehicles of the same model you want to buy sitting there on their lot , then you can reasonably assume that the dealership needs to move them out ASAP ," advises Royce .

  6. 飞机墓地亚利桑那州,图森市外的戴维斯—蒙森空军基地,是旧飞机报废的地方,基地上停着从B-52s到隐形轰炸机等共超过4000架军用飞机。

    Airplane Graveyard The Davis-Monthan Air Force Base outside of Tuscon , Ariz. , is where old planes go to die . More than 4000 military aircraft are parked on the base , from B-52s to stealth bombers , where they are salvaged for parts and broken down for scrap .

  7. 一个外国人和他的中国朋友在自行车上停了下来。

    A foreigner and his Chinese friend stopped on their bicycles .

  8. 我在镇上停下来,只是想打听一下郝薇香小姐的情况。

    I stopped in town only to ask about Miss Havisham .

  9. 等等,车道上停的就是她的车。

    Wait . that 's her car in the driveway .

  10. 我们在一个广场上停下来休息。

    We stopped at a square to have a rest .

  11. 球在窟窿的边沿上停了下来。

    The ball came to rest at the edge of the hole .

  12. 在公路上停了下来,只好往回走。

    Stopped on the road and had to turn back .

  13. 汽车在火车站外的停车场上停了下来。

    The car pulled up on the parking lot outside the station .

  14. 舒马赫的赛车轮胎爆裂,他在赛道上停下来。

    Schumacher 's tyre blows and he pulls off track .

  15. 这四个人乘上停在银行门外的小轿车逃走了。

    The four made their getaway in a car parked outside the bank .

  16. 他把手放在门把上停下来一会儿。

    He paused with a hand on the doorknob .

  17. 他们看见了在那宽阔的停车场上停着的很少几辆车开始晃动起来。

    They saw the few cars in the wide lot being rolled over .

  18. 后来乘客看到跑道上停着救护车和救火车。

    That 's when passengers saw ambulances and fire trucks on the runway .

  19. 卡车突然转向撞上停着的车。

    A truck swerved and clipped a parked car .

  20. 她撞在一个大雪堆上停了下来。

    She landed in a big pile of snow .

  21. 他发觉前面街道上停满了警车。

    He saw that the street further on was blocked by police cars .

  22. 我们乘的火车在旁轨上停了好久,有些儿童进来窥探。

    We were sidetracked for a long time and children came and peeked in .

  23. 停停停,看在上帝的份上停下来。

    Stop stop stop , God damnit stop .

  24. 出租汽车跑了一半路在马路上停了下来。

    The taxi stopped midway down the street .

  25. 这只鸟儿在最高的权枝上停了下来。

    The bird settled on the topmost bough .

  26. 女人会在市场上停下来寒喧。

    The women would stop in the market to pass the time of day .

  27. 火车在车站上停了下来。

    The train stopped at the station .

  28. 停机坪上停着几架直升飞机。

    Several helicopters were on the airfield .

  29. 这辆车在行车道上停着。

    The car idled in the driveway .

  30. 她的目光在我留给侍者的三个法郎上停了一会儿。

    Her eyes rested for an instant on the three francs I left for the waiter .