
  • 网络Enactment;Legislation;enactment of law
  1. 对器官移植与人身权关系问题的探究,既可以解决器官移植带来的负面影响,也有利于充分尊重人格尊严,促进器官移植法的制定和完善,实现现代民法以人为本的核心精神。

    Studying the relationship between organ transplantation and personal right not only can solve the passive effects but also stand on human dignity . In addition , it can improve the enactment of law of organ transplantation and realize the spirit of humanism of modern civil law .

  2. 三是推进信息公开法的制定。

    Thirdly , we should promote the enactment of Government Information Publication Act .

  3. 浅谈WTO背景下中国行政程序法的制定

    The Establishment of Administrative Procedural Law in the Background of WTO

  4. 1.taxcoden.税制,税项税收刑事法的制定是为了实现两个目标。2.servev.任(职)

    The statutes in a criminal tax code are designed to accomplish two primary goals .

  5. 每一个部门法的制定及其实施,都有其特定或预期的价值目标。

    Each department law has its own specific objectives or expected values .

  6. 复方牛磺酸片含量测定法的制定

    A Method for Measuring the Content of ATC Tablet

  7. 这种从属性主要表现在:在法的制定方面,以儒家的某些道德诉求为法的价值追求;

    In legislation , some Confucian morals were the value pursuits of law .

  8. 物权法定主义价值演进与合理性分析&我国物权法的制定是否应当坚持物权法定原则

    The Reasonable Analysis and Value Gradual Progress of Principle of statutory real right

  9. 该法的制定是为了服务调查权力滥用的调查记者。

    It was meant to serve investigative journalists looking into abuses of power .

  10. 浅谈我国新婚姻法的制定

    Superficial View of China 's New Marriage Law

  11. 我国海岸带综合管理法的制定已经是必然的结果。

    So Chinese CZMA in inevitable result .

  12. 儿童急性阑尾炎诊断评分法的制定和初步应用

    Establishment and Preliminary Application of Scoring System to Aid in Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis in Children

  13. 祈愿本文能对我国投资基金法的制定有所启示。

    I hope this article will help to the law of investment fund that is being formulated .

  14. 配合人格权法的制定,还应制定配套的法律法规。

    Related rule of laws should also be matched with the establishment of law of personal rights .

  15. 以期能对未来我国精神卫生法的制定有所启发。

    So as to get inspiration from it for establishing " Mental health law " in the future .

  16. 票据法的制定是为了保护交易的安全和快捷、促进票据的流通。

    Laws of instruments are made for guaranteeing safe and fast transactions and promoting the circulation of instruments .

  17. 确定了我国反腐败法的制定是我国发展建设的必然趋势。

    Determine the anti-corruption laws in our country is the inevitable trend in the development and construction in our country .

  18. 中国近代商会法的制定和修改是国家和社会力量较量的结果,国家和社会之间强弱关系的不同,决定商会法的制定和实施;

    The enactment and amendment of the chamber of commerce law are the contestable results between the country and societal forces .

  19. 从现代经济与法制的关系考察,诚信与法的制定和运行是互动的。

    And utmost good faith and making and application of law are interaction viewed in the relationship of modern economy and legal institution .

  20. 法学理论中将法律的实际运行分为法的制定与法的实施两个部分。

    The legal theory will the actual operation of law is divided into law the formulation and implementation of law of two parts .

  21. 因此,旅游法的制定应坚持下列原则:(一)全方位立法原则;

    So the legislation of tourism law should abide by the principles as follows : ( 1 ) the principle of comprehensive legislation ;

  22. 因此,本文的研究出发点在于为我国农业保险法的制定提供理论基础和制度框架。

    The research purpose of the article is to provide theoretic basis and institutional frame for the legislation of our agricultural insurance law .

  23. 环境标准是环境科学中经常出现的一个概念,它对环境法的制定和实施都发挥着十分重要的作用。

    Environmental standard is a frequent concept in environmental science , and it is so important to the legislation and enforcement of environmental law .

  24. 经济法的制定与实施常常给他人带来非自愿的成本或收益,本文称之为经济法的外部性。

    Enacting and enforcing Economic Law often brings unexpected costs or benefits to the third , the author named it externalities of Economic Law .

  25. 从土地立法的进程可以看出,这一部门法的制定既“快”又“慢”,且颇具功利性。

    Judged from the process , this legislation has a great utility character which has influenced the speed of the figuration of the law .

  26. 不过,在完成新安全规范和原子能法的制定工作后,中国最早可能于明年恢复对核电项目的审批。

    Beijing could restart approvals as soon as next year however , after new safety codes and a new atomic energy law are completed .

  27. 法律同秩序和规则是密切联系的,乡村社会的规则与秩序对于国家法的制定与实施应该有积极意义。

    Law ties up with the order and rules , which has a positive significance to establish the national laws in the rural society .

  28. 我国反垄断法的制定,应科学借鉴反垄断普遍主义法理论、法原则,规范我国社会主义市场经济秩序、竞争关系。

    To constitute our anti-monopolism law , we should draw on its theory and principle and make the socialist economic order and competitive relation criterion .

  29. 在物权法的制定提上议事日程之际,更加需要对不动产物权登记制度进行深入的研究和探讨。

    When we are going to formulate real right law , it is more urgent for thorough study to the registration system of real property .

  30. 历经1933年训政时期国民参政会组织法的制定,1938年终于促成了抗战时期国民参政会的成立。

    Through the making of organizational law of National Political Counsel for Tutelage Period in 1933 , National Political Council established in 1938 at last .